You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
1.4 KiB

# Pirectus - a small Client for Directus 9
This Version is in a early Stage and only supports get, post, patch for Items. Authentification is only possible with token.
It uses []( and is inspired by the [](
Pirectus is used in [](, a small CMS.
## Installation
composer require tentakelfabrik/pirectus
## Quickstart
use Pirectus\Pirectus;
use Pirectus\Auth\TokenAuth;
$pirectus = new Pirectus('<directus-url>', [
'auth' => new TokenAuth('<directus-authtoken>')
$results = $pirectus
->fields(['id', 'title', 'content'])
'status' => ['_eq' => 'published']
## ItemsQueryBuilder
### fields(array $fields)
### addFields(array $fields)
### filter(array $filter)
### addFilter(array $filter)
### limit(int $value)
### offset(int $value)
### groupBy(array $groupBy)
### addGroupBy(string $field)
### aggregate(string $aggregate, string $field)
### sort(array $sort)
### addSort(array $sort)
### search(string $value)
### meta(string $value)
### aliases(string $field, string $alias)