Improved error reporting in Dispatcher

fadrian06 1 year ago
parent 631d4a26c2
commit 71a01c3711

@ -22,17 +22,13 @@ class Dispatcher
public const FILTER_BEFORE = 'before';
public const FILTER_AFTER = 'after';
* Mapped events.
* @var array<string, callable>
/** @var array<string, Closure(): (void|mixed)> Mapped events. */
protected array $events = [];
* Method filters.
* @var array<string, array<'before'|'after', array<int, callable>>>
* @var array<string, array<'before'|'after', array<int, Closure(array<int, mixed> &$params, mixed &$output): (void|false)>>>
protected array $filters = [];
@ -40,27 +36,35 @@ class Dispatcher
* Dispatches an event.
* @param string $name Event name
* @param array<int, mixed> $params Callback parameters
* @throws Exception
* @param array<int, mixed> $params Callback parameters.
* @return mixed Output of callback
* @throws Exception If event name isn't found or if event throws an `Exception`
public function run(string $name, array $params = [])
$output = '';
// Run pre-filters
if (!empty($this->filters[$name]['before'])) {
$thereAreBeforeFilters = !empty($this->filters[$name]['before']);
if ($thereAreBeforeFilters) {
$this->filter($this->filters[$name]['before'], $params, $output);
// Run requested method
$callback = $this->get($name);
if ($callback === null) {
throw new Exception("Event '$name' isn't found.");
$output = $callback(...$params);
// Run post-filters
if (!empty($this->filters[$name]['after'])) {
$thereAreAfterFilters = !empty($this->filters[$name]['after']);
if ($thereAreAfterFilters) {
$this->filter($this->filters[$name]['after'], $params, $output);
@ -77,6 +81,10 @@ class Dispatcher
public function set(string $name, callable $callback): self
if ($this->get($name) !== null) {
trigger_error("Event '$name' has been overriden!", E_USER_NOTICE);
$this->events[$name] = $callback;
return $this;
@ -87,7 +95,7 @@ class Dispatcher
* @param string $name Event name
* @return ?callable $callback Callback function
* @return null|(Closure(): (void|mixed)) $callback Callback function
public function get(string $name): ?callable
@ -141,18 +149,19 @@ class Dispatcher
* Executes a chain of method filters.
* @param array<int, callable> $filters Chain of filters
* @param array<int, Closure(array<int, mixed> &$params, mixed &$output): (void|false)> $filters
* Chain of filters-
* @param array<int, mixed> $params Method parameters
* @param mixed $output Method output
* @throws Exception
* @throws Exception If an event throws an `Exception`.
public function filter(array $filters, array &$params, &$output): void
$args = [&$params, &$output];
foreach ($filters as $callback) {
$continue = $callback(...$args);
if (false === $continue) {
$continue = $callback($params, $output);
if ($continue === false) {
@ -161,33 +170,33 @@ class Dispatcher
* Executes a callback function.
* @param callable|array<class-string|object, string> $callback Callback function
* @param callable-string|(Closure(): mixed)|array{class-string|object, string} $callback
* Callback function
* @param array<int, mixed> $params Function parameters
* @throws Exception
* @return mixed Function results
* @throws Exception
public static function execute($callback, array &$params = [])
if (\is_callable($callback)) {
return \is_array($callback) ?
self::invokeMethod($callback, $params) :
self::callFunction($callback, $params);
if (!\is_callable($callback)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid callback specified.');
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid callback specified.');
return \is_array($callback)
? self::invokeMethod($callback, $params)
: self::callFunction($callback, $params);
* Calls a function.
* @param callable|string $func Name of function to call
* @param array<int, mixed> $params Function parameters
* @param callable $func Name of function to call
* @param array<int, mixed> &$params Function parameters
* @return mixed Function results
public static function callFunction($func, array &$params = [])
public static function callFunction(callable $func, array &$params = [])
return call_user_func_array($func, $params);

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ namespace tests;
use Closure;
use Exception;
use flight\core\Dispatcher;
use PharIo\Manifest\InvalidEmailException;
use tests\classes\Hello;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
@ -117,41 +118,96 @@ class DispatcherTest extends TestCase
$this->assertSame('Hello, Fred! Have a nice day!', $result);
// Test an invalid callback
public function testInvalidCallback()
public function testInvalidCallback(): void
$this->dispatcher->execute(['NonExistentClass', 'nonExistentMethod']);
Dispatcher::execute(['NonExistentClass', 'nonExistentMethod']);
public function testCallFunction4Params()
public function testItThrowsAnExceptionWhenRunAnUnregistedEventName(): void
$closure = function ($param1, $params2, $params3, $param4) {
return 'hello' . $param1 . $params2 . $params3 . $param4;
public function testWhenAnEventThrowsAnExceptionItPersistUntilNextCatchBlock(): void
$this->dispatcher->set('myMethod', function (): void {
throw new Exception('myMethod Exception');
$this->expectExceptionMessage('myMethod Exception');
public function testWhenAnEventThrowsCustomExceptionItPersistUntilNextCatchBlock(): void
$this->dispatcher->set('checkEmail', function (string $email): void {
throw new InvalidEmailException("Invalid email $email");
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid email mail@mail,com');
$this->dispatcher->run('checkEmail', ['mail@mail,com']);
public function testItThrowsNoticeForOverrideRegisteredEvents(): void
set_error_handler(function (int $errno, string $errstr): void {
$this->assertSame(E_USER_NOTICE, $errno);
$this->assertSame("Event 'myMethod' has been overriden!", $errstr);
$this->dispatcher->set('myMethod', function (): string {
return 'Original';
$this->dispatcher->set('myMethod', function (): string {
return 'Overriden';
$this->assertSame('Overriden', $this->dispatcher->run('myMethod'));
public function testCallFunction4Params(): void
$myFunction = function ($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4) {
return "hello{$param1}{$param2}{$param3}{$param4}";
$params = ['param1', 'param2', 'param3', 'param4'];
$result = $this->dispatcher->callFunction($closure, $params);
$this->assertEquals('helloparam1param2param3param4', $result);
$result = Dispatcher::callFunction($myFunction, $params);
$this->assertSame('helloparam1param2param3param4', $result);
public function testCallFunction5Params()
public function testCallFunction5Params(): void
$closure = function ($param1, $params2, $params3, $param4, $param5) {
return 'hello' . $param1 . $params2 . $params3 . $param4 . $param5;
$myFunction = function ($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4, $param5) {
return "hello{$param1}{$param2}{$param3}{$param4}{$param5}";
$params = ['param1', 'param2', 'param3', 'param4', 'param5'];
$result = $this->dispatcher->callFunction($closure, $params);
$this->assertEquals('helloparam1param2param3param4param5', $result);
$result = Dispatcher::callFunction($myFunction, $params);
$this->assertSame('helloparam1param2param3param4param5', $result);
public function testCallFunction6Params()
public function testCallFunction6Params(): void
$closure = function ($param1, $params2, $params3, $param4, $param5, $param6) {
return 'hello' . $param1 . $params2 . $params3 . $param4 . $param5 . $param6;
$func = function ($param1, $param2, $param3, $param4, $param5, $param6) {
return "hello{$param1}{$param2}{$param3}{$param4}{$param5}{$param6}";
$params = ['param1', 'param2', 'param3', 'param4', 'param5', 'param6'];
$result = $this->dispatcher->callFunction($closure, $params);
$this->assertEquals('helloparam1param2param3param4param5param6', $result);
$result = Dispatcher::callFunction($func, $params);
$this->assertSame('helloparam1param2param3param4param5param6', $result);
