6.5 KiB
File Scraper Reference
This lists the docs that use FileScraper
and instructions for building some of them.
If you open a PR to update one of these docs, please add/fix the instructions.
Download the HTML book from https://en.cppreference.com/w/Cppreference:Archives
and copy reference/en/c
from the ZIP file into /path/to/devdocs/docs/c
Download the HTML book from https://en.cppreference.com/w/Cppreference:Archives
and copy reference/en/cpp
from the ZIP file into /path/to/devdocs/docs/cpp
Click the “API docs” link under the “Stable channel” header on
https://www.dartlang.org/tools/sdk/archive. Rename the expanded ZIP to dart~2
and put it in /path/to/devdocs/docs/
Or run the following commands in your terminal:
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-archive/channels/stable/release/$RELEASE/api-docs/dartdocs-gen-api-zip > dartApi.zip; \
unzip dartApi.zip; mv gen-dartdocs docs/dart~$VERSION
Go to https://docs.djangoproject.com/, select the version from the bubble in the bottom-right corner, then download the HTML version from the sidebar.
mkdir --parent docs/django\~$VERSION/; \
curl https://media.djangoproject.com/docs/django-docs-$VERSION-en.zip | \
bsdtar --extract --file - --directory=docs/django\~$VERSION/
Go to https://www.erlang.org/downloads and download the HTML documentation file.
Go to https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/ and download the HTML tarball of GCC Manual and GCC CPP manual or run the following commands to download the tarballs:
# GCC manual
mkdir docs/gcc~${VERSION}; \
curl https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-$RELEASE/gcc-html.tar.gz | \
tar --extract --gzip --strip-components=1 --directory=docs/gcc~${VERSION}
# GCC CPP manual
mkdir docs/gcc~${VERSION}_cpp; \
curl https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-$RELEASE/cpp-html.tar.gz | \
tar --extract --gzip --strip-components=1 --directory=docs/gcc~${VERSION}_cpp
GNU Fortran
Go to https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/ and download the HTML tarball of Fortran manual or run the following commands to download the tarball:
mkdir docs/gnu_fortran~$VERSION; \
curl https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-$RELEASE/gfortran-html.tar.gz | \
tar --extract --gzip --strip-components=1 --directory=docs/gnu_fortran~$VERSION
The most recent release can be found near the bottom of https://sourceforge.net/p/gnuplot/gnuplot-main/ref/master/tags/
mkdir gnuplot-src $DEVDOCS_ROOT/docs/gnuplot
git clone -b $RELEASE --depth 1 https://git.code.sf.net/p/gnuplot/gnuplot-main ./gnuplot-src
cd gnuplot-src/
cd docs/
make nofigures.tex
latex2html -html 5.0,math -split 4 -link 8 -long_titles 5 -dir $DEVDOCS_ROOT/docs/gnuplot -ascii_mode -no_auto_link nofigures.tex
To install latex2html
on macOS: brew install basictex latex2html
, then edit
to include the path to LaTeX:
On line 21 (approximately):
# Give the paths to latex and dvips on your system:
$LATEX = '/Library/TeX/texbin/latex'; # LaTeX
$PDFLATEX = '/Library/TeX/texbin/pdflatex'; # pdfLaTeX
$LUALATEX = '/Library/TeX/texbin/lualatex'; # LuaLaTeX
$DVILUALATEX = '/Library/TeX/texbin/dvilualatex'; # dviLuaLaTeX
$DVIPS = '/Library/TeX/texbin/dvips'; # dvips
$DVIPNG = ''; # dvipng
$PDFTOCAIRO = '/usr/local/bin/pdf2svg'; # pdf to svg converter
$PDFCROP = ''; # pdfcrop
$GS = '/usr/local/opt/ghostscript/bin/gs'; # GhostScript
mkdir --parent docs/numpy~$VERSION/; \
curl https://numpy.org/doc/$VERSION/numpy-html.zip | \
bsdtar --extract --file=- --directory=docs/numpy~$VERSION/
Download from https://www.ocaml.org/docs/ the HTML reference:
and extract it as /path/to/devdocs/docs/ocaml
cd /path/to/devdocs/docs
wget https://ocaml.org/releases/4.11/ocaml-4.11-refman-html.tar.gz
tar xf ocaml-4.10-refman-html.tar.gz --transform 's/htmlman/ocaml/'
Search 'Openjdk' in https://www.debian.org/distrib/packages, find the openjdk-$VERSION-doc
download it, extract it with dpkg -x $PACKAGE ./
and move ./usr/share/doc/openjdk-16-jre-headless/api/
to path/to/devdocs/docs/openjdk~$VERSION
If you use or have access to a Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution you can run the following command:
apt download openjdk-$VERSION-doc
dpkg -x $PACKAGE ./
# previous command makes a directory called 'usr' in the current directory
mv ./usr/share/doc/openjdk-16-jre-headless/api/ path/to/devdocs/docs/openjdk~$VERSION
Click the link under the "Many HTML files" column on https://www.php.net/download-docs.php, extract the tarball, change its name to php
and put it in /path/to/devdocs/docs/
Or run the following commands in your terminal:
curl https://www.php.net/distributions/manual/php_manual_en.tar.gz > php.tar; \
tar -xf php.tar; mv php-chunked-xhtml/ path/to/devdocs/docs/php/
Versions 3.6+
mkdir docs/python~$VERSION
cd docs/python~$VERSION
curl -L https://docs.python.org/$VERSION/archives/python-$RELEASE-docs-html.tar.bz2 | \
tar xj --strip-components=1
< 3.6
mkdir docs/python~$VERSION
cd docs/python~$VERSION
curl -L https://docs.python.org/ftp/python/doc/$RELEASE/python-$RELEASE-docs-html.tar.bz2 | \
tar xj --strip-components=1
Ruby / Minitest
Ruby on Rails
Download the tarball of Ruby from https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/, extract it, run
./configure && make html
in your terminal (while your are in the ruby directory) and move
to path/to/devdocs/docs/ruby~$VERSION/
Or run the following commands in your terminal:
curl https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/$VERSION/ruby-$RELEASE.tar.gz > ruby.tar; \
tar -xf ruby.tar; cd ruby-$RELEASE; ./configure && make html; mv .ext/html path/to/devdocs/docs/ruby~$VERSION
To generate the htmls file you have to run make
command but it does not install Ruby in your system, only generates html files so you have not
to worry about cleaning or removing a new Ruby installation.
Salt Stack
Replace 2019.2
with the correct tag.
git clone https://github.com/saltstack/salt.git --branch 2019.2 --depth 1
cd salt/doc
pip install sphinx
make html
The generated html is in salt/doc/_build/html
. Copy it to
See lib/docs/scrapers/scala.rb
Download the docs from https://sqlite.org/download.html, unzip it, and rename
it to /path/to/devdocs/docs/sqlite