@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ In order to deploy DevDocs, you must:
- be given access to DevDocs's [Sentry instance](https://sentry.io/devdocs/devdocs-js/) (for JS error tracking) and familiarize yourself with its UI.
- be given access to DevDocs's [Sentry instance](https://sentry.io/devdocs/devdocs-js/) (for JS error tracking) and familiarize yourself with its UI.
- be provided with DevDocs's S3 credentials, and install (`brew install awscli` on macOS) and [configure](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/configure/) the AWS CLI on your computer. The configuration must add a named profile called "devdocs":
- be provided with DevDocs's S3 credentials, and install (`brew install awscli` on macOS) and [configure](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/configure/) the AWS CLI on your computer. The configuration must add a named profile called "devdocs":