@ -29,14 +29,12 @@ module Docs
## We want to fix links like so − but only if the targets don’t exist,
## as these target packages or keywords that do not have their own file,
## but exist on another page, and we properly record it.
#options[:fix_urls] = ->(url) do
# url.sub!(%r'/library/([^/]+)/doc/index.html$') { |m| "/r-#{$1.parameterize.downcase}/" }
# url.sub!(%r'/library/([^/]+)/html/([^/]+).html$') { |m| "/library/#{$1.parameterize.downcase}/html/#{$2.parameterize.downcase}" }
options[:replace_paths] = {
## We want to fix links like so − but only if the targets don’t exist:
# 'library/MASS/html/cov.mve.html' => 'library/MASS/html/cov.rob.html'
## Paths for target packages or keywords that do not have their own file
## are generated in the entries filter from 00Index.html files
options[:skip] = %w(