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832 B


Super Hog is a kind of process runner. It can be Custimize and build a frame to runs Tasks with different Configurations. Tasks will be configured in a File by Yaml. Like this,

name: "Lorem Ipsum RSS"
url:  ""
cron: "0 1 * * *"
    - class: "RssExample"

All Yaml-Files that have to be run, have to put in "resources/config/enabled".


Action Classes are find in "resources/actions". Each Action runs one after another, and his result will be hand over to the next Action Class. For this you have access in each Object to a Docket Object. By Default all data will be set to this.result in a Action. If the class do nothing I/O will be the same.


The Docket-Object is holds all Data, States and Configurations. It run to all Actions.