/******/ ( ( ) => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ var _ _webpack _modules _ _ = ( {
/***/ "./src/fieldError.riot" :
/ * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * \
! * * * . / src / fieldError . riot * * * !
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
"use strict" ;
_ _webpack _require _ _ . r ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ ) ;
/* harmony export */ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ , {
/* harmony export */ "default" : ( ) => _ _WEBPACK _DEFAULT _EXPORT _ _
/* harmony export */ } ) ;
/* harmony default export */ const _ _WEBPACK _DEFAULT _EXPORT _ _ = ( {
css : null ,
exports : {
state : {
errors : [
] ,
// css class for
closest : '.field-group' ,
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { Object } props
* @ param { Object } state
* /
onBeforeMounted ( props , state )
if ( props . closest ) {
state . closest = props . closest
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { Object } props
* @ param { Object } state
* /
onMounted ( props , state )
// getting parent element for entire field
const parent = this . root . closest ( state . closest )
// getting current element by name
const element = parent . querySelector ( '[name="' + props . name + '"]' )
// getting form
const form = element . closest ( 'form' )
// element, form are exists and nofieldupdate is not set
// each change of the element dispatch a event to form validation
if ( element && form && ! props . nofieldupdate ) {
element . addEventListener ( 'input' , ( event ) => {
this . dispatchCustomEvent ( event , form , props . name )
} )
// add custom event to listen to form-validation
this . root . addEventListener ( 'form-validation' , ( event ) => {
this . onFormValidation ( event , parent )
} )
} ,
/ * *
* process form validation triggered by form
* @ param { Event } event
* @ param { Element } parent
* /
onFormValidation ( event , parent )
// if detail is a value, set to errors
if ( event . detail ) {
this . state . errors = event . detail
parent . classList . add ( 'field--error' )
parent . classList . remove ( 'field--valid' )
} else {
this . state . errors = [ ]
parent . classList . remove ( 'field--error' )
parent . classList . add ( 'field--valid' )
this . update ( )
} ,
/ * *
* create event to send to form validation
* @ param { Event } event
* @ param { Element } form
* @ param { string } name
* /
dispatchCustomEvent ( event , form , name )
const fieldUpdateEvent = new CustomEvent ( 'field-update' , {
'detail' : {
'name' : name ,
'value' : event . target . value
} )
form . dispatchEvent ( fieldUpdateEvent )
} ,
template : (
template ,
expressionTypes ,
bindingTypes ,
) => template (
'<div expr0="expr0" class="field-error"></div>' ,
type : bindingTypes . IF ,
evaluate : _scope => _scope . state . errors . length > 0 ,
redundantAttribute : 'expr0' ,
selector : '[expr0]' ,
template : template (
'<ul><li expr1="expr1"></li></ul>' ,
type : bindingTypes . EACH ,
getKey : null ,
condition : null ,
template : template (
' ' ,
expressions : [
type : expressionTypes . TEXT ,
childNodeIndex : 0 ,
evaluate : _scope => [
_scope . error
] . join (
) ,
redundantAttribute : 'expr1' ,
selector : '[expr1]' ,
itemName : 'error' ,
indexName : null ,
evaluate : _scope => _scope . state . errors
) ,
name : 'field-error'
} ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ "./src/formComponent.riot" :
/ * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * \
! * * * . / src / formComponent . riot * * * !
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
"use strict" ;
_ _webpack _require _ _ . r ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ ) ;
/* harmony export */ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ , {
/* harmony export */ "default" : ( ) => _ _WEBPACK _DEFAULT _EXPORT _ _
/* harmony export */ } ) ;
/* harmony import */ var _formValidator _js _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( /*! ./formValidator.js */ "./src/formValidator.js" ) ;
/* harmony default export */ const _ _WEBPACK _DEFAULT _EXPORT _ _ = ( {
css : null ,
exports : {
state :
result : undefined ,
validator : undefined ,
class : undefined
} ,
onMounted ( )
// creating formValidator
this . state . validator = new _formValidator _js _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . default ( this . $ ( '.form' ) , {
'email' : {
'presence' : true ,
'email' : true
} ,
'password' : {
'presence' : true
} )
// adding on success
this . state . validator . onSuccess ( ( event , data ) => {
this . handleSuccess ( event , data )
} )
// adding on error
this . state . validator . onError ( ( event , errors , data ) => {
this . handleError ( event , errors , data )
} )
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { object } event
* @ param { array } data
* /
handleSuccess ( event , data )
event . preventDefault ( )
this . state . class = 'background-color-success'
this . state . result = JSON . stringify ( data )
this . update ( )
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { object } event
* @ param { array } errors
* @ param { array } data
* /
handleError ( event , errors , data )
this . state . class = 'background-color-danger'
this . state . result = JSON . stringify ( errors )
this . update ( )
} ,
template : (
template ,
expressionTypes ,
bindingTypes ,
) => template (
'<div><form expr2="expr2" class="form" novalidate method="post"><div class="field-group"><label class="field-label">\n email\n <input type="email" class="field-text" name="email"/></label><field-error expr3="expr3" name="email"></field-error></div><div class="field-group"><label class="field-label">\n password\n <input type="password" class="field-text" name="password"/></label><field-error expr4="expr4" name="password"></field-error></div><button class="button" type="submit">\n Send\n </button></form><div expr5="expr5" class="loading"></div><div expr6="expr6"></div></div>' ,
redundantAttribute : 'expr2' ,
selector : '[expr2]' ,
expressions : [
type : expressionTypes . EVENT ,
name : 'onsubmit' ,
evaluate : _scope => ( event ) => ( _scope . state . validator . submit ( event ) )
} ,
type : bindingTypes . TAG ,
getComponent : getComponent ,
evaluate : _scope => 'field-error' ,
slots : [ ] ,
attributes : [ ] ,
redundantAttribute : 'expr3' ,
selector : '[expr3]'
} ,
type : bindingTypes . TAG ,
getComponent : getComponent ,
evaluate : _scope => 'field-error' ,
slots : [ ] ,
attributes : [ ] ,
redundantAttribute : 'expr4' ,
selector : '[expr4]'
} ,
type : bindingTypes . IF ,
evaluate : _scope => _scope . state . isLoading ,
redundantAttribute : 'expr5' ,
selector : '[expr5]' ,
template : template (
'<span></span><span></span><span></span>' ,
[ ]
} ,
type : bindingTypes . IF ,
evaluate : _scope => _scope . state . result ,
redundantAttribute : 'expr6' ,
selector : '[expr6]' ,
template : template (
'<div class="panel__body"><div expr7="expr7" class="content m-bottom-last-child-0"> </div></div>' ,
expressions : [
type : expressionTypes . ATTRIBUTE ,
name : 'class' ,
evaluate : _scope => [
'panel color-text-contrast ' ,
_scope . state . class
] . join (
} ,
redundantAttribute : 'expr7' ,
selector : '[expr7]' ,
expressions : [
type : expressionTypes . TEXT ,
childNodeIndex : 0 ,
evaluate : _scope => [
_scope . state . result
] . join (
) ,
name : 'form-component'
} ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ "./src/example.js" :
/ * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * \
! * * * . / src / example . js * * * !
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
"use strict" ;
_ _webpack _require _ _ . r ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ ) ;
/* harmony import */ var riot _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( /*! riot */ "./node_modules/riot/riot.esm.js" ) ;
/* harmony import */ var _formValidator _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( /*! ./formValidator */ "./src/formValidator.js" ) ;
/* harmony import */ var _fieldError _riot _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( /*! ./fieldError.riot */ "./src/fieldError.riot" ) ;
/* harmony import */ var _formComponent _riot _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _2 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( /*! ./formComponent.riot */ "./src/formComponent.riot" ) ;
// register & mount riot component
riot _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ . register ( 'field-error' , _fieldError _riot _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ . default ) ;
riot _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ . mount ( 'field-error' ) ; // creating formValidation
var formValidation = new _formValidator _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ . default ( document . querySelector ( '.form-html' ) , {
'email' : {
'presence' : true ,
'email' : true
} ,
'password' : {
'presence' : true
} , true ) ;
formValidation . onSuccess ( function ( event , data ) {
event . preventDefault ( ) ; // show message and content of data from form
document . querySelector ( '#result .content' ) . innerHTML = '<p>' + JSON . stringify ( data ) + '</p>' ;
document . querySelector ( '#result' ) . classList . remove ( 'hidden' ) ;
} ) ;
riot _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ . register ( 'form-component' , _formComponent _riot _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _2 _ _ . default ) ;
riot _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _3 _ _ . mount ( 'form-component' ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ "./src/formValidator.js" :
/ * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * \
! * * * . / src / formValidator . js * * * !
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
"use strict" ;
_ _webpack _require _ _ . r ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ ) ;
/* harmony export */ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ , {
/* harmony export */ "default" : ( ) => _ _WEBPACK _DEFAULT _EXPORT _ _
/* harmony export */ } ) ;
/* harmony import */ var validate _js _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( /*! validate.js */ "./node_modules/validate.js/validate.js" ) ;
/* harmony import */ var validate _js _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( validate _js _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ ) ;
/* harmony import */ var form _serialize _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( /*! form-serialize */ "./node_modules/form-serialize/index.js" ) ;
/* harmony import */ var form _serialize _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default = /*#__PURE__*/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n ( form _serialize _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ ) ;
function _classCallCheck ( instance , Constructor ) { if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) { throw new TypeError ( "Cannot call a class as a function" ) ; } }
function _defineProperties ( target , props ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < props . length ; i ++ ) { var descriptor = props [ i ] ; descriptor . enumerable = descriptor . enumerable || false ; descriptor . configurable = true ; if ( "value" in descriptor ) descriptor . writable = true ; Object . defineProperty ( target , descriptor . key , descriptor ) ; } }
function _createClass ( Constructor , protoProps , staticProps ) { if ( protoProps ) _defineProperties ( Constructor . prototype , protoProps ) ; if ( staticProps ) _defineProperties ( Constructor , staticProps ) ; return Constructor ; }
/ * *
* Form Validator with RiotJS Components
* @ author HerrHase
* /
var FormValidator = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
/ * *
* @ param { [ type ] } formSelector [ description ]
* @ param { [ type ] } constraits [ description ]
* /
function FormValidator ( formElement , constraits ) {
var _this = this ;
var addSubmitEvent = arguments . length > 2 && arguments [ 2 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 2 ] : false ;
_classCallCheck ( this , FormValidator ) ;
// constraits for validate.js
this . constraits = constraits ; // get form and elements
this . formElement = formElement ; // if form not found
if ( ! this . formElement ) {
console . error ( 'FormValidator: form not found!' ) ;
this . elements = this . formElement . querySelectorAll ( 'field-error' ) ; // adding event if a element is updated
this . formElement . addEventListener ( 'field-update' , function ( event ) {
_this . _onFieldUpdate ( event ) ;
} ) ; // adding submit event
if ( addSubmitEvent ) {
this . formElement . addEventListener ( 'submit' , function ( event ) {
_this . _onSubmit ( event ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* trigger submit
* @ param { object } event
* /
_createClass ( FormValidator , [ {
key : "submit" ,
value : function submit ( event ) {
this . _onSubmit ( event ) ;
/ * *
* @ param { function } onError
* /
} , {
key : "onError" ,
value : function onError ( _onError ) {
this . _onError = _onError ;
/ * *
* settin onSuccess callback and add submit - event on form
* @ param { function } onSuccess
* /
} , {
key : "onSuccess" ,
value : function onSuccess ( _onSuccess ) {
// adding onSuccess
this . _onSuccess = _onSuccess ;
/ * *
* @ param { function } onError
* /
} , {
key : "onBeforeSubmit" ,
value : function onBeforeSubmit ( _onBeforeSubmit ) {
this . _onBeforeSubmit = _onBeforeSubmit ;
/ * *
* handle submit
* @ param { Event } event
* /
} , {
key : "_onSubmit" ,
value : function _onSubmit ( event ) {
var _this2 = this ;
// getting data from target of submit event
var data = form _serialize _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _1 _ _ _default ( ) ( event . target , {
hash : true
} ) ; // options for validate.js
var options = {
fullMessages : false
} ;
if ( this . _onBeforeSubmit ) {
this . _onBeforeSubmit ( ) ;
} // check form and getting errors
validate _js _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ _default ( ) . async ( data , this . constraits , options ) . then ( function ( ) {
_this2 . _onSuccess ( event , data ) ;
} , function ( errors ) {
event . preventDefault ( ) ; // if onError is set, tha
if ( _this2 . _onError ) {
_this2 . _onError ( event , errors , data ) ;
} // send each element a event
_this2 . elements . forEach ( function ( element ) {
var elementErrors = false ; // check for errors by name
if ( errors [ element . attributes . name . nodeValue ] ) {
elementErrors = errors [ element . attributes . name . nodeValue ] ;
_this2 . _dispatchCustomEvent ( elementErrors , element ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* send update to fields
* @ param { Event } event
* /
} , {
key : "_onFieldUpdate" ,
value : function _onFieldUpdate ( event ) {
var _this3 = this ;
// workaround, make sure that value for single is undefined if it is empty
if ( event . detail . value == '' ) {
event . detail . value = undefined ;
var errors = validate _js _ _WEBPACK _IMPORTED _MODULE _0 _ _ _default ( ) . single ( event . detail . value , this . constraits [ event . detail . name ] ) ; // search for element by name and dispatch event
this . elements . forEach ( function ( element ) {
if ( element . attributes . name . nodeValue == event . detail . name ) {
_this3 . _dispatchCustomEvent ( errors , element ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* dispatch event to single element
* @ param { Array } errors
* @ param { Element } element
* /
} , {
key : "_dispatchCustomEvent" ,
value : function _dispatchCustomEvent ( errors , element ) {
var detail = false ;
if ( errors ) {
detail = errors ;
var formValidationEvent = new CustomEvent ( 'form-validation' , {
'detail' : detail
} ) ;
element . dispatchEvent ( formValidationEvent ) ;
} ] ) ;
return FormValidator ;
} ( ) ;
/* harmony default export */ const _ _WEBPACK _DEFAULT _EXPORT _ _ = ( FormValidator ) ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ "./node_modules/form-serialize/index.js" :
/ * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * \
! * * * . / node _modules / form - serialize / index . js * * * !
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/***/ ( ( module ) => {
// get successful control from form and assemble into object
// http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.2
// types which indicate a submit action and are not successful controls
// these will be ignored
var k _r _submitter = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i ;
// node names which could be successful controls
var k _r _success _contrls = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i ;
// Matches bracket notation.
var brackets = /(\[[^\[\]]*\])/g ;
// serializes form fields
// @param form MUST be an HTMLForm element
// @param options is an optional argument to configure the serialization. Default output
// with no options specified is a url encoded string
// - hash: [true | false] Configure the output type. If true, the output will
// be a js object.
// - serializer: [function] Optional serializer function to override the default one.
// The function takes 3 arguments (result, key, value) and should return new result
// hash and url encoded str serializers are provided with this module
// - disabled: [true | false]. If true serialize disabled fields.
// - empty: [true | false]. If true serialize empty fields
function serialize ( form , options ) {
if ( typeof options != 'object' ) {
options = { hash : ! ! options } ;
else if ( options . hash === undefined ) {
options . hash = true ;
var result = ( options . hash ) ? { } : '' ;
var serializer = options . serializer || ( ( options . hash ) ? hash _serializer : str _serialize ) ;
var elements = form && form . elements ? form . elements : [ ] ;
//Object store each radio and set if it's empty or not
var radio _store = Object . create ( null ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elements . length ; ++ i ) {
var element = elements [ i ] ;
// ingore disabled fields
if ( ( ! options . disabled && element . disabled ) || ! element . name ) {
continue ;
// ignore anyhting that is not considered a success field
if ( ! k _r _success _contrls . test ( element . nodeName ) ||
k _r _submitter . test ( element . type ) ) {
continue ;
var key = element . name ;
var val = element . value ;
// we can't just use element.value for checkboxes cause some browsers lie to us
// they say "on" for value when the box isn't checked
if ( ( element . type === 'checkbox' || element . type === 'radio' ) && ! element . checked ) {
val = undefined ;
// If we want empty elements
if ( options . empty ) {
// for checkbox
if ( element . type === 'checkbox' && ! element . checked ) {
val = '' ;
// for radio
if ( element . type === 'radio' ) {
if ( ! radio _store [ element . name ] && ! element . checked ) {
radio _store [ element . name ] = false ;
else if ( element . checked ) {
radio _store [ element . name ] = true ;
// if options empty is true, continue only if its radio
if ( val == undefined && element . type == 'radio' ) {
continue ;
else {
// value-less fields are ignored unless options.empty is true
if ( ! val ) {
continue ;
// multi select boxes
if ( element . type === 'select-multiple' ) {
val = [ ] ;
var selectOptions = element . options ;
var isSelectedOptions = false ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < selectOptions . length ; ++ j ) {
var option = selectOptions [ j ] ;
var allowedEmpty = options . empty && ! option . value ;
var hasValue = ( option . value || allowedEmpty ) ;
if ( option . selected && hasValue ) {
isSelectedOptions = true ;
// If using a hash serializer be sure to add the
// correct notation for an array in the multi-select
// context. Here the name attribute on the select element
// might be missing the trailing bracket pair. Both names
// "foo" and "foo[]" should be arrays.
if ( options . hash && key . slice ( key . length - 2 ) !== '[]' ) {
result = serializer ( result , key + '[]' , option . value ) ;
else {
result = serializer ( result , key , option . value ) ;
// Serialize if no selected options and options.empty is true
if ( ! isSelectedOptions && options . empty ) {
result = serializer ( result , key , '' ) ;
continue ;
result = serializer ( result , key , val ) ;
// Check for all empty radio buttons and serialize them with key=""
if ( options . empty ) {
for ( var key in radio _store ) {
if ( ! radio _store [ key ] ) {
result = serializer ( result , key , '' ) ;
return result ;
function parse _keys ( string ) {
var keys = [ ] ;
var prefix = /^([^\[\]]*)/ ;
var children = new RegExp ( brackets ) ;
var match = prefix . exec ( string ) ;
if ( match [ 1 ] ) {
keys . push ( match [ 1 ] ) ;
while ( ( match = children . exec ( string ) ) !== null ) {
keys . push ( match [ 1 ] ) ;
return keys ;
function hash _assign ( result , keys , value ) {
if ( keys . length === 0 ) {
result = value ;
return result ;
var key = keys . shift ( ) ;
var between = key . match ( /^\[(.+?)\]$/ ) ;
if ( key === '[]' ) {
result = result || [ ] ;
if ( Array . isArray ( result ) ) {
result . push ( hash _assign ( null , keys , value ) ) ;
else {
// This might be the result of bad name attributes like "[][foo]",
// in this case the original `result` object will already be
// assigned to an object literal. Rather than coerce the object to
// an array, or cause an exception the attribute "_values" is
// assigned as an array.
result . _values = result . _values || [ ] ;
result . _values . push ( hash _assign ( null , keys , value ) ) ;
return result ;
// Key is an attribute name and can be assigned directly.
if ( ! between ) {
result [ key ] = hash _assign ( result [ key ] , keys , value ) ;
else {
var string = between [ 1 ] ;
// +var converts the variable into a number
// better than parseInt because it doesn't truncate away trailing
// letters and actually fails if whole thing is not a number
var index = + string ;
// If the characters between the brackets is not a number it is an
// attribute name and can be assigned directly.
if ( isNaN ( index ) ) {
result = result || { } ;
result [ string ] = hash _assign ( result [ string ] , keys , value ) ;
else {
result = result || [ ] ;
result [ index ] = hash _assign ( result [ index ] , keys , value ) ;
return result ;
// Object/hash encoding serializer.
function hash _serializer ( result , key , value ) {
var matches = key . match ( brackets ) ;
// Has brackets? Use the recursive assignment function to walk the keys,
// construct any missing objects in the result tree and make the assignment
// at the end of the chain.
if ( matches ) {
var keys = parse _keys ( key ) ;
hash _assign ( result , keys , value ) ;
else {
// Non bracket notation can make assignments directly.
var existing = result [ key ] ;
// If the value has been assigned already (for instance when a radio and
// a checkbox have the same name attribute) convert the previous value
// into an array before pushing into it.
// NOTE: If this requirement were removed all hash creation and
// assignment could go through `hash_assign`.
if ( existing ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( existing ) ) {
result [ key ] = [ existing ] ;
result [ key ] . push ( value ) ;
else {
result [ key ] = value ;
return result ;
// urlform encoding serializer
function str _serialize ( result , key , value ) {
// encode newlines as \r\n cause the html spec says so
value = value . replace ( /(\r)?\n/g , '\r\n' ) ;
value = encodeURIComponent ( value ) ;
// spaces should be '+' rather than '%20'.
value = value . replace ( /%20/g , '+' ) ;
return result + ( result ? '&' : '' ) + encodeURIComponent ( key ) + '=' + value ;
module . exports = serialize ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ "./src/example.scss" :
/ * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * \
! * * * . / src / example . scss * * * !
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
"use strict" ;
_ _webpack _require _ _ . r ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ ) ;
// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ "./node_modules/riot/riot.esm.js" :
/ * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * \
! * * * . / node _modules / riot / riot . esm . js * * * !
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/***/ ( ( _ _unused _webpack _module , _ _webpack _exports _ _ , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) => {
"use strict" ;
_ _webpack _require _ _ . r ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ ) ;
/* harmony export */ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( _ _webpack _exports _ _ , {
/* harmony export */ "__" : ( ) => /* binding */ _ _ ,
/* harmony export */ "component" : ( ) => /* binding */ component ,
/* harmony export */ "install" : ( ) => /* binding */ install ,
/* harmony export */ "mount" : ( ) => /* binding */ mount ,
/* harmony export */ "pure" : ( ) => /* binding */ pure ,
/* harmony export */ "register" : ( ) => /* binding */ register ,
/* harmony export */ "uninstall" : ( ) => /* binding */ uninstall ,
/* harmony export */ "unmount" : ( ) => /* binding */ unmount ,
/* harmony export */ "unregister" : ( ) => /* binding */ unregister ,
/* harmony export */ "version" : ( ) => /* binding */ version ,
/* harmony export */ "withTypes" : ( ) => /* binding */ withTypes
/* harmony export */ } ) ;
/* Riot v6.1.2, @license MIT */
/ * *
* Convert a string from camel case to dash - case
* @ param { string } string - probably a component tag name
* @ returns { string } component name normalized
* /
function camelToDashCase ( string ) {
return string . replace ( /([a-z])([A-Z])/g , '$1-$2' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
/ * *
* Convert a string containing dashes to camel case
* @ param { string } string - input string
* @ returns { string } my - string - > myString
* /
function dashToCamelCase ( string ) {
return string . replace ( /-(\w)/g , ( _ , c ) => c . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* Get all the element attributes as object
* @ param { HTMLElement } element - DOM node we want to parse
* @ returns { Object } all the attributes found as a key value pairs
* /
function DOMattributesToObject ( element ) {
return Array . from ( element . attributes ) . reduce ( ( acc , attribute ) => {
acc [ dashToCamelCase ( attribute . name ) ] = attribute . value ;
return acc ;
} , { } ) ;
/ * *
* Move all the child nodes from a source tag to another
* @ param { HTMLElement } source - source node
* @ param { HTMLElement } target - target node
* @ returns { undefined } it ' s a void method ¯ \ _ ( ツ ) _ / ¯
* /
// Ignore this helper because it's needed only for svg tags
function moveChildren ( source , target ) {
if ( source . firstChild ) {
target . appendChild ( source . firstChild ) ;
moveChildren ( source , target ) ;
/ * *
* Remove the child nodes from any DOM node
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - target node
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
function cleanNode ( node ) {
clearChildren ( node . childNodes ) ;
/ * *
* Clear multiple children in a node
* @ param { HTMLElement [ ] } children - direct children nodes
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
function clearChildren ( children ) {
Array . from ( children ) . forEach ( removeChild ) ;
/ * *
* Remove a node
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - node to remove
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
const removeChild = node => node && node . parentNode && node . parentNode . removeChild ( node ) ;
/ * *
* Insert before a node
* @ param { HTMLElement } newNode - node to insert
* @ param { HTMLElement } refNode - ref child
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
const insertBefore = ( newNode , refNode ) => refNode && refNode . parentNode && refNode . parentNode . insertBefore ( newNode , refNode ) ;
/ * *
* Replace a node
* @ param { HTMLElement } newNode - new node to add to the DOM
* @ param { HTMLElement } replaced - node to replace
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
const replaceChild = ( newNode , replaced ) => replaced && replaced . parentNode && replaced . parentNode . replaceChild ( newNode , replaced ) ;
// Riot.js constants that can be used accross more modules
DOM _COMPONENT _INSTANCE _PROPERTY$1 = Symbol ( 'riot-component' ) ,
PLUGINS _SET$1 = new Set ( ) ,
IS _DIRECTIVE = 'is' ,
VALUE _ATTRIBUTE = 'value' ,
MOUNT _METHOD _KEY = 'mount' ,
UPDATE _METHOD _KEY = 'update' ,
UNMOUNT _METHOD _KEY = 'unmount' ,
SHOULD _UPDATE _KEY = 'shouldUpdate' ,
ON _BEFORE _MOUNT _KEY = 'onBeforeMount' ,
ON _MOUNTED _KEY = 'onMounted' ,
ON _BEFORE _UPDATE _KEY = 'onBeforeUpdate' ,
ON _UPDATED _KEY = 'onUpdated' ,
ON _BEFORE _UNMOUNT _KEY = 'onBeforeUnmount' ,
ON _UNMOUNTED _KEY = 'onUnmounted' ,
PROPS _KEY = 'props' ,
STATE _KEY = 'state' ,
SLOTS _KEY = 'slots' ,
ROOT _KEY = 'root' ,
IS _PURE _SYMBOL = Symbol ( 'pure' ) ,
IS _COMPONENT _UPDATING = Symbol ( 'is_updating' ) ,
PARENT _KEY _SYMBOL = Symbol ( 'parent' ) ,
ATTRIBUTES _KEY _SYMBOL = Symbol ( 'attributes' ) ,
TEMPLATE _KEY _SYMBOL = Symbol ( 'template' ) ;
var globals = /*#__PURE__*/ Object . freeze ( {
_ _proto _ _ : null ,
} ) ;
const EACH = 0 ;
const IF = 1 ;
const SIMPLE = 2 ;
const TAG = 3 ;
const SLOT = 4 ;
var bindingTypes = {
IF ,
} ;
const ATTRIBUTE = 0 ;
const EVENT = 1 ;
const TEXT = 2 ;
const VALUE = 3 ;
var expressionTypes = {
} ;
const HEAD _SYMBOL = Symbol ( 'head' ) ;
const TAIL _SYMBOL = Symbol ( 'tail' ) ;
/ * *
* Create the < template > fragments text nodes
* @ return { Object } { { head : Text , tail : Text } }
* /
function createHeadTailPlaceholders ( ) {
const head = document . createTextNode ( '' ) ;
const tail = document . createTextNode ( '' ) ;
head [ HEAD _SYMBOL ] = true ;
tail [ TAIL _SYMBOL ] = true ;
return {
head ,
} ;
/ * *
* Create the template meta object in case of < template > fragments
* @ param { TemplateChunk } componentTemplate - template chunk object
* @ returns { Object } the meta property that will be passed to the mount function of the TemplateChunk
* /
function createTemplateMeta ( componentTemplate ) {
const fragment = componentTemplate . dom . cloneNode ( true ) ;
const {
head ,
} = createHeadTailPlaceholders ( ) ;
return {
avoidDOMInjection : true ,
fragment ,
head ,
tail ,
children : [ head , ... Array . from ( fragment . childNodes ) , tail ]
} ;
/ * *
* Helper function to set an immutable property
* @ param { Object } source - object where the new property will be set
* @ param { string } key - object key where the new property will be stored
* @ param { * } value - value of the new property
* @ param { Object } options - set the propery overriding the default options
* @ returns { Object } - the original object modified
* /
function defineProperty ( source , key , value , options ) {
if ( options === void 0 ) {
options = { } ;
/* eslint-disable fp/no-mutating-methods */
Object . defineProperty ( source , key , Object . assign ( {
value ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : false ,
configurable : true
} , options ) ) ;
/* eslint-enable fp/no-mutating-methods */
return source ;
/ * *
* Define multiple properties on a target object
* @ param { Object } source - object where the new properties will be set
* @ param { Object } properties - object containing as key pair the key + value properties
* @ param { Object } options - set the propery overriding the default options
* @ returns { Object } the original object modified
* /
function defineProperties ( source , properties , options ) {
Object . entries ( properties ) . forEach ( _ref => {
let [ key , value ] = _ref ;
defineProperty ( source , key , value , options ) ;
} ) ;
return source ;
/ * *
* Define default properties if they don ' t exist on the source object
* @ param { Object } source - object that will receive the default properties
* @ param { Object } defaults - object containing additional optional keys
* @ returns { Object } the original object received enhanced
* /
function defineDefaults ( source , defaults ) {
Object . entries ( defaults ) . forEach ( _ref2 => {
let [ key , value ] = _ref2 ;
if ( ! source [ key ] ) source [ key ] = value ;
} ) ;
return source ;
/ * *
* Quick type checking
* @ param { * } element - anything
* @ param { string } type - type definition
* @ returns { boolean } true if the type corresponds
* /
function checkType ( element , type ) {
return typeof element === type ;
/ * *
* Check if an element is part of an svg
* @ param { HTMLElement } el - element to check
* @ returns { boolean } true if we are in an svg context
* /
function isSvg ( el ) {
const owner = el . ownerSVGElement ;
return ! ! owner || owner === null ;
/ * *
* Check if an element is a template tag
* @ param { HTMLElement } el - element to check
* @ returns { boolean } true if it ' s a < template >
* /
function isTemplate ( el ) {
return el . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) === 'template' ;
/ * *
* Check that will be passed if its argument is a function
* @ param { * } value - value to check
* @ returns { boolean } - true if the value is a function
* /
function isFunction ( value ) {
return checkType ( value , 'function' ) ;
/ * *
* Check if a value is a Boolean
* @ param { * } value - anything
* @ returns { boolean } true only for the value is a boolean
* /
function isBoolean ( value ) {
return checkType ( value , 'boolean' ) ;
/ * *
* Check if a value is an Object
* @ param { * } value - anything
* @ returns { boolean } true only for the value is an object
* /
function isObject ( value ) {
return ! isNil ( value ) && value . constructor === Object ;
/ * *
* Check if a value is null or undefined
* @ param { * } value - anything
* @ returns { boolean } true only for the 'undefined' and 'null' types
* /
function isNil ( value ) {
return value === null || value === undefined ;
/ * *
* ISC License
* Copyright ( c ) 2020 , Andrea Giammarchi , @ WebReflection
* Permission to use , copy , modify , and / or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies .
* /
// fork of https://github.com/WebReflection/udomdiff version 1.1.0
// due to https://github.com/WebReflection/udomdiff/pull/2
/* eslint-disable */
/ * *
* @ param { Node [ ] } a The list of current / live children
* @ param { Node [ ] } b The list of future children
* @ param { ( entry : Node , action : number ) => Node } get
* The callback invoked per each entry related DOM operation .
* @ param { Node } [ before ] The optional node used as anchor to insert before .
* @ returns { Node [ ] } The same list of future children .
* /
var udomdiff = ( ( a , b , get , before ) => {
const bLength = b . length ;
let aEnd = a . length ;
let bEnd = bLength ;
let aStart = 0 ;
let bStart = 0 ;
let map = null ;
while ( aStart < aEnd || bStart < bEnd ) {
// append head, tail, or nodes in between: fast path
if ( aEnd === aStart ) {
// we could be in a situation where the rest of nodes that
// need to be added are not at the end, and in such case
// the node to `insertBefore`, if the index is more than 0
// must be retrieved, otherwise it's gonna be the first item.
const node = bEnd < bLength ? bStart ? get ( b [ bStart - 1 ] , - 0 ) . nextSibling : get ( b [ bEnd - bStart ] , 0 ) : before ;
while ( bStart < bEnd ) insertBefore ( get ( b [ bStart ++ ] , 1 ) , node ) ;
} // remove head or tail: fast path
else if ( bEnd === bStart ) {
while ( aStart < aEnd ) {
// remove the node only if it's unknown or not live
if ( ! map || ! map . has ( a [ aStart ] ) ) removeChild ( get ( a [ aStart ] , - 1 ) ) ;
aStart ++ ;
} // same node: fast path
else if ( a [ aStart ] === b [ bStart ] ) {
aStart ++ ;
bStart ++ ;
} // same tail: fast path
else if ( a [ aEnd - 1 ] === b [ bEnd - 1 ] ) {
aEnd -- ;
bEnd -- ;
} // The once here single last swap "fast path" has been removed in v1.1.0
// https://github.com/WebReflection/udomdiff/blob/single-final-swap/esm/index.js#L69-L85
// reverse swap: also fast path
else if ( a [ aStart ] === b [ bEnd - 1 ] && b [ bStart ] === a [ aEnd - 1 ] ) {
// this is a "shrink" operation that could happen in these cases:
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// [1, 4, 3, 2, 5]
// or asymmetric too
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4]
const node = get ( a [ -- aEnd ] , - 1 ) . nextSibling ;
insertBefore ( get ( b [ bStart ++ ] , 1 ) , get ( a [ aStart ++ ] , - 1 ) . nextSibling ) ;
insertBefore ( get ( b [ -- bEnd ] , 1 ) , node ) ; // mark the future index as identical (yeah, it's dirty, but cheap 👍)
// The main reason to do this, is that when a[aEnd] will be reached,
// the loop will likely be on the fast path, as identical to b[bEnd].
// In the best case scenario, the next loop will skip the tail,
// but in the worst one, this node will be considered as already
// processed, bailing out pretty quickly from the map index check
a [ aEnd ] = b [ bEnd ] ;
} // map based fallback, "slow" path
else {
// the map requires an O(bEnd - bStart) operation once
// to store all future nodes indexes for later purposes.
// In the worst case scenario, this is a full O(N) cost,
// and such scenario happens at least when all nodes are different,
// but also if both first and last items of the lists are different
if ( ! map ) {
map = new Map ( ) ;
let i = bStart ;
while ( i < bEnd ) map . set ( b [ i ] , i ++ ) ;
} // if it's a future node, hence it needs some handling
if ( map . has ( a [ aStart ] ) ) {
// grab the index of such node, 'cause it might have been processed
const index = map . get ( a [ aStart ] ) ; // if it's not already processed, look on demand for the next LCS
if ( bStart < index && index < bEnd ) {
let i = aStart ; // counts the amount of nodes that are the same in the future
let sequence = 1 ;
while ( ++ i < aEnd && i < bEnd && map . get ( a [ i ] ) === index + sequence ) sequence ++ ; // effort decision here: if the sequence is longer than replaces
// needed to reach such sequence, which would brings again this loop
// to the fast path, prepend the difference before a sequence,
// and move only the future list index forward, so that aStart
// and bStart will be aligned again, hence on the fast path.
// An example considering aStart and bStart are both 0:
// a: [1, 2, 3, 4]
// b: [7, 1, 2, 3, 6]
// this would place 7 before 1 and, from that time on, 1, 2, and 3
// will be processed at zero cost
if ( sequence > index - bStart ) {
const node = get ( a [ aStart ] , 0 ) ;
while ( bStart < index ) insertBefore ( get ( b [ bStart ++ ] , 1 ) , node ) ;
} // if the effort wasn't good enough, fallback to a replace,
// moving both source and target indexes forward, hoping that some
// similar node will be found later on, to go back to the fast path
else {
replaceChild ( get ( b [ bStart ++ ] , 1 ) , get ( a [ aStart ++ ] , - 1 ) ) ;
} // otherwise move the source forward, 'cause there's nothing to do
else aStart ++ ;
} // this node has no meaning in the future list, so it's more than safe
// to remove it, and check the next live node out instead, meaning
// that only the live list index should be forwarded
else removeChild ( get ( a [ aStart ++ ] , - 1 ) ) ;
return b ;
} ) ;
const UNMOUNT _SCOPE = Symbol ( 'unmount' ) ;
const EachBinding = {
// dynamic binding properties
// childrenMap: null,
// node: null,
// root: null,
// condition: null,
// evaluate: null,
// template: null,
// isTemplateTag: false,
nodes : [ ] ,
// getKey: null,
// indexName: null,
// itemName: null,
// afterPlaceholder: null,
// placeholder: null,
// API methods
mount ( scope , parentScope ) {
return this . update ( scope , parentScope ) ;
} ,
update ( scope , parentScope ) {
const {
placeholder ,
nodes ,
} = this ;
const collection = scope === UNMOUNT _SCOPE ? null : this . evaluate ( scope ) ;
const items = collection ? Array . from ( collection ) : [ ] ; // prepare the diffing
const {
newChildrenMap ,
batches ,
} = createPatch ( items , scope , parentScope , this ) ; // patch the DOM only if there are new nodes
udomdiff ( nodes , futureNodes , patch ( Array . from ( childrenMap . values ( ) ) , parentScope ) , placeholder ) ; // trigger the mounts and the updates
batches . forEach ( fn => fn ( ) ) ; // update the children map
this . childrenMap = newChildrenMap ;
this . nodes = futureNodes ;
return this ;
} ,
unmount ( scope , parentScope ) {
this . update ( UNMOUNT _SCOPE , parentScope ) ;
return this ;
} ;
/ * *
* Patch the DOM while diffing
* @ param { any [ ] } redundant - list of all the children ( template , nodes , context ) added via each
* @ param { * } parentScope - scope of the parent template
* @ returns { Function } patch function used by domdiff
* /
function patch ( redundant , parentScope ) {
return ( item , info ) => {
if ( info < 0 ) {
// get the last element added to the childrenMap saved previously
const element = redundant [ redundant . length - 1 ] ;
if ( element ) {
// get the nodes and the template in stored in the last child of the childrenMap
const {
template ,
nodes ,
} = element ; // remove the last node (notice <template> tags might have more children nodes)
nodes . pop ( ) ; // notice that we pass null as last argument because
// the root node and its children will be removed by domdiff
if ( ! nodes . length ) {
// we have cleared all the children nodes and we can unmount this template
redundant . pop ( ) ;
template . unmount ( context , parentScope , null ) ;
return item ;
} ;
/ * *
* Check whether a template must be filtered from a loop
* @ param { Function } condition - filter function
* @ param { Object } context - argument passed to the filter function
* @ returns { boolean } true if this item should be skipped
* /
function mustFilterItem ( condition , context ) {
return condition ? ! condition ( context ) : false ;
/ * *
* Extend the scope of the looped template
* @ param { Object } scope - current template scope
* @ param { Object } options - options
* @ param { string } options . itemName - key to identify the looped item in the new context
* @ param { string } options . indexName - key to identify the index of the looped item
* @ param { number } options . index - current index
* @ param { * } options . item - collection item looped
* @ returns { Object } enhanced scope object
* /
function extendScope ( scope , _ref ) {
let {
itemName ,
indexName ,
index ,
} = _ref ;
defineProperty ( scope , itemName , item ) ;
if ( indexName ) defineProperty ( scope , indexName , index ) ;
return scope ;
/ * *
* Loop the current template items
* @ param { Array } items - expression collection value
* @ param { * } scope - template scope
* @ param { * } parentScope - scope of the parent template
* @ param { EachBinding } binding - each binding object instance
* @ returns { Object } data
* @ returns { Map } data . newChildrenMap - a Map containing the new children template structure
* @ returns { Array } data . batches - array containing the template lifecycle functions to trigger
* @ returns { Array } data . futureNodes - array containing the nodes we need to diff
* /
function createPatch ( items , scope , parentScope , binding ) {
const {
condition ,
template ,
childrenMap ,
itemName ,
getKey ,
indexName ,
root ,
} = binding ;
const newChildrenMap = new Map ( ) ;
const batches = [ ] ;
const futureNodes = [ ] ;
items . forEach ( ( item , index ) => {
const context = extendScope ( Object . create ( scope ) , {
itemName ,
indexName ,
index ,
} ) ;
const key = getKey ? getKey ( context ) : index ;
const oldItem = childrenMap . get ( key ) ;
const nodes = [ ] ;
if ( mustFilterItem ( condition , context ) ) {
return ;
const mustMount = ! oldItem ;
const componentTemplate = oldItem ? oldItem . template : template . clone ( ) ;
const el = componentTemplate . el || root . cloneNode ( ) ;
const meta = isTemplateTag && mustMount ? createTemplateMeta ( componentTemplate ) : componentTemplate . meta ;
if ( mustMount ) {
batches . push ( ( ) => componentTemplate . mount ( el , context , parentScope , meta ) ) ;
} else {
batches . push ( ( ) => componentTemplate . update ( context , parentScope ) ) ;
} // create the collection of nodes to update or to add
// in case of template tags we need to add all its children nodes
if ( isTemplateTag ) {
nodes . push ( ... meta . children ) ;
} else {
nodes . push ( el ) ;
} // delete the old item from the children map
childrenMap . delete ( key ) ;
futureNodes . push ( ... nodes ) ; // update the children map
newChildrenMap . set ( key , {
nodes ,
template : componentTemplate ,
context ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
return {
newChildrenMap ,
batches ,
} ;
function create$6 ( node , _ref2 ) {
let {
evaluate ,
condition ,
itemName ,
indexName ,
getKey ,
} = _ref2 ;
const placeholder = document . createTextNode ( '' ) ;
const root = node . cloneNode ( ) ;
insertBefore ( placeholder , node ) ;
removeChild ( node ) ;
return Object . assign ( { } , EachBinding , {
childrenMap : new Map ( ) ,
node ,
root ,
condition ,
evaluate ,
isTemplateTag : isTemplate ( root ) ,
template : template . createDOM ( node ) ,
getKey ,
indexName ,
itemName ,
} ) ;
/ * *
* Binding responsible for the ` if ` directive
* /
const IfBinding = {
// dynamic binding properties
// node: null,
// evaluate: null,
// isTemplateTag: false,
// placeholder: null,
// template: null,
// API methods
mount ( scope , parentScope ) {
return this . update ( scope , parentScope ) ;
} ,
update ( scope , parentScope ) {
const value = ! ! this . evaluate ( scope ) ;
const mustMount = ! this . value && value ;
const mustUnmount = this . value && ! value ;
const mount = ( ) => {
const pristine = this . node . cloneNode ( ) ;
insertBefore ( pristine , this . placeholder ) ;
this . template = this . template . clone ( ) ;
this . template . mount ( pristine , scope , parentScope ) ;
} ;
switch ( true ) {
case mustMount :
mount ( ) ;
break ;
case mustUnmount :
this . unmount ( scope ) ;
break ;
default :
if ( value ) this . template . update ( scope , parentScope ) ;
this . value = value ;
return this ;
} ,
unmount ( scope , parentScope ) {
this . template . unmount ( scope , parentScope , true ) ;
return this ;
} ;
function create$5 ( node , _ref ) {
let {
evaluate ,
} = _ref ;
const placeholder = document . createTextNode ( '' ) ;
insertBefore ( placeholder , node ) ;
removeChild ( node ) ;
return Object . assign ( { } , IfBinding , {
node ,
evaluate ,
placeholder ,
template : template . createDOM ( node )
} ) ;
/ * *
* Throw an error with a descriptive message
* @ param { string } message - error message
* @ returns { undefined } hoppla . . at this point the program should stop working
* /
function panic ( message ) {
throw new Error ( message ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the memoized ( cached ) function .
* // borrowed from https://www.30secondsofcode.org/js/s/memoize
* @ param { Function } fn - function to memoize
* @ returns { Function } memoize function
* /
function memoize ( fn ) {
const cache = new Map ( ) ;
const cached = val => {
return cache . has ( val ) ? cache . get ( val ) : cache . set ( val , fn . call ( this , val ) ) && cache . get ( val ) ;
} ;
cached . cache = cache ;
return cached ;
/ * *
* Evaluate a list of attribute expressions
* @ param { Array } attributes - attribute expressions generated by the riot compiler
* @ returns { Object } key value pairs with the result of the computation
* /
function evaluateAttributeExpressions ( attributes ) {
return attributes . reduce ( ( acc , attribute ) => {
const {
value ,
} = attribute ;
switch ( true ) {
// spread attribute
case ! attribute . name && type === ATTRIBUTE :
return Object . assign ( { } , acc , value ) ;
// value attribute
case type === VALUE :
acc . value = attribute . value ;
break ;
// normal attributes
default :
acc [ dashToCamelCase ( attribute . name ) ] = attribute . value ;
return acc ;
} , { } ) ;
const ElementProto = typeof Element === 'undefined' ? { } : Element . prototype ;
const isNativeHtmlProperty = memoize ( name => ElementProto . hasOwnProperty ( name ) ) ; // eslint-disable-line
/ * *
* Add all the attributes provided
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - target node
* @ param { Object } attributes - object containing the attributes names and values
* @ returns { undefined } sorry it ' s a void function : (
* /
function setAllAttributes ( node , attributes ) {
Object . entries ( attributes ) . forEach ( _ref => {
let [ name , value ] = _ref ;
return attributeExpression ( node , {
} , value ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Remove all the attributes provided
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - target node
* @ param { Object } newAttributes - object containing all the new attribute names
* @ param { Object } oldAttributes - object containing all the old attribute names
* @ returns { undefined } sorry it ' s a void function : (
* /
function removeAllAttributes ( node , newAttributes , oldAttributes ) {
const newKeys = newAttributes ? Object . keys ( newAttributes ) : [ ] ;
Object . keys ( oldAttributes ) . filter ( name => ! newKeys . includes ( name ) ) . forEach ( attribute => node . removeAttribute ( attribute ) ) ;
/ * *
* Check whether the attribute value can be rendered
* @ param { * } value - expression value
* @ returns { boolean } true if we can render this attribute value
* /
function canRenderAttribute ( value ) {
return value === true || [ 'string' , 'number' ] . includes ( typeof value ) ;
/ * *
* Check whether the attribute should be removed
* @ param { * } value - expression value
* @ returns { boolean } boolean - true if the attribute can be removed }
* /
function shouldRemoveAttribute ( value ) {
return ! value && value !== 0 ;
/ * *
* This methods handles the DOM attributes updates
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - target node
* @ param { Object } expression - expression object
* @ param { string } expression . name - attribute name
* @ param { * } value - new expression value
* @ param { * } oldValue - the old expression cached value
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
function attributeExpression ( node , _ref2 , value , oldValue ) {
let {
} = _ref2 ;
// is it a spread operator? {...attributes}
if ( ! name ) {
if ( oldValue ) {
// remove all the old attributes
removeAllAttributes ( node , value , oldValue ) ;
} // is the value still truthy?
if ( value ) {
setAllAttributes ( node , value ) ;
return ;
} // handle boolean attributes
if ( ! isNativeHtmlProperty ( name ) && ( isBoolean ( value ) || isObject ( value ) || isFunction ( value ) ) ) {
node [ name ] = value ;
if ( shouldRemoveAttribute ( value ) ) {
node . removeAttribute ( name ) ;
} else if ( canRenderAttribute ( value ) ) {
node . setAttribute ( name , normalizeValue ( name , value ) ) ;
/ * *
* Get the value as string
* @ param { string } name - attribute name
* @ param { * } value - user input value
* @ returns { string } input value as string
* /
function normalizeValue ( name , value ) {
// be sure that expressions like selected={ true } will be always rendered as selected='selected'
return value === true ? name : value ;
const RE _EVENTS _PREFIX = /^on/ ;
const getCallbackAndOptions = value => Array . isArray ( value ) ? value : [ value , false ] ; // see also https://medium.com/@WebReflection/dom-handleevent-a-cross-platform-standard-since-year-2000-5bf17287fd38
const EventListener = {
handleEvent ( event ) {
this [ event . type ] ( event ) ;
} ;
const ListenersWeakMap = new WeakMap ( ) ;
const createListener = node => {
const listener = Object . create ( EventListener ) ;
ListenersWeakMap . set ( node , listener ) ;
return listener ;
} ;
/ * *
* Set a new event listener
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - target node
* @ param { Object } expression - expression object
* @ param { string } expression . name - event name
* @ param { * } value - new expression value
* @ returns { value } the callback just received
* /
function eventExpression ( node , _ref , value ) {
let {
} = _ref ;
const normalizedEventName = name . replace ( RE _EVENTS _PREFIX , '' ) ;
const eventListener = ListenersWeakMap . get ( node ) || createListener ( node ) ;
const [ callback , options ] = getCallbackAndOptions ( value ) ;
const handler = eventListener [ normalizedEventName ] ;
const mustRemoveEvent = handler && ! callback ;
const mustAddEvent = callback && ! handler ;
if ( mustRemoveEvent ) {
node . removeEventListener ( normalizedEventName , eventListener ) ;
if ( mustAddEvent ) {
node . addEventListener ( normalizedEventName , eventListener , options ) ;
eventListener [ normalizedEventName ] = callback ;
/ * *
* Normalize the user value in order to render a empty string in case of falsy values
* @ param { * } value - user input value
* @ returns { string } hopefully a string
* /
function normalizeStringValue ( value ) {
return isNil ( value ) ? '' : value ;
/ * *
* Get the the target text node to update or create one from of a comment node
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - any html element containing childNodes
* @ param { number } childNodeIndex - index of the text node in the childNodes list
* @ returns { Text } the text node to update
* /
const getTextNode = ( node , childNodeIndex ) => {
const target = node . childNodes [ childNodeIndex ] ;
if ( target . nodeType === Node . COMMENT _NODE ) {
const textNode = document . createTextNode ( '' ) ;
node . replaceChild ( textNode , target ) ;
return textNode ;
return target ;
} ;
/ * *
* This methods handles a simple text expression update
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - target node
* @ param { Object } data - expression object
* @ param { * } value - new expression value
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
function textExpression ( node , data , value ) {
node . data = normalizeStringValue ( value ) ;
/ * *
* This methods handles the input fileds value updates
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - target node
* @ param { Object } expression - expression object
* @ param { * } value - new expression value
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
function valueExpression ( node , expression , value ) {
node . value = normalizeStringValue ( value ) ;
var expressions = {
[ ATTRIBUTE ] : attributeExpression ,
[ EVENT ] : eventExpression ,
[ TEXT ] : textExpression ,
[ VALUE ] : valueExpression
} ;
const Expression = {
// Static props
// node: null,
// value: null,
// API methods
/ * *
* Mount the expression evaluating its initial value
* @ param { * } scope - argument passed to the expression to evaluate its current values
* @ returns { Expression } self
* /
mount ( scope ) {
// hopefully a pure function
this . value = this . evaluate ( scope ) ; // IO() DOM updates
apply ( this , this . value ) ;
return this ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update the expression if its value changed
* @ param { * } scope - argument passed to the expression to evaluate its current values
* @ returns { Expression } self
* /
update ( scope ) {
// pure function
const value = this . evaluate ( scope ) ;
if ( this . value !== value ) {
// IO() DOM updates
apply ( this , value ) ;
this . value = value ;
return this ;
} ,
/ * *
* Expression teardown method
* @ returns { Expression } self
* /
unmount ( ) {
// unmount only the event handling expressions
if ( this . type === EVENT ) apply ( this , null ) ;
return this ;
} ;
/ * *
* IO ( ) function to handle the DOM updates
* @ param { Expression } expression - expression object
* @ param { * } value - current expression value
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
function apply ( expression , value ) {
return expressions [ expression . type ] ( expression . node , expression , value , expression . value ) ;
function create$4 ( node , data ) {
return Object . assign ( { } , Expression , data , {
node : data . type === TEXT ? getTextNode ( node , data . childNodeIndex ) : node
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a flat object having as keys a list of methods that if dispatched will propagate
* on the whole collection
* @ param { Array } collection - collection to iterate
* @ param { Array < string > } methods - methods to execute on each item of the collection
* @ param { * } context - context returned by the new methods created
* @ returns { Object } a new object to simplify the the nested methods dispatching
* /
function flattenCollectionMethods ( collection , methods , context ) {
return methods . reduce ( ( acc , method ) => {
return Object . assign ( { } , acc , {
[ method ] : scope => {
return collection . map ( item => item [ method ] ( scope ) ) && context ;
} ) ;
} , { } ) ;
function create$3 ( node , _ref ) {
let {
} = _ref ;
return Object . assign ( { } , flattenCollectionMethods ( expressions . map ( expression => create$4 ( node , expression ) ) , [ 'mount' , 'update' , 'unmount' ] ) ) ;
function extendParentScope ( attributes , scope , parentScope ) {
if ( ! attributes || ! attributes . length ) return parentScope ;
const expressions = attributes . map ( attr => Object . assign ( { } , attr , {
value : attr . evaluate ( scope )
} ) ) ;
return Object . assign ( Object . create ( parentScope || null ) , evaluateAttributeExpressions ( expressions ) ) ;
} // this function is only meant to fix an edge case
// https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2842
const getRealParent = ( scope , parentScope ) => scope [ PARENT _KEY _SYMBOL ] || parentScope ;
const SlotBinding = {
// dynamic binding properties
// node: null,
// name: null,
attributes : [ ] ,
// template: null,
getTemplateScope ( scope , parentScope ) {
return extendParentScope ( this . attributes , scope , parentScope ) ;
} ,
// API methods
mount ( scope , parentScope ) {
const templateData = scope . slots ? scope . slots . find ( _ref => {
let {
} = _ref ;
return id === this . name ;
} ) : false ;
const {
} = this . node ;
const realParent = getRealParent ( scope , parentScope ) ;
this . template = templateData && create ( templateData . html , templateData . bindings ) . createDOM ( parentNode ) ;
if ( this . template ) {
cleanNode ( this . node ) ;
this . template . mount ( this . node , this . getTemplateScope ( scope , realParent ) , realParent ) ;
this . template . children = Array . from ( this . node . childNodes ) ;
moveSlotInnerContent ( this . node ) ;
removeChild ( this . node ) ;
return this ;
} ,
update ( scope , parentScope ) {
if ( this . template ) {
const realParent = getRealParent ( scope , parentScope ) ;
this . template . update ( this . getTemplateScope ( scope , realParent ) , realParent ) ;
return this ;
} ,
unmount ( scope , parentScope , mustRemoveRoot ) {
if ( this . template ) {
this . template . unmount ( this . getTemplateScope ( scope , parentScope ) , null , mustRemoveRoot ) ;
return this ;
} ;
/ * *
* Move the inner content of the slots outside of them
* @ param { HTMLElement } slot - slot node
* @ returns { undefined } it ' s a void method ¯ \ _ ( ツ ) _ / ¯
* /
function moveSlotInnerContent ( slot ) {
const child = slot && slot . firstChild ;
if ( ! child ) return ;
insertBefore ( child , slot ) ;
moveSlotInnerContent ( slot ) ;
/ * *
* Create a single slot binding
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - slot node
* @ param { string } name - slot id
* @ param { AttributeExpressionData [ ] } attributes - slot attributes
* @ returns { Object } Slot binding object
* /
function createSlot ( node , _ref2 ) {
let {
name ,
} = _ref2 ;
return Object . assign ( { } , SlotBinding , {
attributes ,
node ,
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a new tag object if it was registered before , otherwise fallback to the simple
* template chunk
* @ param { Function } component - component factory function
* @ param { Array < Object > } slots - array containing the slots markup
* @ param { Array } attributes - dynamic attributes that will be received by the tag element
* @ returns { TagImplementation | TemplateChunk } a tag implementation or a template chunk as fallback
* /
function getTag ( component , slots , attributes ) {
if ( slots === void 0 ) {
slots = [ ] ;
if ( attributes === void 0 ) {
attributes = [ ] ;
// if this tag was registered before we will return its implementation
if ( component ) {
return component ( {
slots ,
} ) ;
} // otherwise we return a template chunk
return create ( slotsToMarkup ( slots ) , [ ... slotBindings ( slots ) , {
// the attributes should be registered as binding
// if we fallback to a normal template chunk
expressions : attributes . map ( attr => {
return Object . assign ( {
} , attr ) ;
} )
} ] ) ;
/ * *
* Merge all the slots bindings into a single array
* @ param { Array < Object > } slots - slots collection
* @ returns { Array < Bindings > } flatten bindings array
* /
function slotBindings ( slots ) {
return slots . reduce ( ( acc , _ref ) => {
let {
} = _ref ;
return acc . concat ( bindings ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
/ * *
* Merge all the slots together in a single markup string
* @ param { Array < Object > } slots - slots collection
* @ returns { string } markup of all the slots in a single string
* /
function slotsToMarkup ( slots ) {
return slots . reduce ( ( acc , slot ) => {
return acc + slot . html ;
} , '' ) ;
const TagBinding = {
// dynamic binding properties
// node: null,
// evaluate: null,
// name: null,
// slots: null,
// tag: null,
// attributes: null,
// getComponent: null,
mount ( scope ) {
return this . update ( scope ) ;
} ,
update ( scope , parentScope ) {
const name = this . evaluate ( scope ) ; // simple update
if ( name && name === this . name ) {
this . tag . update ( scope ) ;
} else {
// unmount the old tag if it exists
this . unmount ( scope , parentScope , true ) ; // mount the new tag
this . name = name ;
this . tag = getTag ( this . getComponent ( name ) , this . slots , this . attributes ) ;
this . tag . mount ( this . node , scope ) ;
return this ;
} ,
unmount ( scope , parentScope , keepRootTag ) {
if ( this . tag ) {
// keep the root tag
this . tag . unmount ( keepRootTag ) ;
return this ;
} ;
function create$2 ( node , _ref2 ) {
let {
evaluate ,
getComponent ,
slots ,
} = _ref2 ;
return Object . assign ( { } , TagBinding , {
node ,
evaluate ,
slots ,
attributes ,
} ) ;
var bindings = {
[ IF ] : create$5 ,
[ SIMPLE ] : create$3 ,
[ EACH ] : create$6 ,
[ TAG ] : create$2 ,
[ SLOT ] : createSlot
} ;
/ * *
* Text expressions in a template tag will get childNodeIndex value normalized
* depending on the position of the < template > tag offset
* @ param { Expression [ ] } expressions - riot expressions array
* @ param { number } textExpressionsOffset - offset of the < template > tag
* @ returns { Expression [ ] } expressions containing the text expressions normalized
* /
function fixTextExpressionsOffset ( expressions , textExpressionsOffset ) {
return expressions . map ( e => e . type === TEXT ? Object . assign ( { } , e , {
childNodeIndex : e . childNodeIndex + textExpressionsOffset
} ) : e ) ;
/ * *
* Bind a new expression object to a DOM node
* @ param { HTMLElement } root - DOM node where to bind the expression
* @ param { TagBindingData } binding - binding data
* @ param { number | null } templateTagOffset - if it ' s defined we need to fix the text expressions childNodeIndex offset
* @ returns { Binding } Binding object
* /
function create$1 ( root , binding , templateTagOffset ) {
const {
selector ,
type ,
redundantAttribute ,
} = binding ; // find the node to apply the bindings
const node = selector ? root . querySelector ( selector ) : root ; // remove eventually additional attributes created only to select this node
if ( redundantAttribute ) node . removeAttribute ( redundantAttribute ) ;
const bindingExpressions = expressions || [ ] ; // init the binding
return ( bindings [ type ] || bindings [ SIMPLE ] ) ( node , Object . assign ( { } , binding , {
expressions : templateTagOffset && ! selector ? fixTextExpressionsOffset ( bindingExpressions , templateTagOffset ) : bindingExpressions
} ) ) ;
function createHTMLTree ( html , root ) {
const template = isTemplate ( root ) ? root : document . createElement ( 'template' ) ;
template . innerHTML = html ;
return template . content ;
} // for svg nodes we need a bit more work
function createSVGTree ( html , container ) {
// create the SVGNode
const svgNode = container . ownerDocument . importNode ( new window . DOMParser ( ) . parseFromString ( ` <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> ${ html } </svg> ` , 'application/xml' ) . documentElement , true ) ;
return svgNode ;
/ * *
* Create the DOM that will be injected
* @ param { Object } root - DOM node to find out the context where the fragment will be created
* @ param { string } html - DOM to create as string
* @ returns { HTMLDocumentFragment | HTMLElement } a new html fragment
* /
function createDOMTree ( root , html ) {
if ( isSvg ( root ) ) return createSVGTree ( html , root ) ;
return createHTMLTree ( html , root ) ;
/ * *
* Inject the DOM tree into a target node
* @ param { HTMLElement } el - target element
* @ param { DocumentFragment | SVGElement } dom - dom tree to inject
* @ returns { undefined }
* /
function injectDOM ( el , dom ) {
switch ( true ) {
case isSvg ( el ) :
moveChildren ( dom , el ) ;
break ;
case isTemplate ( el ) :
el . parentNode . replaceChild ( dom , el ) ;
break ;
default :
el . appendChild ( dom ) ;
/ * *
* Create the Template DOM skeleton
* @ param { HTMLElement } el - root node where the DOM will be injected
* @ param { string | HTMLElement } html - HTML markup or HTMLElement that will be injected into the root node
* @ returns { ? DocumentFragment } fragment that will be injected into the root node
* /
function createTemplateDOM ( el , html ) {
return html && ( typeof html === 'string' ? createDOMTree ( el , html ) : html ) ;
/ * *
* Get the offset of the < template > tag
* @ param { HTMLElement } parentNode - template tag parent node
* @ param { HTMLElement } el - the template tag we want to render
* @ param { Object } meta - meta properties needed to handle the < template > tags in loops
* @ returns { number } offset of the < template > tag calculated from its siblings DOM nodes
* /
function getTemplateTagOffset ( parentNode , el , meta ) {
const siblings = Array . from ( parentNode . childNodes ) ;
return Math . max ( siblings . indexOf ( el ) , siblings . indexOf ( meta . head ) + 1 , 0 ) ;
/ * *
* Template Chunk model
* @ type { Object }
* /
const TemplateChunk = Object . freeze ( {
// Static props
// bindings: null,
// bindingsData: null,
// html: null,
// isTemplateTag: false,
// fragment: null,
// children: null,
// dom: null,
// el: null,
/ * *
* Create the template DOM structure that will be cloned on each mount
* @ param { HTMLElement } el - the root node
* @ returns { TemplateChunk } self
* /
createDOM ( el ) {
// make sure that the DOM gets created before cloning the template
this . dom = this . dom || createTemplateDOM ( el , this . html ) || document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ;
return this ;
} ,
// API methods
/ * *
* Attach the template to a DOM node
* @ param { HTMLElement } el - target DOM node
* @ param { * } scope - template data
* @ param { * } parentScope - scope of the parent template tag
* @ param { Object } meta - meta properties needed to handle the < template > tags in loops
* @ returns { TemplateChunk } self
* /
mount ( el , scope , parentScope , meta ) {
if ( meta === void 0 ) {
meta = { } ;
if ( ! el ) throw new Error ( 'Please provide DOM node to mount properly your template' ) ;
if ( this . el ) this . unmount ( scope ) ; // <template> tags require a bit more work
// the template fragment might be already created via meta outside of this call
const {
fragment ,
children ,
} = meta ; // <template> bindings of course can not have a root element
// so we check the parent node to set the query selector bindings
const {
} = children ? children [ 0 ] : el ;
const isTemplateTag = isTemplate ( el ) ;
const templateTagOffset = isTemplateTag ? getTemplateTagOffset ( parentNode , el , meta ) : null ; // create the DOM if it wasn't created before
this . createDOM ( el ) ; // create the DOM of this template cloning the original DOM structure stored in this instance
// notice that if a documentFragment was passed (via meta) we will use it instead
const cloneNode = fragment || this . dom . cloneNode ( true ) ; // store root node
// notice that for template tags the root note will be the parent tag
this . el = isTemplateTag ? parentNode : el ; // create the children array only for the <template> fragments
this . children = isTemplateTag ? children || Array . from ( cloneNode . childNodes ) : null ; // inject the DOM into the el only if a fragment is available
if ( ! avoidDOMInjection && cloneNode ) injectDOM ( el , cloneNode ) ; // create the bindings
this . bindings = this . bindingsData . map ( binding => create$1 ( this . el , binding , templateTagOffset ) ) ;
this . bindings . forEach ( b => b . mount ( scope , parentScope ) ) ; // store the template meta properties
this . meta = meta ;
return this ;
} ,
/ * *
* Update the template with fresh data
* @ param { * } scope - template data
* @ param { * } parentScope - scope of the parent template tag
* @ returns { TemplateChunk } self
* /
update ( scope , parentScope ) {
this . bindings . forEach ( b => b . update ( scope , parentScope ) ) ;
return this ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove the template from the node where it was initially mounted
* @ param { * } scope - template data
* @ param { * } parentScope - scope of the parent template tag
* @ param { boolean | null } mustRemoveRoot - if true remove the root element ,
* if false or undefined clean the root tag content , if null don ' t touch the DOM
* @ returns { TemplateChunk } self
* /
unmount ( scope , parentScope , mustRemoveRoot ) {
if ( mustRemoveRoot === void 0 ) {
mustRemoveRoot = false ;
const el = this . el ;
if ( ! el ) {
return this ;
this . bindings . forEach ( b => b . unmount ( scope , parentScope , mustRemoveRoot ) ) ;
switch ( true ) {
// pure components should handle the DOM unmount updates by themselves
// for mustRemoveRoot === null don't touch the DOM
case el [ IS _PURE _SYMBOL ] || mustRemoveRoot === null :
break ;
// if children are declared, clear them
// applicable for <template> and <slot/> bindings
case Array . isArray ( this . children ) :
clearChildren ( this . children ) ;
break ;
// clean the node children only
case ! mustRemoveRoot :
cleanNode ( el ) ;
break ;
// remove the root node only if the mustRemoveRoot is truly
case ! ! mustRemoveRoot :
removeChild ( el ) ;
break ;
this . el = null ;
return this ;
} ,
/ * *
* Clone the template chunk
* @ returns { TemplateChunk } a clone of this object resetting the this . el property
* /
clone ( ) {
return Object . assign ( { } , this , {
meta : { } ,
el : null
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a template chunk wiring also the bindings
* @ param { string | HTMLElement } html - template string
* @ param { BindingData [ ] } bindings - bindings collection
* @ returns { TemplateChunk } a new TemplateChunk copy
* /
function create ( html , bindings ) {
if ( bindings === void 0 ) {
bindings = [ ] ;
return Object . assign ( { } , TemplateChunk , {
html ,
bindingsData : bindings
} ) ;
/ * *
* Method used to bind expressions to a DOM node
* @ param { string | HTMLElement } html - your static template html structure
* @ param { Array } bindings - list of the expressions to bind to update the markup
* @ returns { TemplateChunk } a new TemplateChunk object having the ` update ` , ` mount ` , ` unmount ` and ` clone ` methods
* @ example
* riotDOMBindings
* . template (
* ` <div expr0><!----></div><div><p expr1><!----><section expr2></section></p> ` ,
* [
* {
* selector : '[expr0]' ,
* redundantAttribute : 'expr0' ,
* expressions : [
* {
* type : expressionTypes . TEXT ,
* childNodeIndex : 0 ,
* evaluate ( scope ) {
* return scope . time ;
* } ,
* } ,
* ] ,
* } ,
* {
* selector : '[expr1]' ,
* redundantAttribute : 'expr1' ,
* expressions : [
* {
* type : expressionTypes . TEXT ,
* childNodeIndex : 0 ,
* evaluate ( scope ) {
* return scope . name ;
* } ,
* } ,
* {
* type : 'attribute' ,
* name : 'style' ,
* evaluate ( scope ) {
* return scope . style ;
* } ,
* } ,
* ] ,
* } ,
* {
* selector : '[expr2]' ,
* redundantAttribute : 'expr2' ,
* type : bindingTypes . IF ,
* evaluate ( scope ) {
* return scope . isVisible ;
* } ,
* template : riotDOMBindings . template ( 'hello there' ) ,
* } ,
* ]
* )
* /
var DOMBindings = /*#__PURE__*/ Object . freeze ( {
_ _proto _ _ : null ,
template : create ,
createBinding : create$1 ,
createExpression : create$4 ,
bindingTypes : bindingTypes ,
expressionTypes : expressionTypes
} ) ;
function noop ( ) {
return this ;
/ * *
* Autobind the methods of a source object to itself
* @ param { Object } source - probably a riot tag instance
* @ param { Array < string > } methods - list of the methods to autobind
* @ returns { Object } the original object received
* /
function autobindMethods ( source , methods ) {
methods . forEach ( method => {
source [ method ] = source [ method ] . bind ( source ) ;
} ) ;
return source ;
/ * *
* Call the first argument received only if it ' s a function otherwise return it as it is
* @ param { * } source - anything
* @ returns { * } anything
* /
function callOrAssign ( source ) {
return isFunction ( source ) ? source . prototype && source . prototype . constructor ? new source ( ) : source ( ) : source ;
/ * *
* Converts any DOM node / s to a loopable array
* @ param { HTMLElement | NodeList } els - single html element or a node list
* @ returns { Array } always a loopable object
* /
function domToArray ( els ) {
// can this object be already looped?
if ( ! Array . isArray ( els ) ) {
// is it a node list?
if ( /^\[object (HTMLCollection|NodeList|Object)\]$/ . test ( Object . prototype . toString . call ( els ) ) && typeof els . length === 'number' ) return Array . from ( els ) ; else // if it's a single node
// it will be returned as "array" with one single entry
return [ els ] ;
} // this object could be looped out of the box
return els ;
/ * *
* Simple helper to find DOM nodes returning them as array like loopable object
* @ param { string | DOMNodeList } selector - either the query or the DOM nodes to arraify
* @ param { HTMLElement } ctx - context defining where the query will search for the DOM nodes
* @ returns { Array } DOM nodes found as array
* /
function $ ( selector , ctx ) {
return domToArray ( typeof selector === 'string' ? ( ctx || document ) . querySelectorAll ( selector ) : selector ) ;
/ * *
* Normalize the return values , in case of a single value we avoid to return an array
* @ param { Array } values - list of values we want to return
* @ returns { Array | string | boolean } either the whole list of values or the single one found
* @ private
* /
const normalize = values => values . length === 1 ? values [ 0 ] : values ;
/ * *
* Parse all the nodes received to get / remove / check their attributes
* @ param { HTMLElement | NodeList | Array } els - DOM node / s to parse
* @ param { string | Array } name - name or list of attributes
* @ param { string } method - method that will be used to parse the attributes
* @ returns { Array | string } result of the parsing in a list or a single value
* @ private
* /
function parseNodes ( els , name , method ) {
const names = typeof name === 'string' ? [ name ] : name ;
return normalize ( domToArray ( els ) . map ( el => {
return normalize ( names . map ( n => el [ method ] ( n ) ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* Set any attribute on a single or a list of DOM nodes
* @ param { HTMLElement | NodeList | Array } els - DOM node / s to parse
* @ param { string | Object } name - either the name of the attribute to set
* or a list of properties as object key - value
* @ param { string } value - the new value of the attribute ( optional )
* @ returns { HTMLElement | NodeList | Array } the original array of elements passed to this function
* @ example
* import { set } from 'bianco.attr'
* const img = document . createElement ( 'img' )
* set ( img , 'width' , 100 )
* // or also
* set ( img , {
* width : 300 ,
* height : 300
* } )
* /
function set ( els , name , value ) {
const attrs = typeof name === 'object' ? name : {
[ name ] : value
} ;
const props = Object . keys ( attrs ) ;
domToArray ( els ) . forEach ( el => {
props . forEach ( prop => el . setAttribute ( prop , attrs [ prop ] ) ) ;
} ) ;
return els ;
/ * *
* Get any attribute from a single or a list of DOM nodes
* @ param { HTMLElement | NodeList | Array } els - DOM node / s to parse
* @ param { string | Array } name - name or list of attributes to get
* @ returns { Array | string } list of the attributes found
* @ example
* import { get } from 'bianco.attr'
* const img = document . createElement ( 'img' )
* get ( img , 'width' ) // => '200'
* // or also
* get ( img , [ 'width' , 'height' ] ) // => ['200', '300']
* // or also
* get ( [ img1 , img2 ] , [ 'width' , 'height' ] ) // => [['200', '300'], ['500', '200']]
* /
function get ( els , name ) {
return parseNodes ( els , name , 'getAttribute' ) ;
const CSS _BY _NAME = new Map ( ) ;
const STYLE _NODE _SELECTOR = 'style[riot]' ; // memoized curried function
const getStyleNode = ( style => {
return ( ) => {
// lazy evaluation:
// if this function was already called before
// we return its cached result
if ( style ) return style ; // create a new style element or use an existing one
// and cache it internally
style = $ ( STYLE _NODE _SELECTOR ) [ 0 ] || document . createElement ( 'style' ) ;
set ( style , 'type' , 'text/css' ) ;
/* istanbul ignore next */
if ( ! style . parentNode ) document . head . appendChild ( style ) ;
return style ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
/ * *
* Object that will be used to inject and manage the css of every tag instance
* /
var cssManager = {
/ * *
* Save a tag style to be later injected into DOM
* @ param { string } name - if it ' s passed we will map the css to a tagname
* @ param { string } css - css string
* @ returns { Object } self
* /
add ( name , css ) {
if ( ! CSS _BY _NAME . has ( name ) ) {
CSS _BY _NAME . set ( name , css ) ;
this . inject ( ) ;
return this ;
} ,
/ * *
* Inject all previously saved tag styles into DOM
* innerHTML seems slow : http : //jsperf.com/riot-insert-style
* @ returns { Object } self
* /
inject ( ) {
getStyleNode ( ) . innerHTML = [ ... CSS _BY _NAME . values ( ) ] . join ( '\n' ) ;
return this ;
} ,
/ * *
* Remove a tag style from the DOM
* @ param { string } name a registered tagname
* @ returns { Object } self
* /
remove ( name ) {
if ( CSS _BY _NAME . has ( name ) ) {
CSS _BY _NAME . delete ( name ) ;
this . inject ( ) ;
return this ;
} ;
/ * *
* Function to curry any javascript method
* @ param { Function } fn - the target function we want to curry
* @ param { ... [ args ] } acc - initial arguments
* @ returns { Function | * } it will return a function until the target function
* will receive all of its arguments
* /
function curry ( fn ) {
for ( var _len = arguments . length , acc = new Array ( _len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0 ) , _key = 1 ; _key < _len ; _key ++ ) {
acc [ _key - 1 ] = arguments [ _key ] ;
return function ( ) {
for ( var _len2 = arguments . length , args = new Array ( _len2 ) , _key2 = 0 ; _key2 < _len2 ; _key2 ++ ) {
args [ _key2 ] = arguments [ _key2 ] ;
args = [ ... acc , ... args ] ;
return args . length < fn . length ? curry ( fn , ... args ) : fn ( ... args ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Get the tag name of any DOM node
* @ param { HTMLElement } element - DOM node we want to inspect
* @ returns { string } name to identify this dom node in riot
* /
function getName ( element ) {
return get ( element , IS _DIRECTIVE ) || element . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
const COMPONENT _CORE _HELPERS = Object . freeze ( {
// component helpers
$ ( selector ) {
return $ ( selector , this . root ) [ 0 ] ;
} ,
$$ ( selector ) {
return $ ( selector , this . root ) ;
} ) ;
const PURE _COMPONENT _API = Object . freeze ( {
[ MOUNT _METHOD _KEY ] : noop ,
[ UPDATE _METHOD _KEY ] : noop ,
} ) ;
const COMPONENT _LIFECYCLE _METHODS = Object . freeze ( {
[ SHOULD _UPDATE _KEY ] : noop ,
[ ON _BEFORE _MOUNT _KEY ] : noop ,
[ ON _MOUNTED _KEY ] : noop ,
[ ON _BEFORE _UPDATE _KEY ] : noop ,
[ ON _UPDATED _KEY ] : noop ,
[ ON _BEFORE _UNMOUNT _KEY ] : noop ,
[ ON _UNMOUNTED _KEY ] : noop
} ) ;
const MOCKED _TEMPLATE _INTERFACE = Object . assign ( { } , PURE _COMPONENT _API , {
clone : noop ,
createDOM : noop
} ) ;
/ * *
* Performance optimization for the recursive components
* @ param { RiotComponentWrapper } componentWrapper - riot compiler generated object
* @ returns { Object } component like interface
* /
const memoizedCreateComponent = memoize ( createComponent ) ;
/ * *
* Evaluate the component properties either from its real attributes or from its initial user properties
* @ param { HTMLElement } element - component root
* @ param { Object } initialProps - initial props
* @ returns { Object } component props key value pairs
* /
function evaluateInitialProps ( element , initialProps ) {
if ( initialProps === void 0 ) {
initialProps = { } ;
return Object . assign ( { } , DOMattributesToObject ( element ) , callOrAssign ( initialProps ) ) ;
/ * *
* Bind a DOM node to its component object
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - html node mounted
* @ param { Object } component - Riot . js component object
* @ returns { Object } the component object received as second argument
* /
const bindDOMNodeToComponentObject = ( node , component ) => node [ DOM _COMPONENT _INSTANCE _PROPERTY$1 ] = component ;
/ * *
* Wrap the Riot . js core API methods using a mapping function
* @ param { Function } mapFunction - lifting function
* @ returns { Object } an object having the { mount , update , unmount } functions
* /
function createCoreAPIMethods ( mapFunction ) {
return [ MOUNT _METHOD _KEY , UPDATE _METHOD _KEY , UNMOUNT _METHOD _KEY ] . reduce ( ( acc , method ) => {
acc [ method ] = mapFunction ( method ) ;
return acc ;
} , { } ) ;
/ * *
* Factory function to create the component templates only once
* @ param { Function } template - component template creation function
* @ param { RiotComponentWrapper } componentWrapper - riot compiler generated object
* @ returns { TemplateChunk } template chunk object
* /
function componentTemplateFactory ( template , componentWrapper ) {
const components = createSubcomponents ( componentWrapper . exports ? componentWrapper . exports . components : { } ) ;
return template ( create , expressionTypes , bindingTypes , name => {
// improve support for recursive components
if ( name === componentWrapper . name ) return memoizedCreateComponent ( componentWrapper ) ; // return the registered components
return components [ name ] || COMPONENTS _IMPLEMENTATION _MAP$1 . get ( name ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create a pure component
* @ param { Function } pureFactoryFunction - pure component factory function
* @ param { Array } options . slots - component slots
* @ param { Array } options . attributes - component attributes
* @ param { Array } options . template - template factory function
* @ param { Array } options . template - template factory function
* @ param { any } options . props - initial component properties
* @ returns { Object } pure component object
* /
function createPureComponent ( pureFactoryFunction , _ref ) {
let {
slots ,
attributes ,
props ,
css ,
} = _ref ;
if ( template ) panic ( 'Pure components can not have html' ) ;
if ( css ) panic ( 'Pure components do not have css' ) ;
const component = defineDefaults ( pureFactoryFunction ( {
slots ,
attributes ,
return createCoreAPIMethods ( method => function ( ) {
for ( var _len = arguments . length , args = new Array ( _len ) , _key = 0 ; _key < _len ; _key ++ ) {
args [ _key ] = arguments [ _key ] ;
// intercept the mount calls to bind the DOM node to the pure object created
// see also https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2806
if ( method === MOUNT _METHOD _KEY ) {
const [ element ] = args ; // mark this node as pure element
defineProperty ( element , IS _PURE _SYMBOL , true ) ;
bindDOMNodeToComponentObject ( element , component ) ;
component [ method ] ( ... args ) ;
return component ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Create the component interface needed for the @ riotjs / dom - bindings tag bindings
* @ param { RiotComponentWrapper } componentWrapper - riot compiler generated object
* @ param { string } componentWrapper . css - component css
* @ param { Function } componentWrapper . template - function that will return the dom - bindings template function
* @ param { Object } componentWrapper . exports - component interface
* @ param { string } componentWrapper . name - component name
* @ returns { Object } component like interface
* /
function createComponent ( componentWrapper ) {
const {
css ,
template ,
exports ,
} = componentWrapper ;
const templateFn = template ? componentTemplateFactory ( template , componentWrapper ) : MOCKED _TEMPLATE _INTERFACE ;
return _ref2 => {
let {
slots ,
attributes ,
} = _ref2 ;
// pure components rendering will be managed by the end user
if ( exports && exports [ IS _PURE _SYMBOL ] ) return createPureComponent ( exports , {
slots ,
attributes ,
props ,
css ,
} ) ;
const componentAPI = callOrAssign ( exports ) || { } ;
const component = defineComponent ( {
css ,
template : templateFn ,
componentAPI ,
} ) ( {
slots ,
attributes ,
} ) ; // notice that for the components create via tag binding
// we need to invert the mount (state/parentScope) arguments
// the template bindings will only forward the parentScope updates
// and never deal with the component state
return {
mount ( element , parentScope , state ) {
return component . mount ( element , state , parentScope ) ;
} ,
update ( parentScope , state ) {
return component . update ( state , parentScope ) ;
} ,
unmount ( preserveRoot ) {
return component . unmount ( preserveRoot ) ;
} ;
} ;
/ * *
* Component definition function
* @ param { Object } implementation - the componen implementation will be generated via compiler
* @ param { Object } component - the component initial properties
* @ returns { Object } a new component implementation object
* /
function defineComponent ( _ref3 ) {
let {
css ,
template ,
componentAPI ,
} = _ref3 ;
// add the component css into the DOM
if ( css && name ) cssManager . add ( name , css ) ;
return curry ( enhanceComponentAPI ) ( defineProperties ( // set the component defaults without overriding the original component API
defineDefaults ( componentAPI , Object . assign ( { } , COMPONENT _LIFECYCLE _METHODS , {
[ PROPS _KEY ] : { } ,
[ STATE _KEY ] : { }
} ) ) , Object . assign ( {
// defined during the component creation
[ SLOTS _KEY ] : null ,
[ ROOT _KEY ] : null
name ,
css ,
} ) ) ) ;
/ * *
* Create the bindings to update the component attributes
* @ param { HTMLElement } node - node where we will bind the expressions
* @ param { Array } attributes - list of attribute bindings
* @ returns { TemplateChunk } - template bindings object
* /
function createAttributeBindings ( node , attributes ) {
if ( attributes === void 0 ) {
attributes = [ ] ;
const expressions = attributes . map ( a => create$4 ( node , a ) ) ;
const binding = { } ;
return Object . assign ( binding , Object . assign ( {
} , createCoreAPIMethods ( method => scope => {
expressions . forEach ( e => e [ method ] ( scope ) ) ;
return binding ;
} ) ) ) ;
/ * *
* Create the subcomponents that can be included inside a tag in runtime
* @ param { Object } components - components imported in runtime
* @ returns { Object } all the components transformed into Riot . Component factory functions
* /
function createSubcomponents ( components ) {
if ( components === void 0 ) {
components = { } ;
return Object . entries ( callOrAssign ( components ) ) . reduce ( ( acc , _ref4 ) => {
let [ key , value ] = _ref4 ;
acc [ camelToDashCase ( key ) ] = createComponent ( value ) ;
return acc ;
} , { } ) ;
/ * *
* Run the component instance through all the plugins set by the user
* @ param { Object } component - component instance
* @ returns { Object } the component enhanced by the plugins
* /
function runPlugins ( component ) {
return [ ... PLUGINS _SET$1 ] . reduce ( ( c , fn ) => fn ( c ) || c , component ) ;
/ * *
* Compute the component current state merging it with its previous state
* @ param { Object } oldState - previous state object
* @ param { Object } newState - new state givent to the ` update ` call
* @ returns { Object } new object state
* /
function computeState ( oldState , newState ) {
return Object . assign ( { } , oldState , callOrAssign ( newState ) ) ;
/ * *
* Add eventually the "is" attribute to link this DOM node to its css
* @ param { HTMLElement } element - target root node
* @ param { string } name - name of the component mounted
* @ returns { undefined } it ' s a void function
* /
function addCssHook ( element , name ) {
if ( getName ( element ) !== name ) {
set ( element , IS _DIRECTIVE , name ) ;
/ * *
* Component creation factory function that will enhance the user provided API
* @ param { Object } component - a component implementation previously defined
* @ param { Array } options . slots - component slots generated via riot compiler
* @ param { Array } options . attributes - attribute expressions generated via riot compiler
* @ returns { Riot . Component } a riot component instance
* /
function enhanceComponentAPI ( component , _ref5 ) {
let {
slots ,
attributes ,
} = _ref5 ;
return autobindMethods ( runPlugins ( defineProperties ( isObject ( component ) ? Object . create ( component ) : component , {
mount ( element , state , parentScope ) {
if ( state === void 0 ) {
state = { } ;
// any element mounted passing through this function can't be a pure component
defineProperty ( element , IS _PURE _SYMBOL , false ) ;
this [ PARENT _KEY _SYMBOL ] = parentScope ;
this [ ATTRIBUTES _KEY _SYMBOL ] = createAttributeBindings ( element , attributes ) . mount ( parentScope ) ;
defineProperty ( this , PROPS _KEY , Object . freeze ( Object . assign ( { } , evaluateInitialProps ( element , props ) , evaluateAttributeExpressions ( this [ ATTRIBUTES _KEY _SYMBOL ] . expressions ) ) ) ) ;
this [ STATE _KEY ] = computeState ( this [ STATE _KEY ] , state ) ;
this [ TEMPLATE _KEY _SYMBOL ] = this . template . createDOM ( element ) . clone ( ) ; // link this object to the DOM node
bindDOMNodeToComponentObject ( element , this ) ; // add eventually the 'is' attribute
component . name && addCssHook ( element , component . name ) ; // define the root element
defineProperty ( this , ROOT _KEY , element ) ; // define the slots array
defineProperty ( this , SLOTS _KEY , slots ) ; // before mount lifecycle event
this [ ON _BEFORE _MOUNT _KEY ] ( this [ PROPS _KEY ] , this [ STATE _KEY ] ) ; // mount the template
this [ TEMPLATE _KEY _SYMBOL ] . mount ( element , this , parentScope ) ;
this [ ON _MOUNTED _KEY ] ( this [ PROPS _KEY ] , this [ STATE _KEY ] ) ;
return this ;
} ,
update ( state , parentScope ) {
if ( state === void 0 ) {
state = { } ;
if ( parentScope ) {
this [ PARENT _KEY _SYMBOL ] = parentScope ;
this [ ATTRIBUTES _KEY _SYMBOL ] . update ( parentScope ) ;
const newProps = evaluateAttributeExpressions ( this [ ATTRIBUTES _KEY _SYMBOL ] . expressions ) ;
if ( this [ SHOULD _UPDATE _KEY ] ( newProps , this [ PROPS _KEY ] ) === false ) return ;
defineProperty ( this , PROPS _KEY , Object . freeze ( Object . assign ( { } , this [ PROPS _KEY ] , newProps ) ) ) ;
this [ STATE _KEY ] = computeState ( this [ STATE _KEY ] , state ) ;
this [ ON _BEFORE _UPDATE _KEY ] ( this [ PROPS _KEY ] , this [ STATE _KEY ] ) ; // avoiding recursive updates
// see also https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2895
if ( ! this [ IS _COMPONENT _UPDATING ] ) {
this [ IS _COMPONENT _UPDATING ] = true ;
this [ TEMPLATE _KEY _SYMBOL ] . update ( this , this [ PARENT _KEY _SYMBOL ] ) ;
this [ ON _UPDATED _KEY ] ( this [ PROPS _KEY ] , this [ STATE _KEY ] ) ;
this [ IS _COMPONENT _UPDATING ] = false ;
return this ;
} ,
unmount ( preserveRoot ) {
this [ ON _BEFORE _UNMOUNT _KEY ] ( this [ PROPS _KEY ] , this [ STATE _KEY ] ) ;
this [ ATTRIBUTES _KEY _SYMBOL ] . unmount ( ) ; // if the preserveRoot is null the template html will be left untouched
// in that case the DOM cleanup will happen differently from a parent node
this [ TEMPLATE _KEY _SYMBOL ] . unmount ( this , this [ PARENT _KEY _SYMBOL ] , preserveRoot === null ? null : ! preserveRoot ) ;
this [ ON _UNMOUNTED _KEY ] ( this [ PROPS _KEY ] , this [ STATE _KEY ] ) ;
return this ;
} ) ) , Object . keys ( component ) . filter ( prop => isFunction ( component [ prop ] ) ) ) ;
/ * *
* Component initialization function starting from a DOM node
* @ param { HTMLElement } element - element to upgrade
* @ param { Object } initialProps - initial component properties
* @ param { string } componentName - component id
* @ returns { Object } a new component instance bound to a DOM node
* /
function mountComponent ( element , initialProps , componentName ) {
const name = componentName || getName ( element ) ;
if ( ! COMPONENTS _IMPLEMENTATION _MAP$1 . has ( name ) ) panic ( ` The component named " ${ name } " was never registered ` ) ;
const component = COMPONENTS _IMPLEMENTATION _MAP$1 . get ( name ) ( {
props : initialProps
} ) ;
return component . mount ( element ) ;
/ * *
* Similar to compose but performs from left - to - right function composition . < br / >
* { @ link https : //30secondsofcode.org/function#composeright see also}
* @ param { ... [ function ] } fns ) - list of unary function
* @ returns { * } result of the computation
* /
/ * *
* Performs right - to - left function composition . < br / >
* Use Array . prototype . reduce ( ) to perform right - to - left function composition . < br / >
* The last ( rightmost ) function can accept one or more arguments ; the remaining functions must be unary . < br / >
* { @ link https : //30secondsofcode.org/function#compose original source code}
* @ param { ... [ function ] } fns ) - list of unary function
* @ returns { * } result of the computation
* /
function compose ( ) {
for ( var _len2 = arguments . length , fns = new Array ( _len2 ) , _key2 = 0 ; _key2 < _len2 ; _key2 ++ ) {
fns [ _key2 ] = arguments [ _key2 ] ;
return fns . reduce ( ( f , g ) => function ( ) {
return f ( g ( ... arguments ) ) ;
} ) ;
const {
} = globals ;
/ * *
* Riot public api
* /
/ * *
* Register a custom tag by name
* @ param { string } name - component name
* @ param { Object } implementation - tag implementation
* @ returns { Map } map containing all the components implementations
* /
function register ( name , _ref ) {
let {
css ,
template ,
} = _ref ;
if ( COMPONENTS _IMPLEMENTATION _MAP . has ( name ) ) panic ( ` The component " ${ name } " was already registered ` ) ;
COMPONENTS _IMPLEMENTATION _MAP . set ( name , createComponent ( {
name ,
css ,
template ,
} ) ) ;
/ * *
* Unregister a riot web component
* @ param { string } name - component name
* @ returns { Map } map containing all the components implementations
* /
function unregister ( name ) {
if ( ! COMPONENTS _IMPLEMENTATION _MAP . has ( name ) ) panic ( ` The component " ${ name } " was never registered ` ) ;
cssManager . remove ( name ) ;
/ * *
* Mounting function that will work only for the components that were globally registered
* @ param { string | HTMLElement } selector - query for the selection or a DOM element
* @ param { Object } initialProps - the initial component properties
* @ param { string } name - optional component name
* @ returns { Array } list of riot components
* /
function mount ( selector , initialProps , name ) {
return $ ( selector ) . map ( element => mountComponent ( element , initialProps , name ) ) ;
/ * *
* Sweet unmounting helper function for the DOM node mounted manually by the user
* @ param { string | HTMLElement } selector - query for the selection or a DOM element
* @ param { boolean | null } keepRootElement - if true keep the root element
* @ returns { Array } list of nodes unmounted
* /
function unmount ( selector , keepRootElement ) {
return $ ( selector ) . map ( element => {
element [ DOM _COMPONENT _INSTANCE _PROPERTY ] . unmount ( keepRootElement ) ;
return element ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Define a riot plugin
* @ param { Function } plugin - function that will receive all the components created
* @ returns { Set } the set containing all the plugins installed
* /
function install ( plugin ) {
if ( ! isFunction ( plugin ) ) panic ( 'Plugins must be of type function' ) ;
if ( PLUGINS _SET . has ( plugin ) ) panic ( 'This plugin was already installed' ) ;
PLUGINS _SET . add ( plugin ) ;
return PLUGINS _SET ;
/ * *
* Uninstall a riot plugin
* @ param { Function } plugin - plugin previously installed
* @ returns { Set } the set containing all the plugins installed
* /
function uninstall ( plugin ) {
if ( ! PLUGINS _SET . has ( plugin ) ) panic ( 'This plugin was never installed' ) ;
PLUGINS _SET . delete ( plugin ) ;
return PLUGINS _SET ;
/ * *
* Helper method to create component without relying on the registered ones
* @ param { Object } implementation - component implementation
* @ returns { Function } function that will allow you to mount a riot component on a DOM node
* /
function component ( implementation ) {
return function ( el , props , _temp ) {
let {
slots ,
attributes ,
} = _temp === void 0 ? { } : _temp ;
return compose ( c => c . mount ( el , parentScope ) , c => c ( {
props ,
slots ,
} ) , createComponent ) ( implementation ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Lift a riot component Interface into a pure riot object
* @ param { Function } func - RiotPureComponent factory function
* @ returns { Function } the lifted original function received as argument
* /
function pure ( func ) {
if ( ! isFunction ( func ) ) panic ( 'riot.pure accepts only arguments of type "function"' ) ;
func [ IS _PURE _SYMBOL ] = true ;
return func ;
/ * *
* no - op function needed to add the proper types to your component via typescript
* @ param { Function | Object } component - component default export
* @ returns { Function | Object } returns exactly what it has received
* /
const withTypes = component => component ;
/** @type {string} current riot version */
const version = 'v6.1.2' ; // expose some internal stuff that might be used from external tools
const _ _ = {
cssManager ,
DOMBindings ,
createComponent ,
defineComponent ,
} ;
/***/ } ) ,
/***/ "./node_modules/validate.js/validate.js" :
/ * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * \
! * * * . / node _modules / validate . js / validate . js * * * !
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/***/ ( function ( module , exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) {
/* module decorator */ module = _ _webpack _require _ _ . nmd ( module ) ;
/ * !
* validate . js 0.13 . 1
* ( c ) 2013 - 2019 Nicklas Ansman , 2013 Wrapp
* Validate . js may be freely distributed under the MIT license .
* For all details and documentation :
* http : //validatejs.org/
* /
( function ( exports , module , define ) {
"use strict" ;
// The main function that calls the validators specified by the constraints.
// The options are the following:
// - format (string) - An option that controls how the returned value is formatted
// * flat - Returns a flat array of just the error messages
// * grouped - Returns the messages grouped by attribute (default)
// * detailed - Returns an array of the raw validation data
// - fullMessages (boolean) - If `true` (default) the attribute name is prepended to the error.
// Please note that the options are also passed to each validator.
var validate = function ( attributes , constraints , options ) {
options = v . extend ( { } , v . options , options ) ;
var results = v . runValidations ( attributes , constraints , options )
, attr
, validator ;
if ( results . some ( function ( r ) { return v . isPromise ( r . error ) ; } ) ) {
throw new Error ( "Use validate.async if you want support for promises" ) ;
return validate . processValidationResults ( results , options ) ;
} ;
var v = validate ;
// Copies over attributes from one or more sources to a single destination.
// Very much similar to underscore's extend.
// The first argument is the target object and the remaining arguments will be
// used as sources.
v . extend = function ( obj ) {
[ ] . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) . forEach ( function ( source ) {
for ( var attr in source ) {
obj [ attr ] = source [ attr ] ;
} ) ;
return obj ;
} ;
v . extend ( validate , {
// This is the version of the library as a semver.
// The toString function will allow it to be coerced into a string
version : {
major : 0 ,
minor : 13 ,
patch : 1 ,
metadata : null ,
toString : function ( ) {
var version = v . format ( "%{major}.%{minor}.%{patch}" , v . version ) ;
if ( ! v . isEmpty ( v . version . metadata ) ) {
version += "+" + v . version . metadata ;
return version ;
} ,
// Below is the dependencies that are used in validate.js
// The constructor of the Promise implementation.
// If you are using Q.js, RSVP or any other A+ compatible implementation
// override this attribute to be the constructor of that promise.
// Since jQuery promises aren't A+ compatible they won't work.
Promise : typeof Promise !== "undefined" ? Promise : /* istanbul ignore next */ null ,
// Runs the validators specified by the constraints object.
// Will return an array of the format:
// [{attribute: "<attribute name>", error: "<validation result>"}, ...]
runValidations : function ( attributes , constraints , options ) {
var results = [ ]
, attr
, validatorName
, value
, validators
, validator
, validatorOptions
, error ;
if ( v . isDomElement ( attributes ) || v . isJqueryElement ( attributes ) ) {
attributes = v . collectFormValues ( attributes ) ;
// Loops through each constraints, finds the correct validator and run it.
for ( attr in constraints ) {
value = v . getDeepObjectValue ( attributes , attr ) ;
// This allows the constraints for an attribute to be a function.
// The function will be called with the value, attribute name, the complete dict of
// attributes as well as the options and constraints passed in.
// This is useful when you want to have different
// validations depending on the attribute value.
validators = v . result ( constraints [ attr ] , value , attributes , attr , options , constraints ) ;
for ( validatorName in validators ) {
validator = v . validators [ validatorName ] ;
if ( ! validator ) {
error = v . format ( "Unknown validator %{name}" , { name : validatorName } ) ;
throw new Error ( error ) ;
validatorOptions = validators [ validatorName ] ;
// This allows the options to be a function. The function will be
// called with the value, attribute name, the complete dict of
// attributes as well as the options and constraints passed in.
// This is useful when you want to have different
// validations depending on the attribute value.
validatorOptions = v . result ( validatorOptions , value , attributes , attr , options , constraints ) ;
if ( ! validatorOptions ) {
continue ;
results . push ( {
attribute : attr ,
value : value ,
validator : validatorName ,
globalOptions : options ,
attributes : attributes ,
options : validatorOptions ,
error : validator . call ( validator ,
value ,
validatorOptions ,
attr ,
attributes ,
options )
} ) ;
return results ;
} ,
// Takes the output from runValidations and converts it to the correct
// output format.
processValidationResults : function ( errors , options ) {
errors = v . pruneEmptyErrors ( errors , options ) ;
errors = v . expandMultipleErrors ( errors , options ) ;
errors = v . convertErrorMessages ( errors , options ) ;
var format = options . format || "grouped" ;
if ( typeof v . formatters [ format ] === 'function' ) {
errors = v . formatters [ format ] ( errors ) ;
} else {
throw new Error ( v . format ( "Unknown format %{format}" , options ) ) ;
return v . isEmpty ( errors ) ? undefined : errors ;
} ,
// Runs the validations with support for promises.
// This function will return a promise that is settled when all the
// validation promises have been completed.
// It can be called even if no validations returned a promise.
async : function ( attributes , constraints , options ) {
options = v . extend ( { } , v . async . options , options ) ;
var WrapErrors = options . wrapErrors || function ( errors ) {
return errors ;
} ;
// Removes unknown attributes
if ( options . cleanAttributes !== false ) {
attributes = v . cleanAttributes ( attributes , constraints ) ;
var results = v . runValidations ( attributes , constraints , options ) ;
return new v . Promise ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
v . waitForResults ( results ) . then ( function ( ) {
var errors = v . processValidationResults ( results , options ) ;
if ( errors ) {
reject ( new WrapErrors ( errors , options , attributes , constraints ) ) ;
} else {
resolve ( attributes ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
reject ( err ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
single : function ( value , constraints , options ) {
options = v . extend ( { } , v . single . options , options , {
format : "flat" ,
fullMessages : false
} ) ;
return v ( { single : value } , { single : constraints } , options ) ;
} ,
// Returns a promise that is resolved when all promises in the results array
// are settled. The promise returned from this function is always resolved,
// never rejected.
// This function modifies the input argument, it replaces the promises
// with the value returned from the promise.
waitForResults : function ( results ) {
// Create a sequence of all the results starting with a resolved promise.
return results . reduce ( function ( memo , result ) {
// If this result isn't a promise skip it in the sequence.
if ( ! v . isPromise ( result . error ) ) {
return memo ;
return memo . then ( function ( ) {
return result . error . then ( function ( error ) {
result . error = error || null ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} , new v . Promise ( function ( r ) { r ( ) ; } ) ) ; // A resolved promise
} ,
// If the given argument is a call: function the and: function return the value
// otherwise just return the value. Additional arguments will be passed as
// arguments to the function.
// Example:
// ```
// result('foo') // 'foo'
// result(Math.max, 1, 2) // 2
// ```
result : function ( value ) {
var args = [ ] . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) ;
if ( typeof value === 'function' ) {
value = value . apply ( null , args ) ;
return value ;
} ,
// Checks if the value is a number. This function does not consider NaN a
// number like many other `isNumber` functions do.
isNumber : function ( value ) {
return typeof value === 'number' && ! isNaN ( value ) ;
} ,
// Returns false if the object is not a function
isFunction : function ( value ) {
return typeof value === 'function' ;
} ,
// A simple check to verify that the value is an integer. Uses `isNumber`
// and a simple modulo check.
isInteger : function ( value ) {
return v . isNumber ( value ) && value % 1 === 0 ;
} ,
// Checks if the value is a boolean
isBoolean : function ( value ) {
return typeof value === 'boolean' ;
} ,
// Uses the `Object` function to check if the given argument is an object.
isObject : function ( obj ) {
return obj === Object ( obj ) ;
} ,
// Simply checks if the object is an instance of a date
isDate : function ( obj ) {
return obj instanceof Date ;
} ,
// Returns false if the object is `null` of `undefined`
isDefined : function ( obj ) {
return obj !== null && obj !== undefined ;
} ,
// Checks if the given argument is a promise. Anything with a `then`
// function is considered a promise.
isPromise : function ( p ) {
return ! ! p && v . isFunction ( p . then ) ;
} ,
isJqueryElement : function ( o ) {
return o && v . isString ( o . jquery ) ;
} ,
isDomElement : function ( o ) {
if ( ! o ) {
return false ;
if ( ! o . querySelectorAll || ! o . querySelector ) {
return false ;
if ( v . isObject ( document ) && o === document ) {
return true ;
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/384380/699304
/* istanbul ignore else */
if ( typeof HTMLElement === "object" ) {
return o instanceof HTMLElement ;
} else {
return o &&
typeof o === "object" &&
o !== null &&
o . nodeType === 1 &&
typeof o . nodeName === "string" ;
} ,
isEmpty : function ( value ) {
var attr ;
// Null and undefined are empty
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return true ;
// functions are non empty
if ( v . isFunction ( value ) ) {
return false ;
// Whitespace only strings are empty
if ( v . isString ( value ) ) {
return v . EMPTY _STRING _REGEXP . test ( value ) ;
// For arrays we use the length property
if ( v . isArray ( value ) ) {
return value . length === 0 ;
// Dates have no attributes but aren't empty
if ( v . isDate ( value ) ) {
return false ;
// If we find at least one property we consider it non empty
if ( v . isObject ( value ) ) {
for ( attr in value ) {
return false ;
return true ;
return false ;
} ,
// Formats the specified strings with the given values like so:
// ```
// format("Foo: %{foo}", {foo: "bar"}) // "Foo bar"
// ```
// If you want to write %{...} without having it replaced simply
// prefix it with % like this `Foo: %%{foo}` and it will be returned
// as `"Foo: %{foo}"`
format : v . extend ( function ( str , vals ) {
if ( ! v . isString ( str ) ) {
return str ;
return str . replace ( v . format . FORMAT _REGEXP , function ( m0 , m1 , m2 ) {
if ( m1 === '%' ) {
return "%{" + m2 + "}" ;
} else {
return String ( vals [ m2 ] ) ;
} ) ;
} , {
// Finds %{key} style patterns in the given string
FORMAT _REGEXP : /(%?)%\{([^\}]+)\}/g
} ) ,
// "Prettifies" the given string.
// Prettifying means replacing [.\_-] with spaces as well as splitting
// camel case words.
prettify : function ( str ) {
if ( v . isNumber ( str ) ) {
// If there are more than 2 decimals round it to two
if ( ( str * 100 ) % 1 === 0 ) {
return "" + str ;
} else {
return parseFloat ( Math . round ( str * 100 ) / 100 ) . toFixed ( 2 ) ;
if ( v . isArray ( str ) ) {
return str . map ( function ( s ) { return v . prettify ( s ) ; } ) . join ( ", " ) ;
if ( v . isObject ( str ) ) {
if ( ! v . isDefined ( str . toString ) ) {
return JSON . stringify ( str ) ;
return str . toString ( ) ;
// Ensure the string is actually a string
str = "" + str ;
return str
// Splits keys separated by periods
. replace ( /([^\s])\.([^\s])/g , '$1 $2' )
// Removes backslashes
. replace ( /\\+/g , '' )
// Replaces - and - with space
. replace ( /[_-]/g , ' ' )
// Splits camel cased words
. replace ( /([a-z])([A-Z])/g , function ( m0 , m1 , m2 ) {
return "" + m1 + " " + m2 . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} )
. toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ,
stringifyValue : function ( value , options ) {
var prettify = options && options . prettify || v . prettify ;
return prettify ( value ) ;
} ,
isString : function ( value ) {
return typeof value === 'string' ;
} ,
isArray : function ( value ) {
return { } . toString . call ( value ) === '[object Array]' ;
} ,
// Checks if the object is a hash, which is equivalent to an object that
// is neither an array nor a function.
isHash : function ( value ) {
return v . isObject ( value ) && ! v . isArray ( value ) && ! v . isFunction ( value ) ;
} ,
contains : function ( obj , value ) {
if ( ! v . isDefined ( obj ) ) {
return false ;
if ( v . isArray ( obj ) ) {
return obj . indexOf ( value ) !== - 1 ;
return value in obj ;
} ,
unique : function ( array ) {
if ( ! v . isArray ( array ) ) {
return array ;
return array . filter ( function ( el , index , array ) {
return array . indexOf ( el ) == index ;
} ) ;
} ,
forEachKeyInKeypath : function ( object , keypath , callback ) {
if ( ! v . isString ( keypath ) ) {
return undefined ;
var key = ""
, i
, escape = false ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < keypath . length ; ++ i ) {
switch ( keypath [ i ] ) {
case '.' :
if ( escape ) {
escape = false ;
key += '.' ;
} else {
object = callback ( object , key , false ) ;
key = "" ;
break ;
case '\\' :
if ( escape ) {
escape = false ;
key += '\\' ;
} else {
escape = true ;
break ;
default :
escape = false ;
key += keypath [ i ] ;
break ;
return callback ( object , key , true ) ;
} ,
getDeepObjectValue : function ( obj , keypath ) {
if ( ! v . isObject ( obj ) ) {
return undefined ;
return v . forEachKeyInKeypath ( obj , keypath , function ( obj , key ) {
if ( v . isObject ( obj ) ) {
return obj [ key ] ;
} ) ;
} ,
// This returns an object with all the values of the form.
// It uses the input name as key and the value as value
// So for example this:
// <input type="text" name="email" value="foo@bar.com" />
// would return:
// {email: "foo@bar.com"}
collectFormValues : function ( form , options ) {
var values = { }
, i
, j
, input
, inputs
, option
, value ;
if ( v . isJqueryElement ( form ) ) {
form = form [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! form ) {
return values ;
options = options || { } ;
inputs = form . querySelectorAll ( "input[name], textarea[name]" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < inputs . length ; ++ i ) {
input = inputs . item ( i ) ;
if ( v . isDefined ( input . getAttribute ( "data-ignored" ) ) ) {
continue ;
var name = input . name . replace ( /\./g , "\\\\." ) ;
value = v . sanitizeFormValue ( input . value , options ) ;
if ( input . type === "number" ) {
value = value ? + value : null ;
} else if ( input . type === "checkbox" ) {
if ( input . attributes . value ) {
if ( ! input . checked ) {
value = values [ name ] || null ;
} else {
value = input . checked ;
} else if ( input . type === "radio" ) {
if ( ! input . checked ) {
value = values [ name ] || null ;
values [ name ] = value ;
inputs = form . querySelectorAll ( "select[name]" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < inputs . length ; ++ i ) {
input = inputs . item ( i ) ;
if ( v . isDefined ( input . getAttribute ( "data-ignored" ) ) ) {
continue ;
if ( input . multiple ) {
value = [ ] ;
for ( j in input . options ) {
option = input . options [ j ] ;
if ( option && option . selected ) {
value . push ( v . sanitizeFormValue ( option . value , options ) ) ;
} else {
var _val = typeof input . options [ input . selectedIndex ] !== 'undefined' ? input . options [ input . selectedIndex ] . value : /* istanbul ignore next */ '' ;
value = v . sanitizeFormValue ( _val , options ) ;
values [ input . name ] = value ;
return values ;
} ,
sanitizeFormValue : function ( value , options ) {
if ( options . trim && v . isString ( value ) ) {
value = value . trim ( ) ;
if ( options . nullify !== false && value === "" ) {
return null ;
return value ;
} ,
capitalize : function ( str ) {
if ( ! v . isString ( str ) ) {
return str ;
return str [ 0 ] . toUpperCase ( ) + str . slice ( 1 ) ;
} ,
// Remove all errors who's error attribute is empty (null or undefined)
pruneEmptyErrors : function ( errors ) {
return errors . filter ( function ( error ) {
return ! v . isEmpty ( error . error ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
// In
// [{error: ["err1", "err2"], ...}]
// Out
// [{error: "err1", ...}, {error: "err2", ...}]
// All attributes in an error with multiple messages are duplicated
// when expanding the errors.
expandMultipleErrors : function ( errors ) {
var ret = [ ] ;
errors . forEach ( function ( error ) {
// Removes errors without a message
if ( v . isArray ( error . error ) ) {
error . error . forEach ( function ( msg ) {
ret . push ( v . extend ( { } , error , { error : msg } ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
ret . push ( error ) ;
} ) ;
return ret ;
} ,
// Converts the error mesages by prepending the attribute name unless the
// message is prefixed by ^
convertErrorMessages : function ( errors , options ) {
options = options || { } ;
var ret = [ ]
, prettify = options . prettify || v . prettify ;
errors . forEach ( function ( errorInfo ) {
var error = v . result ( errorInfo . error ,
errorInfo . value ,
errorInfo . attribute ,
errorInfo . options ,
errorInfo . attributes ,
errorInfo . globalOptions ) ;
if ( ! v . isString ( error ) ) {
ret . push ( errorInfo ) ;
return ;
if ( error [ 0 ] === '^' ) {
error = error . slice ( 1 ) ;
} else if ( options . fullMessages !== false ) {
error = v . capitalize ( prettify ( errorInfo . attribute ) ) + " " + error ;
error = error . replace ( /\\\^/g , "^" ) ;
error = v . format ( error , {
value : v . stringifyValue ( errorInfo . value , options )
} ) ;
ret . push ( v . extend ( { } , errorInfo , { error : error } ) ) ;
} ) ;
return ret ;
} ,
// In:
// [{attribute: "<attributeName>", ...}]
// Out:
// {"<attributeName>": [{attribute: "<attributeName>", ...}]}
groupErrorsByAttribute : function ( errors ) {
var ret = { } ;
errors . forEach ( function ( error ) {
var list = ret [ error . attribute ] ;
if ( list ) {
list . push ( error ) ;
} else {
ret [ error . attribute ] = [ error ] ;
} ) ;
return ret ;
} ,
// In:
// [{error: "<message 1>", ...}, {error: "<message 2>", ...}]
// Out:
// ["<message 1>", "<message 2>"]
flattenErrorsToArray : function ( errors ) {
return errors
. map ( function ( error ) { return error . error ; } )
. filter ( function ( value , index , self ) {
return self . indexOf ( value ) === index ;
} ) ;
} ,
cleanAttributes : function ( attributes , whitelist ) {
function whitelistCreator ( obj , key , last ) {
if ( v . isObject ( obj [ key ] ) ) {
return obj [ key ] ;
return ( obj [ key ] = last ? true : { } ) ;
function buildObjectWhitelist ( whitelist ) {
var ow = { }
, lastObject
, attr ;
for ( attr in whitelist ) {
if ( ! whitelist [ attr ] ) {
continue ;
v . forEachKeyInKeypath ( ow , attr , whitelistCreator ) ;
return ow ;
function cleanRecursive ( attributes , whitelist ) {
if ( ! v . isObject ( attributes ) ) {
return attributes ;
var ret = v . extend ( { } , attributes )
, w
, attribute ;
for ( attribute in attributes ) {
w = whitelist [ attribute ] ;
if ( v . isObject ( w ) ) {
ret [ attribute ] = cleanRecursive ( ret [ attribute ] , w ) ;
} else if ( ! w ) {
delete ret [ attribute ] ;
return ret ;
if ( ! v . isObject ( whitelist ) || ! v . isObject ( attributes ) ) {
return { } ;
whitelist = buildObjectWhitelist ( whitelist ) ;
return cleanRecursive ( attributes , whitelist ) ;
} ,
exposeModule : function ( validate , root , exports , module , define ) {
if ( exports ) {
if ( module && module . exports ) {
exports = module . exports = validate ;
exports . validate = validate ;
} else {
root . validate = validate ;
if ( validate . isFunction ( define ) && define . amd ) {
define ( [ ] , function ( ) { return validate ; } ) ;
} ,
warn : function ( msg ) {
if ( typeof console !== "undefined" && console . warn ) {
console . warn ( "[validate.js] " + msg ) ;
} ,
error : function ( msg ) {
if ( typeof console !== "undefined" && console . error ) {
console . error ( "[validate.js] " + msg ) ;
} ) ;
validate . validators = {
// Presence validates that the value isn't empty
presence : function ( value , options ) {
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
if ( options . allowEmpty !== false ? ! v . isDefined ( value ) : v . isEmpty ( value ) ) {
return options . message || this . message || "can't be blank" ;
} ,
length : function ( value , options , attribute ) {
// Empty values are allowed
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
var is = options . is
, maximum = options . maximum
, minimum = options . minimum
, tokenizer = options . tokenizer || function ( val ) { return val ; }
, err
, errors = [ ] ;
value = tokenizer ( value ) ;
var length = value . length ;
if ( ! v . isNumber ( length ) ) {
return options . message || this . notValid || "has an incorrect length" ;
// Is checks
if ( v . isNumber ( is ) && length !== is ) {
err = options . wrongLength ||
this . wrongLength ||
"is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)" ;
errors . push ( v . format ( err , { count : is } ) ) ;
if ( v . isNumber ( minimum ) && length < minimum ) {
err = options . tooShort ||
this . tooShort ||
"is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)" ;
errors . push ( v . format ( err , { count : minimum } ) ) ;
if ( v . isNumber ( maximum ) && length > maximum ) {
err = options . tooLong ||
this . tooLong ||
"is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)" ;
errors . push ( v . format ( err , { count : maximum } ) ) ;
if ( errors . length > 0 ) {
return options . message || errors ;
} ,
numericality : function ( value , options , attribute , attributes , globalOptions ) {
// Empty values are fine
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
var errors = [ ]
, name
, count
, checks = {
greaterThan : function ( v , c ) { return v > c ; } ,
greaterThanOrEqualTo : function ( v , c ) { return v >= c ; } ,
equalTo : function ( v , c ) { return v === c ; } ,
lessThan : function ( v , c ) { return v < c ; } ,
lessThanOrEqualTo : function ( v , c ) { return v <= c ; } ,
divisibleBy : function ( v , c ) { return v % c === 0 ; }
, prettify = options . prettify ||
( globalOptions && globalOptions . prettify ) ||
v . prettify ;
// Strict will check that it is a valid looking number
if ( v . isString ( value ) && options . strict ) {
var pattern = "^-?(0|[1-9]\\d*)" ;
if ( ! options . onlyInteger ) {
pattern += "(\\.\\d+)?" ;
pattern += "$" ;
if ( ! ( new RegExp ( pattern ) . test ( value ) ) ) {
return options . message ||
options . notValid ||
this . notValid ||
this . message ||
"must be a valid number" ;
// Coerce the value to a number unless we're being strict.
if ( options . noStrings !== true && v . isString ( value ) && ! v . isEmpty ( value ) ) {
value = + value ;
// If it's not a number we shouldn't continue since it will compare it.
if ( ! v . isNumber ( value ) ) {
return options . message ||
options . notValid ||
this . notValid ||
this . message ||
"is not a number" ;
// Same logic as above, sort of. Don't bother with comparisons if this
// doesn't pass.
if ( options . onlyInteger && ! v . isInteger ( value ) ) {
return options . message ||
options . notInteger ||
this . notInteger ||
this . message ||
"must be an integer" ;
for ( name in checks ) {
count = options [ name ] ;
if ( v . isNumber ( count ) && ! checks [ name ] ( value , count ) ) {
// This picks the default message if specified
// For example the greaterThan check uses the message from
// this.notGreaterThan so we capitalize the name and prepend "not"
var key = "not" + v . capitalize ( name ) ;
var msg = options [ key ] ||
this [ key ] ||
this . message ||
"must be %{type} %{count}" ;
errors . push ( v . format ( msg , {
count : count ,
type : prettify ( name )
} ) ) ;
if ( options . odd && value % 2 !== 1 ) {
errors . push ( options . notOdd ||
this . notOdd ||
this . message ||
"must be odd" ) ;
if ( options . even && value % 2 !== 0 ) {
errors . push ( options . notEven ||
this . notEven ||
this . message ||
"must be even" ) ;
if ( errors . length ) {
return options . message || errors ;
} ,
datetime : v . extend ( function ( value , options ) {
if ( ! v . isFunction ( this . parse ) || ! v . isFunction ( this . format ) ) {
throw new Error ( "Both the parse and format functions needs to be set to use the datetime/date validator" ) ;
// Empty values are fine
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
var err
, errors = [ ]
, earliest = options . earliest ? this . parse ( options . earliest , options ) : NaN
, latest = options . latest ? this . parse ( options . latest , options ) : NaN ;
value = this . parse ( value , options ) ;
// 86400000 is the number of milliseconds in a day, this is used to remove
// the time from the date
if ( isNaN ( value ) || options . dateOnly && value % 86400000 !== 0 ) {
err = options . notValid ||
options . message ||
this . notValid ||
"must be a valid date" ;
return v . format ( err , { value : arguments [ 0 ] } ) ;
if ( ! isNaN ( earliest ) && value < earliest ) {
err = options . tooEarly ||
options . message ||
this . tooEarly ||
"must be no earlier than %{date}" ;
err = v . format ( err , {
value : this . format ( value , options ) ,
date : this . format ( earliest , options )
} ) ;
errors . push ( err ) ;
if ( ! isNaN ( latest ) && value > latest ) {
err = options . tooLate ||
options . message ||
this . tooLate ||
"must be no later than %{date}" ;
err = v . format ( err , {
date : this . format ( latest , options ) ,
value : this . format ( value , options )
} ) ;
errors . push ( err ) ;
if ( errors . length ) {
return v . unique ( errors ) ;
} , {
parse : null ,
format : null
} ) ,
date : function ( value , options ) {
options = v . extend ( { } , options , { dateOnly : true } ) ;
return v . validators . datetime . call ( v . validators . datetime , value , options ) ;
} ,
format : function ( value , options ) {
if ( v . isString ( options ) || ( options instanceof RegExp ) ) {
options = { pattern : options } ;
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
var message = options . message || this . message || "is invalid"
, pattern = options . pattern
, match ;
// Empty values are allowed
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! v . isString ( value ) ) {
return message ;
if ( v . isString ( pattern ) ) {
pattern = new RegExp ( options . pattern , options . flags ) ;
match = pattern . exec ( value ) ;
if ( ! match || match [ 0 ] . length != value . length ) {
return message ;
} ,
inclusion : function ( value , options ) {
// Empty values are fine
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
if ( v . isArray ( options ) ) {
options = { within : options } ;
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
if ( v . contains ( options . within , value ) ) {
return ;
var message = options . message ||
this . message ||
"^%{value} is not included in the list" ;
return v . format ( message , { value : value } ) ;
} ,
exclusion : function ( value , options ) {
// Empty values are fine
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
if ( v . isArray ( options ) ) {
options = { within : options } ;
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
if ( ! v . contains ( options . within , value ) ) {
return ;
var message = options . message || this . message || "^%{value} is restricted" ;
if ( v . isString ( options . within [ value ] ) ) {
value = options . within [ value ] ;
return v . format ( message , { value : value } ) ;
} ,
email : v . extend ( function ( value , options ) {
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
var message = options . message || this . message || "is not a valid email" ;
// Empty values are fine
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! v . isString ( value ) ) {
return message ;
if ( ! this . PATTERN . exec ( value ) ) {
return message ;
} , {
PATTERN : /^(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*")@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x53-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)\])$/i
} ) ,
equality : function ( value , options , attribute , attributes , globalOptions ) {
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
if ( v . isString ( options ) ) {
options = { attribute : options } ;
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
var message = options . message ||
this . message ||
"is not equal to %{attribute}" ;
if ( v . isEmpty ( options . attribute ) || ! v . isString ( options . attribute ) ) {
throw new Error ( "The attribute must be a non empty string" ) ;
var otherValue = v . getDeepObjectValue ( attributes , options . attribute )
, comparator = options . comparator || function ( v1 , v2 ) {
return v1 === v2 ;
, prettify = options . prettify ||
( globalOptions && globalOptions . prettify ) ||
v . prettify ;
if ( ! comparator ( value , otherValue , options , attribute , attributes ) ) {
return v . format ( message , { attribute : prettify ( options . attribute ) } ) ;
} ,
// A URL validator that is used to validate URLs with the ability to
// restrict schemes and some domains.
url : function ( value , options ) {
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , options ) ;
var message = options . message || this . message || "is not a valid url"
, schemes = options . schemes || this . schemes || [ 'http' , 'https' ]
, allowLocal = options . allowLocal || this . allowLocal || false
, allowDataUrl = options . allowDataUrl || this . allowDataUrl || false ;
if ( ! v . isString ( value ) ) {
return message ;
// https://gist.github.com/dperini/729294
var regex =
"^" +
// protocol identifier
"(?:(?:" + schemes . join ( "|" ) + ")://)" +
// user:pass authentication
"(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?" +
"(?:" ;
var tld = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,}))" ;
if ( allowLocal ) {
tld += "?" ;
} else {
regex +=
// IP address exclusion
// private & local networks
"(?!(?:10|127)(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})" +
"(?!(?:169\\.254|192\\.168)(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})" +
"(?!172\\.(?:1[6-9]|2\\d|3[0-1])(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})" ;
regex +=
// IP address dotted notation octets
// excludes loopback network
// excludes reserved space >=
// excludes network & broacast addresses
// (first & last IP address of each class)
"(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])" +
"(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}" +
"(?:\\.(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))" +
"|" +
// host name
"(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)" +
// domain name
"(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*" +
tld +
")" +
// port number
"(?::\\d{2,5})?" +
// resource path
"(?:[/?#]\\S*)?" +
"$" ;
if ( allowDataUrl ) {
// RFC 2397
var mediaType = "\\w+\\/[-+.\\w]+(?:;[\\w=]+)*" ;
var urlchar = "[A-Za-z0-9-_.!~\\*'();\\/?:@&=+$,%]*" ;
var dataurl = "data:(?:" + mediaType + ")?(?:;base64)?," + urlchar ;
regex = "(?:" + regex + ")|(?:^" + dataurl + "$)" ;
var PATTERN = new RegExp ( regex , 'i' ) ;
if ( ! PATTERN . exec ( value ) ) {
return message ;
} ,
type : v . extend ( function ( value , originalOptions , attribute , attributes , globalOptions ) {
if ( v . isString ( originalOptions ) ) {
originalOptions = { type : originalOptions } ;
if ( ! v . isDefined ( value ) ) {
return ;
var options = v . extend ( { } , this . options , originalOptions ) ;
var type = options . type ;
if ( ! v . isDefined ( type ) ) {
throw new Error ( "No type was specified" ) ;
var check ;
if ( v . isFunction ( type ) ) {
check = type ;
} else {
check = this . types [ type ] ;
if ( ! v . isFunction ( check ) ) {
throw new Error ( "validate.validators.type.types." + type + " must be a function." ) ;
if ( ! check ( value , options , attribute , attributes , globalOptions ) ) {
var message = originalOptions . message ||
this . messages [ type ] ||
this . message ||
options . message ||
( v . isFunction ( type ) ? "must be of the correct type" : "must be of type %{type}" ) ;
if ( v . isFunction ( message ) ) {
message = message ( value , originalOptions , attribute , attributes , globalOptions ) ;
return v . format ( message , { attribute : v . prettify ( attribute ) , type : type } ) ;
} , {
types : {
object : function ( value ) {
return v . isObject ( value ) && ! v . isArray ( value ) ;
} ,
array : v . isArray ,
integer : v . isInteger ,
number : v . isNumber ,
string : v . isString ,
date : v . isDate ,
boolean : v . isBoolean
} ,
messages : { }
} )
} ;
validate . formatters = {
detailed : function ( errors ) { return errors ; } ,
flat : v . flattenErrorsToArray ,
grouped : function ( errors ) {
var attr ;
errors = v . groupErrorsByAttribute ( errors ) ;
for ( attr in errors ) {
errors [ attr ] = v . flattenErrorsToArray ( errors [ attr ] ) ;
return errors ;
} ,
constraint : function ( errors ) {
var attr ;
errors = v . groupErrorsByAttribute ( errors ) ;
for ( attr in errors ) {
errors [ attr ] = errors [ attr ] . map ( function ( result ) {
return result . validator ;
} ) . sort ( ) ;
return errors ;
} ;
validate . exposeModule ( validate , this , exports , module , _ _webpack _require _ _ . amdD ) ;
} ) . call ( this ,
true ? /* istanbul ignore next */ exports : 0 ,
true ? /* istanbul ignore next */ module : 0 ,
_ _webpack _require _ _ . amdD ) ;
/***/ } )
/******/ } ) ;
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var _ _webpack _module _cache _ _ = { } ;
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function _ _webpack _require _ _ ( moduleId ) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if ( _ _webpack _module _cache _ _ [ moduleId ] ) {
/******/ return _ _webpack _module _cache _ _ [ moduleId ] . exports ;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = _ _webpack _module _cache _ _ [ moduleId ] = {
/******/ id : moduleId ,
/******/ loaded : false ,
/******/ exports : { }
/******/ } ;
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ _ _webpack _modules _ _ [ moduleId ] . call ( module . exports , module , module . exports , _ _webpack _require _ _ ) ;
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module . loaded = true ;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module . exports ;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . m = _ _webpack _modules _ _ ;
/******/ // the startup function
/******/ // It's empty as some runtime module handles the default behavior
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . x = x => { }
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/amd define */
/******/ ( ( ) => {
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . amdD = function ( ) {
/******/ throw new Error ( 'define cannot be used indirect' ) ;
/******/ } ;
/******/ } ) ( ) ;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
/******/ ( ( ) => {
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . n = ( module ) => {
/******/ var getter = module && module . _ _esModule ?
/******/ ( ) => module [ 'default' ] :
/******/ ( ) => module ;
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d ( getter , { a : getter } ) ;
/******/ return getter ;
/******/ } ;
/******/ } ) ( ) ;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ ( ( ) => {
/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . d = ( exports , definition ) => {
/******/ for ( var key in definition ) {
/******/ if ( _ _webpack _require _ _ . o ( definition , key ) && ! _ _webpack _require _ _ . o ( exports , key ) ) {
/******/ Object . defineProperty ( exports , key , { enumerable : true , get : definition [ key ] } ) ;
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ } ;
/******/ } ) ( ) ;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ ( ( ) => {
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . o = ( obj , prop ) => Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( obj , prop )
/******/ } ) ( ) ;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ ( ( ) => {
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . r = ( exports ) => {
/******/ if ( typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol . toStringTag ) {
/******/ Object . defineProperty ( exports , Symbol . toStringTag , { value : 'Module' } ) ;
/******/ }
/******/ Object . defineProperty ( exports , '__esModule' , { value : true } ) ;
/******/ } ;
/******/ } ) ( ) ;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/node module decorator */
/******/ ( ( ) => {
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . nmd = ( module ) => {
/******/ module . paths = [ ] ;
/******/ if ( ! module . children ) module . children = [ ] ;
/******/ return module ;
/******/ } ;
/******/ } ) ( ) ;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/jsonp chunk loading */
/******/ ( ( ) => {
/******/ // no baseURI
/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
/******/ // undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched
/******/ // Promise = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded
/******/ var installedChunks = {
/******/ "/example/example" : 0
/******/ } ;
/******/ var deferredModules = [
/******/ [ "./src/example.js" ] ,
/******/ [ "./src/example.scss" ]
/******/ ] ;
/******/ // no chunk on demand loading
/******/ // no prefetching
/******/ // no preloaded
/******/ // no HMR
/******/ // no HMR manifest
/******/ var checkDeferredModules = x => { } ;
/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
/******/ var webpackJsonpCallback = ( parentChunkLoadingFunction , data ) => {
/******/ var [ chunkIds , moreModules , runtime , executeModules ] = data ;
/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
/******/ var moduleId , chunkId , i = 0 , resolves = [ ] ;
/******/ for ( ; i < chunkIds . length ; i ++ ) {
/******/ chunkId = chunkIds [ i ] ;
/******/ if ( _ _webpack _require _ _ . o ( installedChunks , chunkId ) && installedChunks [ chunkId ] ) {
/******/ resolves . push ( installedChunks [ chunkId ] [ 0 ] ) ;
/******/ }
/******/ installedChunks [ chunkId ] = 0 ;
/******/ }
/******/ for ( moduleId in moreModules ) {
/******/ if ( _ _webpack _require _ _ . o ( moreModules , moduleId ) ) {
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . m [ moduleId ] = moreModules [ moduleId ] ;
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if ( runtime ) runtime ( _ _webpack _require _ _ ) ;
/******/ if ( parentChunkLoadingFunction ) parentChunkLoadingFunction ( data ) ;
/******/ while ( resolves . length ) {
/******/ resolves . shift ( ) ( ) ;
/******/ }
/******/ // add entry modules from loaded chunk to deferred list
/******/ if ( executeModules ) deferredModules . push . apply ( deferredModules , executeModules ) ;
/******/ // run deferred modules when all chunks ready
/******/ return checkDeferredModules ( ) ;
/******/ }
/******/ var chunkLoadingGlobal = self [ "webpackChunk_tiny_components_validator" ] = self [ "webpackChunk_tiny_components_validator" ] || [ ] ;
/******/ chunkLoadingGlobal . forEach ( webpackJsonpCallback . bind ( null , 0 ) ) ;
/******/ chunkLoadingGlobal . push = webpackJsonpCallback . bind ( null , chunkLoadingGlobal . push . bind ( chunkLoadingGlobal ) ) ;
/******/ function checkDeferredModulesImpl ( ) {
/******/ var result ;
/******/ for ( var i = 0 ; i < deferredModules . length ; i ++ ) {
/******/ var deferredModule = deferredModules [ i ] ;
/******/ var fulfilled = true ;
/******/ for ( var j = 1 ; j < deferredModule . length ; j ++ ) {
/******/ var depId = deferredModule [ j ] ;
/******/ if ( installedChunks [ depId ] !== 0 ) fulfilled = false ;
/******/ }
/******/ if ( fulfilled ) {
/******/ deferredModules . splice ( i -- , 1 ) ;
/******/ result = _ _webpack _require _ _ ( _ _webpack _require _ _ . s = deferredModule [ 0 ] ) ;
/******/ }
/******/ }
/******/ if ( deferredModules . length === 0 ) {
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . x ( ) ;
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . x = x => { } ;
/******/ }
/******/ return result ;
/******/ }
/******/ var startup = _ _webpack _require _ _ . x ;
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . x = ( ) => {
/******/ // reset startup function so it can be called again when more startup code is added
/******/ _ _webpack _require _ _ . x = startup || ( x => { } ) ;
/******/ return ( checkDeferredModules = checkDeferredModulesImpl ) ( ) ;
/******/ } ;
/******/ } ) ( ) ;
/******/ // run startup
/******/ return _ _webpack _require _ _ . x ( ) ;
/******/ } ) ( )