<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace tests; use flight\database\PdoWrapper; use PDOStatement; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class PdoWrapperTest extends TestCase { private PdoWrapper $pdo_wrapper; protected function setUp(): void { $this->pdo_wrapper = new PdoWrapper('sqlite::memory:'); // create a test table and insert 3 rows of data $this->pdo_wrapper->exec('CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)'); $this->pdo_wrapper->exec('INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ("one")'); $this->pdo_wrapper->exec('INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ("two")'); $this->pdo_wrapper->exec('INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ("three")'); } protected function tearDown(): void { // delete the test table $this->pdo_wrapper->exec('DROP TABLE test'); } public function testRunQuerySelectAllStatement() { $statement = $this->pdo_wrapper->runQuery('SELECT * FROM test'); $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOStatement::class, $statement); $this->assertCount(3, $statement->fetchAll()); } public function testRunQuerySelectOneStatement() { $statement = $this->pdo_wrapper->runQuery('SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = 1'); $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOStatement::class, $statement); $this->assertCount(1, $statement->fetchAll()); } public function testRunQueryInsertStatement() { $statement = $this->pdo_wrapper->runQuery('INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES ("four")'); $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOStatement::class, $statement); $this->assertEquals(1, $statement->rowCount()); } public function testRunQueryUpdateStatement() { $statement = $this->pdo_wrapper->runQuery('UPDATE test SET name = "something" WHERE name LIKE ?', ['%t%']); $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOStatement::class, $statement); $this->assertEquals(2, $statement->rowCount()); } public function testRunQueryDeleteStatement() { $statement = $this->pdo_wrapper->runQuery('DELETE FROM test WHERE name LIKE ?', ['%t%']); $this->assertInstanceOf(PDOStatement::class, $statement); $this->assertEquals(2, $statement->rowCount()); } public function testFetchField() { $id = $this->pdo_wrapper->fetchField('SELECT id FROM test WHERE name = ?', ['two']); $this->assertEquals(2, $id); } public function testFetchRow() { $row = $this->pdo_wrapper->fetchRow('SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = ?', ['two']); $this->assertEquals(2, $row['id']); $this->assertEquals('two', $row['name']); } public function testFetchAll() { $rows = $this->pdo_wrapper->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM test'); $this->assertCount(3, $rows); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows[0]['id']); $this->assertEquals('one', $rows[0]['name']); $this->assertEquals(2, $rows[1]['id']); $this->assertEquals('two', $rows[1]['name']); $this->assertEquals(3, $rows[2]['id']); $this->assertEquals('three', $rows[2]['name']); } public function testFetchAllWithNamedParams() { $rows = $this->pdo_wrapper->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM test WHERE name = :name', [ 'name' => 'two']); $this->assertCount(1, $rows); $this->assertEquals(2, $rows[0]['id']); $this->assertEquals('two', $rows[0]['name']); } public function testFetchAllWithInInt() { $rows = $this->pdo_wrapper->fetchAll('SELECT id FROM test WHERE id IN(? )', [ [1,2 ]]); $this->assertEquals(2, count($rows)); } public function testFetchAllWithInString() { $rows = $this->pdo_wrapper->fetchAll('SELECT id FROM test WHERE name IN(?)', [ ['one','two' ]]); $this->assertEquals(2, count($rows)); } public function testFetchAllWithInStringCommas() { $rows = $this->pdo_wrapper->fetchAll('SELECT id FROM test WHERE id > ? AND name IN( ?) ', [ 0, 'one,two' ]); $this->assertEquals(2, count($rows)); } }