<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace flight\commands; use Flight; use flight\net\Route; /** * @property-read ?bool $get * @property-read ?bool $post * @property-read ?bool $delete * @property-read ?bool $put * @property-read ?bool $patch */ class RouteCommand extends AbstractBaseCommand { /** * Construct * * @param array<string,mixed> $config JSON config from .runway-config.json */ public function __construct(array $config) { parent::__construct('routes', 'Gets all routes for an application', $config); $this->option('--get', 'Only return GET requests'); $this->option('--post', 'Only return POST requests'); $this->option('--delete', 'Only return DELETE requests'); $this->option('--put', 'Only return PUT requests'); $this->option('--patch', 'Only return PATCH requests'); } /** * Executes the function * * @return void */ public function execute() { $io = $this->app()->io(); if (isset($this->config['index_root']) === false) { $io->error('index_root not set in .runway-config.json', true); return; } $io->bold('Routes', true); $cwd = getcwd(); $index_root = $cwd . '/' . $this->config['index_root']; // This makes it so the framework doesn't actually execute Flight::map('start', function () { return; }); include($index_root); $routes = Flight::router()->getRoutes(); $arrayOfRoutes = []; foreach ($routes as $route) { if ($this->shouldAddRoute($route) === true) { $middlewares = []; if (!empty($route->middleware)) { try { $middlewares = array_map(function ($middleware) { $middleware_class_name = explode("\\", get_class($middleware)); return preg_match("/^class@anonymous/", end($middleware_class_name)) ? 'Anonymous' : end($middleware_class_name); }, $route->middleware); } catch (\TypeError $e) { $middlewares[] = 'Bad Middleware'; } finally { if (is_string($route->middleware) === true) { $middlewares[] = $route->middleware; } } } $arrayOfRoutes[] = [ 'Pattern' => $route->pattern, 'Methods' => implode(', ', $route->methods), 'Alias' => $route->alias ?? '', 'Streamed' => $route->is_streamed ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Middleware' => !empty($middlewares) ? implode(",", $middlewares) : '-' ]; } } $io->table($arrayOfRoutes, [ 'head' => 'boldGreen' ]); } /** * Whether or not to add the route based on the request * * @param Route $route Flight Route object * * @return boolean */ public function shouldAddRoute(Route $route) { $boolval = false; $showAll = !$this->get && !$this->post && !$this->put && !$this->delete && !$this->patch; if ($showAll === true) { $boolval = true; } else { $methods = [ 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH' ]; foreach ($methods as $method) { $lowercaseMethod = strtolower($method); if ( $this->{$lowercaseMethod} === true && ( $route->methods[0] === '*' || in_array($method, $route->methods, true) === true ) ) { $boolval = true; break; } } } return $boolval; } }