* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ include __DIR__.'/core/Loader.php'; include __DIR__.'/core/Dispatcher.php'; /** * The Flight class represents the framework itself. It is responsible * loading an HTTP request, running the assigned services, and generating * an HTTP response. */ class Flight { /** * Stored variables. * * @var array */ protected static $vars = array(); /** * Class loader. * * @var object */ protected static $loader; /** * Event dispatcher. * * @var object */ protected static $dispatcher; // Don't allow object instantiation private function __construct() {} private function __destruct() {} private function __clone() {} /** * Handles calls to static methods. * * @param string $name Method name * @param array $args Method parameters */ public static function __callStatic($name, $params) { $callback = self::$dispatcher->get($name); if (is_callable($callback)) { return self::$dispatcher->run($name, $params); } $shared = (!empty($params)) ? (bool)$params[0] : true; return self::$loader->load($name, $shared); } /** * Maps a callback to a framework method. * * @param string $name Method name * @param callback $callback Callback function */ public static function map($name, $callback) { if (method_exists(__CLASS__, $name)) { throw new Exception('Cannot override an existing framework method.'); } self::$dispatcher->set($name, $callback); } /** * Registers a class to a framework method. * * @param string $name Method name * @param string $class Class name * @param array $params Class initialization parameters * @param callback $callback Function to call after object instantiation */ public static function register($name, $class, array $params = array(), $callback = null) { if (method_exists(__CLASS__, $name)) { throw new Exception('Cannot override an existing framework method.'); } self::$loader->register($name, $class, $params, $callback); } /** * Adds a pre-filter to a method. * * @param string $name Method name * @param callback $callback Callback function */ public static function before($name, $callback) { self::$dispatcher->hook($name, 'before', $callback); } /** * Adds a post-filter to a method. * * @param string $name Method name * @param callback $callback Callback function */ public static function after($name, $callback) { self::$dispatcher->hook($name, 'after', $callback); } /** * Adds a path for class autoloading. * * @param string $dir Directory path */ public static function path($dir) { self::$loader->addDirectory($dir); } /** * Gets a variable. * * @param string $key Key * @return mixed */ public static function get($key) { return self::$vars[$key]; } /** * Sets a variable. * * @param mixed $key Key * @param string $value Value */ public static function set($key, $value = null) { // If key is an array, save each key value pair if (is_array($key) || is_object($key)) { foreach ($key as $k => $v) { self::$vars[$k] = $v; } } else if (is_string($key)) { self::$vars[$key] = $value; } } /** * Checks if a variable has been set. * * @param string $key Key * @return bool Variable status */ public static function has($key) { return isset(self::$vars[$key]); } /** * Unsets a variable. If no key is passed in, clear all variables. * * @param string $key Key */ public static function clear($key = null) { if (is_null($key)) { self::$vars = array(); } else { unset(self::$vars[$key]); } } /** * Initializes the framework. */ public static function init() { static $initialized = false; if (!$initialized) { // Handle errors internally set_error_handler(array(__CLASS__, 'handleError')); // Handle exceptions internally set_exception_handler(array(__CLASS__, 'error')); // Turn off notices error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // Fix magic quotes if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $func = function ($value) use (&$func) { return is_array($value) ? array_map($func, $value) : stripslashes($value); }; $_GET = array_map($func, $_GET); $_POST = array_map($func, $_POST); $_COOKIE = array_map($func, $_COOKIE); } // Load core components self::$loader = new \flight\core\Loader(); self::$dispatcher = new \flight\core\Dispatcher(); // Initialize autoloading self::$loader->init(); self::$loader->addDirectory(dirname(__DIR__)); // Register default components self::$loader->register('request', '\flight\net\Request'); self::$loader->register('response', '\flight\net\Response'); self::$loader->register('router', '\flight\net\Router'); self::$loader->register('view', '\flight\template\View', array(), function($view){ $view->path = Flight::get('flight.views.path'); }); // Register framework methods $methods = array( 'start','stop','route','halt','error','notFound', 'render','redirect','etag','lastModified','json' ); foreach ($methods as $name) { self::$dispatcher->set($name, array(__CLASS__, '_'.$name)); } // Default settings self::set('flight.views.path', './views'); self::set('flight.log_errors', false); // Enable output buffering ob_start(); $initialized = true; } } /** * Custom error handler. */ public static function handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if (in_array($errno, array(E_USER_ERROR, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR))) { static::error(new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline)); } } /** * Starts the framework. */ public static function _start() { $router = self::router(); $request = self::request(); // Route the request $callback = $router->route($request); if ($callback !== false) { self::$dispatcher->execute( $callback, array_values($router->params) ); } else { self::notFound(); } // Disable caching for AJAX requests if ($request->ajax) { self::response()->cache(false); } // Allow post-filters to run self::after('start', array(__CLASS__, 'stop')); } /** * Stops the framework and outputs the current response. */ public static function _stop() { self::response() ->write(ob_get_clean()) ->send(); } /** * Stops processing and returns a given response. * * @param int $code HTTP status code * @param int $message Response message */ public static function _halt($code = 200, $message = '') { self::response(false) ->status($code) ->write($message) ->cache(false) ->send(); } /** * Sends an HTTP 500 response for any errors. * * @param object $e Exception */ public static function _error(Exception $e) { $msg = '
'.$e->getTraceAsString().''; try { if (self::get('flight.log_errors')) { error_log($e->getMessage()); } self::response(false) ->status(500) ->write($msg) ->send(); } catch (Exception $ex) { exit($msg); } } /** * Sends an HTTP 404 response when a URL is not found. */ public static function _notFound() { self::response(false) ->status(404) ->write( '