<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace tests; use Exception; use flight\Engine; use flight\net\Response; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; // phpcs:ignoreFile PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore class EngineTest extends TestCase { public function setUp(): void { $_SERVER = []; } public function tearDown(): void { $_SERVER = []; } public function testInitBeforeStart() { $engine = new class extends Engine { public function getInitializedVar() { return $this->initialized; } }; $this->assertTrue($engine->getInitializedVar()); $engine->start(); // this is necessary cause it doesn't actually send the response correctly ob_end_clean(); $this->assertFalse($engine->router()->case_sensitive); $this->assertTrue($engine->response()->content_length); } public function testHandleErrorNoErrorNumber() { $engine = new Engine(); $result = $engine->handleError(0, '', '', 0); $this->assertFalse($result); } public function testHandleErrorWithException() { $engine = new Engine(); $this->expectException(Exception::class); $this->expectExceptionCode(5); $this->expectExceptionMessage('thrown error message'); $engine->handleError(5, 'thrown error message', '', 0); } public function testHandleException() { $engine = new Engine(); $regex_message = preg_quote('<h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1><h3>thrown exception message (20)</h3>'); $this->expectOutputRegex('~' . $regex_message . '~'); $engine->handleException(new Exception('thrown exception message', 20)); } public function testMapExistingMethod() { $engine = new Engine(); $this->expectException(Exception::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot override an existing framework method.'); $engine->map('_start', function () { }); } public function testRegisterExistingMethod() { $engine = new Engine(); $this->expectException(Exception::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot override an existing framework method.'); $engine->register('_error', 'stdClass'); } public function testSetArrayOfValues() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->set([ 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2']); $this->assertEquals('value1', $engine->get('key1')); $this->assertEquals('value2', $engine->get('key2')); } public function testStartWithRoute() { $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/someRoute'; $engine = new class extends Engine { public function getInitializedVar() { return $this->initialized; } }; $engine->route('/someRoute', function () { echo 'i ran'; }, true); $this->expectOutputString('i ran'); $engine->start(); } // n0nag0n - I don't know why this does what it does, but it's existing framework functionality 1/1/24 public function testStartWithRouteButReturnedValueThrows404() { $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/someRoute'; $engine = new class extends Engine { public function getInitializedVar() { return $this->initialized; } }; $engine->route('/someRoute', function () { echo 'i ran'; return true; }, true); $this->expectOutputString('<h1>404 Not Found</h1><h3>The page you have requested could not be found.</h3>'); $engine->start(); } public function testStopWithCode() { $engine = new class extends Engine { public function getLoader() { return $this->loader; } }; // doing this so we can overwrite some parts of the response $engine->getLoader()->register('response', function () { return new class extends Response { public function setRealHeader(string $header_string, bool $replace = true, int $response_code = 0): self { return $this; } }; }); // need to add another one of these because _stop() stops and gets clean, but $response->send() does too..... ob_start(); $engine->response()->write('I am a teapot'); $this->expectOutputString('I am a teapot'); $engine->stop(500); $this->assertEquals(500, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testPostRoute() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->post('/someRoute', function () { echo 'i ran'; }, true); $routes = $engine->router()->getRoutes(); $this->assertEquals('POST', $routes[0]->methods[0]); $this->assertEquals('/someRoute', $routes[0]->pattern); } public function testPutRoute() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->put('/someRoute', function () { echo 'i ran'; }, true); $routes = $engine->router()->getRoutes(); $this->assertEquals('PUT', $routes[0]->methods[0]); $this->assertEquals('/someRoute', $routes[0]->pattern); } public function testPatchRoute() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->patch('/someRoute', function () { echo 'i ran'; }, true); $routes = $engine->router()->getRoutes(); $this->assertEquals('PATCH', $routes[0]->methods[0]); $this->assertEquals('/someRoute', $routes[0]->pattern); } public function testDeleteRoute() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->delete('/someRoute', function () { echo 'i ran'; }, true); $routes = $engine->router()->getRoutes(); $this->assertEquals('DELETE', $routes[0]->methods[0]); $this->assertEquals('/someRoute', $routes[0]->pattern); } public function testHalt() { $engine = new class extends Engine { public function getLoader() { return $this->loader; } }; // doing this so we can overwrite some parts of the response $engine->getLoader()->register('response', function () { return new class extends Response { public function __construct() { } public function setRealHeader( string $header_string, bool $replace = true, int $response_code = 0 ): self { return $this; } }; }); $this->expectOutputString('skip---exit'); $engine->halt(500, 'skip---exit'); $this->assertEquals(500, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testRedirect() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->redirect('https://github.com', 302); $this->assertEquals('https://github.com', $engine->response()->headers()['Location']); $this->assertEquals(302, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testRedirectWithBaseUrl() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->set('flight.base_url', '/subdirectory'); $engine->redirect('/someRoute', 301); $this->assertEquals('/subdirectory/someRoute', $engine->response()->headers()['Location']); $this->assertEquals(301, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testJson() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->json(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2']); $this->expectOutputString('{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}'); $this->assertEquals('application/json; charset=utf-8', $engine->response()->headers()['Content-Type']); $this->assertEquals(200, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testJsonP() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->request()->query['jsonp'] = 'whatever'; $engine->jsonp(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2']); $this->expectOutputString('whatever({"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"});'); $this->assertEquals('application/javascript; charset=utf-8', $engine->response()->headers()['Content-Type']); $this->assertEquals(200, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testJsonpBadParam() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->jsonp(['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2']); $this->expectOutputString('({"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"});'); $this->assertEquals('application/javascript; charset=utf-8', $engine->response()->headers()['Content-Type']); $this->assertEquals(200, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testEtagSimple() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->etag('etag'); $this->assertEquals('"etag"', $engine->response()->headers()['ETag']); } public function testEtagWithHttpIfNoneMatch() { // just need this not to exit... $engine = new class extends Engine { public function _halt(int $code = 200, string $message = ''): void { $this->response()->status($code); $this->response()->write($message); } }; $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] = 'etag'; $engine->etag('etag'); $this->assertEquals('"etag"', $engine->response()->headers()['ETag']); $this->assertEquals(304, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testLastModifiedSimple() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->lastModified(1234567890); $this->assertEquals('Fri, 13 Feb 2009 23:31:30 GMT', $engine->response()->headers()['Last-Modified']); } public function testLastModifiedWithHttpIfModifiedSince() { // just need this not to exit... $engine = new class extends Engine { public function _halt(int $code = 200, string $message = ''): void { $this->response()->status($code); $this->response()->write($message); } }; $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] = 'Fri, 13 Feb 2009 23:31:30 GMT'; $engine->lastModified(1234567890); $this->assertEquals('Fri, 13 Feb 2009 23:31:30 GMT', $engine->response()->headers()['Last-Modified']); $this->assertEquals(304, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testGetUrl() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->route('/path1/@param:[0-9]{3}', function () { echo 'I win'; }, false, 'path1'); $url = $engine->getUrl('path1', [ 'param' => 123 ]); $this->assertEquals('/path1/123', $url); } public function testMiddlewareCallableFunction() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->route('/path1/@id', function ($id) { echo 'OK' . $id; }) ->addMiddleware(function ($params) { echo 'before' . $params['id']; }); $engine->request()->url = '/path1/123'; $engine->start(); $this->expectOutputString('before123OK123'); } public function testMiddlewareCallableFunctionReturnFalse() { $engine = new class extends Engine { public function _halt(int $code = 200, string $message = ''): void { $this->response()->status($code); $this->response()->write($message); } }; $engine->route('/path1/@id', function ($id) { echo 'OK' . $id; }) ->addMiddleware(function ($params) { echo 'before' . $params['id']; return false; }); $engine->request()->url = '/path1/123'; $engine->start(); $this->expectOutputString('Forbiddenbefore123'); $this->assertEquals(403, $engine->response()->status()); } public function testMiddlewareClassBefore() { $middleware = new class { public function before($params) { echo 'before' . $params['id']; } }; $engine = new Engine(); $engine->route('/path1/@id', function ($id) { echo 'OK' . $id; }) ->addMiddleware($middleware); $engine->request()->url = '/path1/123'; $engine->start(); $this->expectOutputString('before123OK123'); } public function testMiddlewareClassBeforeAndAfter() { $middleware = new class { public function before($params) { echo 'before' . $params['id']; } public function after($params) { echo 'after' . $params['id']; } }; $engine = new Engine(); $engine->route('/path1/@id', function ($id) { echo 'OK' . $id; }) ->addMiddleware($middleware); $engine->request()->url = '/path1/123'; $engine->start(); $this->expectOutputString('before123OK123after123'); } public function testMiddlewareClassAfter() { $middleware = new class { public function after($params) { echo 'after' . $params['id']; } }; $engine = new Engine(); $engine->route('/path1/@id', function ($id) { echo 'OK' . $id; }) ->addMiddleware($middleware); $engine->request()->url = '/path1/123'; $engine->start(); $this->expectOutputString('OK123after123'); } public function testMiddlewareClassAfterFailedCheck() { $middleware = new class { public function after($params) { echo 'after' . $params['id']; return false; } }; $engine = new class extends Engine { public function _halt(int $code = 200, string $message = ''): void { $this->response()->status($code); $this->response()->write($message); } }; $engine->route('/path1/@id', function ($id) { echo 'OK' . $id; }) ->addMiddleware($middleware); $engine->request()->url = '/path1/123'; $engine->start(); $this->assertEquals(403, $engine->response()->status()); $this->expectOutputString('ForbiddenOK123after123'); } public function testMiddlewareCallableFunctionMultiple() { $engine = new Engine(); $engine->route('/path1/@id', function ($id) { echo 'OK' . $id; }) ->addMiddleware(function ($params) { echo 'before1' . $params['id']; }) ->addMiddleware(function ($params) { echo 'before2' . $params['id']; }); $engine->request()->url = '/path1/123'; $engine->start(); $this->expectOutputString('before1123before2123OK123'); } // Pay attention to the order on how the middleware is executed in this test. public function testMiddlewareClassCallableRouteMultiple() { $middleware = new class { public function before($params) { echo 'before' . $params['another_id']; } public function after($params) { echo 'after' . $params['id']; } }; $middleware2 = new class { public function before($params) { echo 'before' . $params['id']; } public function after($params) { echo 'after' . $params['id'] . $params['another_id']; } }; $engine = new Engine(); $engine->route('/path1/@id/subpath1/@another_id', function () { echo 'OK'; })->addMiddleware([ $middleware, $middleware2 ]); $engine->request()->url = '/path1/123/subpath1/456'; $engine->start(); $this->expectOutputString('before456before123OKafter123456after123'); } public function testMiddlewareClassGroupRouteMultipleBooyah() { $middleware = new class { public function before($params) { echo 'before' . $params['another_id']; } public function after($params) { echo 'after' . $params['id']; } }; $middleware2 = new class { public function before($params) { echo 'before' . $params['id']; } public function after($params) { echo 'after' . $params['id'] . $params['another_id']; } }; $engine = new Engine(); $engine->group('/path1/@id', function ($router) { $router->map('/subpath1/@another_id', function () { echo 'OK'; }); $router->map('/@cool_id', function () { echo 'OK'; }); }, [ $middleware, $middleware2 ]); $engine->request()->url = '/path1/123/subpath1/456'; $engine->start(); $this->expectOutputString('before456before123OKafter123456after123'); } }