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# What is Flight?

Flight is a fast, simple, extensible framework for PHP. Flight enables you to
quickly and easily build RESTful web applications.

# Basic Usage

// if installed with composer
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// or if installed manually by zip file
// require 'flight/Flight.php';

Flight::route('/', function () {
  echo 'hello world!';


## Skeleton App

You can also install a skeleton app. Go to [flightphp/skeleton](https://github.com/flightphp/skeleton) for instructions on how to get started!

# Documentation

We have our own documentation website that is built with Flight (naturally). Learn more about the framework at [docs.flightphp.com](https://docs.flightphp.com).

# Community

Chat with us on Matrix IRC [#flight-php-framework:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#flight-php-framework:matrix.org)

# Requirements

> Flight requires `PHP 7.4` or greater.

**Note:** PHP 7.4 is supported because at the current time of writing (2024) PHP 7.4 is the default version for some LTS Linux distributions. Forcing a move to PHP >8 would cause a lot of heartburn for those users.

The framework also supports PHP >8.

# License

Flight is released under the [MIT](http://docs.flightphp.com/license) license.