<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace flight\core; use Closure; use Exception; /** * The Loader class is responsible for loading objects. It maintains * a list of reusable class instances and can generate a new class * instances with custom initialization parameters. It also performs * class autoloading. * * @license MIT, http://flightphp.com/license * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, Mike Cao <mike@mikecao.com> */ class Loader { /** * Registered classes. * * @var array<string, array{class-string|Closure(): object, array<int, mixed>, ?callable}> $classes */ protected array $classes = []; /** * If this is disabled, classes can load with underscores */ protected static bool $v2ClassLoading = true; /** * Class instances. * * @var array<string, object> */ protected array $instances = []; /** * Autoload directories. * * @var array<int, string> */ protected static array $dirs = []; /** * Registers a class. * * @param string $name Registry name * @param class-string<T>|Closure(): T $class Class name or function to instantiate class * @param array<int, mixed> $params Class initialization parameters * @param ?Closure(T $instance): void $callback $callback Function to call after object instantiation * * @template T of object */ public function register(string $name, $class, array $params = [], ?callable $callback = null): void { unset($this->instances[$name]); $this->classes[$name] = [$class, $params, $callback]; } /** * Unregisters a class. * * @param string $name Registry name */ public function unregister(string $name): void { unset($this->classes[$name]); } /** * Loads a registered class. * * @param string $name Method name * @param bool $shared Shared instance * * @throws Exception * * @return ?object Class instance */ public function load(string $name, bool $shared = true): ?object { $obj = null; if (isset($this->classes[$name])) { [0 => $class, 1 => $params, 2 => $callback] = $this->classes[$name]; $exists = isset($this->instances[$name]); if ($shared) { $obj = ($exists) ? $this->getInstance($name) : $this->newInstance($class, $params); if (!$exists) { $this->instances[$name] = $obj; } } else { $obj = $this->newInstance($class, $params); } if ($callback && (!$shared || !$exists)) { $ref = [&$obj]; \call_user_func_array($callback, $ref); } } return $obj; } /** * Gets a single instance of a class. * * @param string $name Instance name * * @return ?object Class instance */ public function getInstance(string $name): ?object { return $this->instances[$name] ?? null; } /** * Gets a new instance of a class. * * @param class-string<T>|Closure(): class-string<T> $class Class name or callback function to instantiate class * @param array<int, string> $params Class initialization parameters * * @template T of object * * @throws Exception * * @return T Class instance */ public function newInstance($class, array $params = []) { if (\is_callable($class)) { return \call_user_func_array($class, $params); } return new $class(...$params); } /** * Gets a registered callable * * @param string $name Registry name * * @return mixed Class information or null if not registered */ public function get(string $name) { return $this->classes[$name] ?? null; } /** * Resets the object to the initial state. */ public function reset(): void { $this->classes = []; $this->instances = []; } // Autoloading Functions /** * Starts/stops autoloader. * * @param bool $enabled Enable/disable autoloading * @param string|iterable<int, string> $dirs Autoload directories */ public static function autoload(bool $enabled = true, $dirs = []): void { if ($enabled) { spl_autoload_register([__CLASS__, 'loadClass']); } else { spl_autoload_unregister([__CLASS__, 'loadClass']); // @codeCoverageIgnore } if (!empty($dirs)) { self::addDirectory($dirs); } } /** * Autoloads classes. * * Classes are not allowed to have underscores in their names. * * @param string $class Class name */ public static function loadClass(string $class): void { $replace_chars = self::$v2ClassLoading === true ? ['\\', '_'] : ['\\']; $classFile = str_replace($replace_chars, '/', $class) . '.php'; foreach (self::$dirs as $dir) { $filePath = "$dir/$classFile"; if (file_exists($filePath)) { require_once $filePath; return; } } } /** * Adds a directory for autoloading classes. * * @param string|iterable<int, string> $dir Directory path */ public static function addDirectory($dir): void { if (\is_array($dir) || \is_object($dir)) { foreach ($dir as $value) { self::addDirectory($value); } } elseif (\is_string($dir)) { if (!\in_array($dir, self::$dirs, true)) { self::$dirs[] = $dir; } } } /** * Sets the value for V2 class loading. * * @param bool $value The value to set for V2 class loading. * * @return void */ public static function setV2ClassLoading(bool $value): void { self::$v2ClassLoading = $value; } }