mirror of https://github.com/flightphp/core
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
name: Pull Request Check
on: [pull_request]
name: Unit testing
fail-fast: false
php: [7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ matrix.php }}
extensions: curl, mbstring
tools: composer:v2
- run: composer install
- run: composer test
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
namespace flight\core;
class EventDispatcher
/** @var self|null Singleton instance of the EventDispatcher */
private static ?self $instance = null;
/** @var array<string, array<int, callable>> */
protected array $listeners = [];
* Singleton instance of the EventDispatcher.
* @return self
public static function getInstance(): self
if (self::$instance === null) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
* Register a callback for an event.
* @param string $event Event name
* @param callable $callback Callback function
public function on(string $event, callable $callback): void
if (isset($this->listeners[$event]) === false) {
$this->listeners[$event] = [];
$this->listeners[$event][] = $callback;
* Trigger an event with optional arguments.
* @param string $event Event name
* @param mixed ...$args Arguments to pass to the callbacks
public function trigger(string $event, ...$args): void
if (isset($this->listeners[$event]) === true) {
foreach ($this->listeners[$event] as $callback) {
$result = call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
// If you return false, it will break the loop and stop the other event listeners.
if ($result === false) {
break; // Stop executing further listeners
* Check if an event has any registered listeners.
* @param string $event Event name
* @return bool True if the event has listeners, false otherwise
public function hasListeners(string $event): bool
return isset($this->listeners[$event]) === true && count($this->listeners[$event]) > 0;
* Get all listeners registered for a specific event.
* @param string $event Event name
* @return array<int, callable> Array of callbacks registered for the event
public function getListeners(string $event): array
return $this->listeners[$event] ?? [];
* Get a list of all events that have registered listeners.
* @return array<int, string> Array of event names
public function getAllRegisteredEvents(): array
return array_keys($this->listeners);
* Remove a specific listener for an event.
* @param string $event the event name
* @param callable $callback the exact callback to remove
* @return void
public function removeListener(string $event, callable $callback): void
if (isset($this->listeners[$event]) === true && count($this->listeners[$event]) > 0) {
$this->listeners[$event] = array_filter($this->listeners[$event], function ($listener) use ($callback) {
return $listener !== $callback;
$this->listeners[$event] = array_values($this->listeners[$event]); // Re-index the array
* Remove all listeners for a specific event.
* @param string $event the event name
* @return void
public function removeAllListeners(string $event): void
if (isset($this->listeners[$event]) === true) {
* Remove the current singleton instance of the EventDispatcher.
* @return void
public static function resetInstance(): void
self::$instance = null;
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
namespace flight\net;
use Exception;
class UploadedFile
* @var string $name The name of the uploaded file.
private string $name;
* @var string $mimeType The MIME type of the uploaded file.
private string $mimeType;
* @var int $size The size of the uploaded file in bytes.
private int $size;
* @var string $tmpName The temporary name of the uploaded file.
private string $tmpName;
* @var int $error The error code associated with the uploaded file.
private int $error;
* Constructs a new UploadedFile object.
* @param string $name The name of the uploaded file.
* @param string $mimeType The MIME type of the uploaded file.
* @param int $size The size of the uploaded file in bytes.
* @param string $tmpName The temporary name of the uploaded file.
* @param int $error The error code associated with the uploaded file.
public function __construct(string $name, string $mimeType, int $size, string $tmpName, int $error)
$this->name = $name;
$this->mimeType = $mimeType;
$this->size = $size;
$this->tmpName = $tmpName;
$this->error = $error;
* Retrieves the client-side filename of the uploaded file.
* @return string The client-side filename.
public function getClientFilename(): string
return $this->name;
* Retrieves the media type of the uploaded file as provided by the client.
* @return string The media type of the uploaded file.
public function getClientMediaType(): string
return $this->mimeType;
* Returns the size of the uploaded file.
* @return int The size of the uploaded file.
public function getSize(): int
return $this->size;
* Retrieves the temporary name of the uploaded file.
* @return string The temporary name of the uploaded file.
public function getTempName(): string
return $this->tmpName;
* Get the error code associated with the uploaded file.
* @return int The error code.
public function getError(): int
return $this->error;
* Moves the uploaded file to the specified target path.
* @param string $targetPath The path to move the file to.
* @return void
public function moveTo(string $targetPath): void
if ($this->error !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
throw new Exception($this->getUploadErrorMessage($this->error));
$isUploadedFile = is_uploaded_file($this->tmpName) === true;
if (
$isUploadedFile === true
move_uploaded_file($this->tmpName, $targetPath) === false
) {
throw new Exception('Cannot move uploaded file'); // @codeCoverageIgnore
} elseif ($isUploadedFile === false && getenv('PHPUNIT_TEST')) {
rename($this->tmpName, $targetPath);
* Retrieves the error message for a given upload error code.
* @param int $error The upload error code.
* @return string The error message.
protected function getUploadErrorMessage(int $error): string
switch ($error) {
return 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.';
return 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.';
return 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.';
return 'No file was uploaded.';
return 'Missing a temporary folder.';
return 'Failed to write file to disk.';
return 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.';
return 'An unknown error occurred. Error code: ' . $error;
@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
namespace flight\tests;
use Flight;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use flight\Engine;
use TypeError;
class EventSystemTest extends TestCase
protected function setUp(): void
// Reset the Flight engine before each test to ensure a clean state
Flight::setEngine(new Engine());
Flight::eventDispatcher()->resetInstance(); // Clear any existing listeners
* Test registering and triggering a single listener.
public function testRegisterAndTriggerSingleListener()
$called = false;
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$called) {
$called = true;
$this->assertTrue($called, 'Single listener should be called when event is triggered.');
* Test registering multiple listeners for the same event.
public function testRegisterMultipleListeners()
$counter = 0;
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$counter) {
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$counter) {
$this->assertEquals(2, $counter, 'All registered listeners should be called.');
* Test triggering an event with no listeners registered.
public function testTriggerWithNoListeners()
// Should not throw any errors
$this->assertTrue(true, 'Triggering an event with no listeners should not throw an error.');
* Test that a listener receives a single argument correctly.
public function testListenerReceivesSingleArgument()
$received = null;
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function ($arg) use (&$received) {
$received = $arg;
Flight::triggerEvent('test.event', 'hello');
$this->assertEquals('hello', $received, 'Listener should receive the passed argument.');
* Test that a listener receives multiple arguments correctly.
public function testListenerReceivesMultipleArguments()
$received = [];
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function ($arg1, $arg2) use (&$received) {
$received = [$arg1, $arg2];
Flight::triggerEvent('test.event', 'first', 'second');
$this->assertEquals(['first', 'second'], $received, 'Listener should receive all passed arguments.');
* Test that listeners are called in the order they were registered.
public function testListenersCalledInOrder()
$order = [];
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$order) {
$order[] = 1;
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$order) {
$order[] = 2;
$this->assertEquals([1, 2], $order, 'Listeners should be called in registration order.');
* Test that listeners are not called for unrelated events.
public function testListenerNotCalledForOtherEvents()
$called = false;
Flight::onEvent('test.event1', function () use (&$called) {
$called = true;
$this->assertFalse($called, 'Listeners should not be called for different events.');
* Test overriding the onEvent method.
public function testOverrideOnEvent()
$called = false;
Flight::map('onEvent', function ($event, $callback) use (&$called) {
$called = true;
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () {
$this->assertTrue($called, 'Overridden onEvent method should be called.');
* Test overriding the triggerEvent method.
public function testOverrideTriggerEvent()
$called = false;
Flight::map('triggerEvent', function ($event, ...$args) use (&$called) {
$called = true;
$this->assertTrue($called, 'Overridden triggerEvent method should be called.');
* Test that an overridden onEvent can still register listeners by calling the original method.
public function testOverrideOnEventStillRegistersListener()
$overrideCalled = false;
Flight::map('onEvent', function ($event, $callback) use (&$overrideCalled) {
$overrideCalled = true;
// Call the original method
Flight::app()->_onEvent($event, $callback);
$listenerCalled = false;
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$listenerCalled) {
$listenerCalled = true;
$this->assertTrue($overrideCalled, 'Overridden onEvent should be called.');
$this->assertTrue($listenerCalled, 'Listener should still be triggered after override.');
* Test that an overridden triggerEvent can still trigger listeners by calling the original method.
public function testOverrideTriggerEventStillTriggersListeners()
$overrideCalled = false;
Flight::map('triggerEvent', function ($event, ...$args) use (&$overrideCalled) {
$overrideCalled = true;
// Call the original method
Flight::app()->_triggerEvent($event, ...$args);
$listenerCalled = false;
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$listenerCalled) {
$listenerCalled = true;
$this->assertTrue($overrideCalled, 'Overridden triggerEvent should be called.');
$this->assertTrue($listenerCalled, 'Listeners should still be triggered after override.');
* Test that an invalid callable throws an exception (if applicable).
public function testInvalidCallableThrowsException()
// Assuming the event system validates callables
Flight::onEvent('test.event', 'not_a_callable');
* Test that event propagation stops if a listener returns false.
public function testStopPropagation()
$firstCalled = false;
$secondCalled = false;
$thirdCalled = false;
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$firstCalled) {
$firstCalled = true;
return true; // Continue propagation
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$secondCalled) {
$secondCalled = true;
return false; // Stop propagation
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () use (&$thirdCalled) {
$thirdCalled = true;
$this->assertTrue($firstCalled, 'First listener should be called');
$this->assertTrue($secondCalled, 'Second listener should be called');
$this->assertFalse($thirdCalled, 'Third listener should not be called after propagation stopped');
* Test that hasListeners() correctly identifies events with listeners.
public function testHasListeners()
$this->assertFalse(Flight::eventDispatcher()->hasListeners('test.event'), 'Event should not have listeners before registration');
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () {
$this->assertTrue(Flight::eventDispatcher()->hasListeners('test.event'), 'Event should have listeners after registration');
* Test that getListeners() returns the correct listeners for an event.
public function testGetListeners()
$callback1 = function () {
$callback2 = function () {
$this->assertEmpty(Flight::eventDispatcher()->getListeners('test.event'), 'Event should have no listeners before registration');
Flight::onEvent('test.event', $callback1);
Flight::onEvent('test.event', $callback2);
$listeners = Flight::eventDispatcher()->getListeners('test.event');
$this->assertCount(2, $listeners, 'Event should have two registered listeners');
$this->assertSame($callback1, $listeners[0], 'First listener should match the first callback');
$this->assertSame($callback2, $listeners[1], 'Second listener should match the second callback');
* Test that getListeners() returns an empty array for events with no listeners.
public function testGetListenersForNonexistentEvent()
$listeners = Flight::eventDispatcher()->getListeners('nonexistent.event');
$this->assertIsArray($listeners, 'Should return an array for nonexistent events');
$this->assertEmpty($listeners, 'Should return an empty array for nonexistent events');
* Test that getAllRegisteredEvents() returns all event names with registered listeners.
public function testGetAllRegisteredEvents()
$this->assertEmpty(Flight::eventDispatcher()->getAllRegisteredEvents(), 'No events should be registered initially');
Flight::onEvent('test.event1', function () {
Flight::onEvent('test.event2', function () {
$events = Flight::eventDispatcher()->getAllRegisteredEvents();
$this->assertCount(2, $events, 'Should return all registered event names');
$this->assertContains('test.event1', $events, 'Should contain the first event');
$this->assertContains('test.event2', $events, 'Should contain the second event');
* Test that removeListener() correctly removes a specific listener from an event.
public function testRemoveListener()
$callback1 = function () {
return 'callback1';
$callback2 = function () {
return 'callback2';
Flight::onEvent('test.event', $callback1);
Flight::onEvent('test.event', $callback2);
$this->assertCount(2, Flight::eventDispatcher()->getListeners('test.event'), 'Event should have two listeners initially');
Flight::eventDispatcher()->removeListener('test.event', $callback1);
$listeners = Flight::eventDispatcher()->getListeners('test.event');
$this->assertCount(1, $listeners, 'Event should have one listener after removal');
$this->assertSame($callback2, $listeners[0], 'Remaining listener should be the second callback');
* Test that removeAllListeners() correctly removes all listeners for an event.
public function testRemoveAllListeners()
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () {
Flight::onEvent('test.event', function () {
Flight::onEvent('another.event', function () {
$this->assertTrue(Flight::eventDispatcher()->hasListeners('test.event'), 'Event should have listeners before removal');
$this->assertTrue(Flight::eventDispatcher()->hasListeners('another.event'), 'Another event should have listeners');
$this->assertFalse(Flight::eventDispatcher()->hasListeners('test.event'), 'Event should have no listeners after removal');
$this->assertTrue(Flight::eventDispatcher()->hasListeners('another.event'), 'Another event should still have listeners');
* Test that trying to remove listeners for nonexistent events doesn't cause errors.
public function testRemoveListenersForNonexistentEvent()
// Should not throw any errors
Flight::eventDispatcher()->removeListener('nonexistent.event', function () {
$this->assertTrue(true, 'Removing listeners for nonexistent events should not throw errors');
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
namespace tests;
use Flight;
use flight\Engine;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class FlightAsyncTest extends TestCase
public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
Flight::setEngine(new Engine());
protected function setUp(): void
$_SERVER = [];
$_REQUEST = [];
protected function tearDown(): void
// Checks that default components are loaded
public function testSingleRoute()
Flight::route('GET /', function () {
echo 'hello world';
$this->expectOutputString('hello world');
public function testMultipleRoutes()
Flight::route('GET /', function () {
echo 'hello world';
Flight::route('GET /test', function () {
echo 'test';
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/test';
public function testMultipleStartsSingleRoute()
Flight::route('GET /', function () {
echo 'hello world';
$this->expectOutputString('hello worldhello world');
public function testMultipleStartsMultipleRoutes()
Flight::route('GET /', function () {
echo 'hello world';
Flight::route('GET /test', function () {
echo 'test';
$this->expectOutputString('testhello world');
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/test';
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
namespace tests;
use Exception;
use flight\net\UploadedFile;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class UploadedFileTest extends TestCase
public function tearDown(): void
if (file_exists('file.txt')) {
if (file_exists('tmp_name')) {
public function testMoveToSuccess()
file_put_contents('tmp_name', 'test');
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile('file.txt', 'text/plain', 4, 'tmp_name', UPLOAD_ERR_OK);
public function getFileErrorMessageTests(): array
return [
[ UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE, 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', ],
[ UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE, 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.', ],
[ UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL, 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', ],
[ UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE, 'No file was uploaded.', ],
[ UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR, 'Missing a temporary folder.', ],
[ UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE, 'Failed to write file to disk.', ],
[ UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION, 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.', ],
[ -1, 'An unknown error occurred. Error code: -1' ]
* @dataProvider getFileErrorMessageTests
public function testMoveToFailureMessages($error, $message)
file_put_contents('tmp_name', 'test');
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile('file.txt', 'text/plain', 4, 'tmp_name', $error);
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
namespace tests\classes;
class ClassWithExceptionInConstruct
public function __construct()
throw new \Exception('This is an exception in the constructor');
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use tests\groupcompactsyntax\PostsController;
use tests\groupcompactsyntax\TodosController;
use tests\groupcompactsyntax\UsersController;
require_once __DIR__ . '/UsersController.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/PostsController.php';
final class FlightRouteCompactSyntaxTest extends TestCase
public function setUp(): void
public function testCanMapMethodsWithVerboseSyntax(): void
Flight::route('GET /users', [UsersController::class, 'index']);
Flight::route('DELETE /users/@id', [UsersController::class, 'destroy']);
$routes = Flight::router()->getRoutes();
$this->assertCount(2, $routes);
$this->assertSame('/users', $routes[0]->pattern);
$this->assertSame([UsersController::class, 'index'], $routes[0]->callback);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[0]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame('/users/@id', $routes[1]->pattern);
$this->assertSame([UsersController::class, 'destroy'], $routes[1]->callback);
$this->assertSame('DELETE', $routes[1]->methods[0]);
public function testOptionsOnly(): void
Flight::resource('/users', UsersController::class, [
'only' => [ 'index', 'destroy' ]
$routes = Flight::router()->getRoutes();
$this->assertCount(2, $routes);
$this->assertSame('/users', $routes[0]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[0]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([UsersController::class, 'index'], $routes[0]->callback);
$this->assertSame('/users/@id', $routes[1]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('DELETE', $routes[1]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([UsersController::class, 'destroy'], $routes[1]->callback);
public function testDefaultMethods(): void
Flight::resource('/posts', PostsController::class);
$routes = Flight::router()->getRoutes();
$this->assertCount(7, $routes);
$this->assertSame('/posts', $routes[0]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[0]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([PostsController::class, 'index'], $routes[0]->callback);
$this->assertSame('posts.index', $routes[0]->alias);
$this->assertSame('/posts/create', $routes[1]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[1]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([PostsController::class, 'create'], $routes[1]->callback);
$this->assertSame('posts.create', $routes[1]->alias);
$this->assertSame('/posts', $routes[2]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('POST', $routes[2]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([PostsController::class, 'store'], $routes[2]->callback);
$this->assertSame('posts.store', $routes[2]->alias);
$this->assertSame('/posts/@id', $routes[3]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[3]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([PostsController::class, 'show'], $routes[3]->callback);
$this->assertSame('posts.show', $routes[3]->alias);
$this->assertSame('/posts/@id/edit', $routes[4]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[4]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([PostsController::class, 'edit'], $routes[4]->callback);
$this->assertSame('posts.edit', $routes[4]->alias);
$this->assertSame('/posts/@id', $routes[5]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('PUT', $routes[5]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([PostsController::class, 'update'], $routes[5]->callback);
$this->assertSame('posts.update', $routes[5]->alias);
$this->assertSame('/posts/@id', $routes[6]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('DELETE', $routes[6]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([PostsController::class, 'destroy'], $routes[6]->callback);
$this->assertSame('posts.destroy', $routes[6]->alias);
public function testOptionsExcept(): void
Flight::resource('/todos', TodosController::class, [
'except' => [ 'create', 'store', 'update', 'destroy', 'edit' ]
$routes = Flight::router()->getRoutes();
$this->assertCount(2, $routes);
$this->assertSame('/todos', $routes[0]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[0]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([TodosController::class, 'index'], $routes[0]->callback);
$this->assertSame('/todos/@id', $routes[1]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[1]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([TodosController::class, 'show'], $routes[1]->callback);
public function testOptionsMiddlewareAndAliasBase(): void
Flight::resource('/todos', TodosController::class, [
'middleware' => [ 'auth' ],
'alias_base' => 'nothanks'
$routes = Flight::router()->getRoutes();
$this->assertCount(7, $routes);
$this->assertSame('/todos', $routes[0]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[0]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([TodosController::class, 'index'], $routes[0]->callback);
$this->assertSame('auth', $routes[0]->middleware[0]);
$this->assertSame('nothanks.index', $routes[0]->alias);
$this->assertSame('/todos/create', $routes[1]->pattern);
$this->assertSame('GET', $routes[1]->methods[0]);
$this->assertSame([TodosController::class, 'create'], $routes[1]->callback);
$this->assertSame('auth', $routes[1]->middleware[0]);
$this->assertSame('nothanks.create', $routes[1]->alias);
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
namespace tests\groupcompactsyntax;
final class PostsController
public function index(): void
public function show(string $id): void
public function create(): void
public function store(): void
public function edit(string $id): void
public function update(string $id): void
public function destroy(string $id): void
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace tests\groupcompactsyntax;
final class TodosController
public function index(): void
public function show(string $id): void
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
namespace tests\groupcompactsyntax;
final class UsersController
public function index(): void
echo __METHOD__;
public function destroy(): void
echo __METHOD__;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
This file downloaded successfully!
Reference in new issue