mirror of https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
215 lines
5.1 KiB
215 lines
5.1 KiB
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/main/docs/suggestions.md
const Cls = (app.View = class View {
static initClass() {
$.extend(this.prototype, Events);
constructor() {
if (this.el.className) { this.originalClassName = this.el.className; }
if (this.constructor.className) { this.resetClass(); }
if (typeof this.init === 'function') {
setupElement() {
if (this.el == null) { this.el = typeof this.constructor.el === 'string' ?
: this.constructor.el ?
document.createElement(this.constructor.tagName || 'div'); }
if (this.constructor.attributes) {
for (var key in this.constructor.attributes) {
var value = this.constructor.attributes[key];
this.el.setAttribute(key, value);
refreshElements() {
if (this.constructor.elements) {
for (var name in this.constructor.elements) { var selector = this.constructor.elements[name]; this[name] = this.find(selector); }
addClass(name) {
removeClass(name) {
toggleClass(name) {
hasClass(name) {
return this.el.classList.contains(name);
resetClass() {
this.el.className = this.originalClassName || '';
if (this.constructor.className) {
for (var name of Array.from(this.constructor.className.split(' '))) { this.addClass(name); }
find(selector) {
return $(selector, this.el);
findAll(selector) {
return $$(selector, this.el);
findByClass(name) {
return this.findAllByClass(name)[0];
findLastByClass(name) {
const all = this.findAllByClass(name)[0];
return all[all.length - 1];
findAllByClass(name) {
return this.el.getElementsByClassName(name);
findByTag(tag) {
return this.findAllByTag(tag)[0];
findLastByTag(tag) {
const all = this.findAllByTag(tag);
return all[all.length - 1];
findAllByTag(tag) {
return this.el.getElementsByTagName(tag);
append(value) {
$.append(this.el, value.el || value);
appendTo(value) {
$.append(value.el || value, this.el);
prepend(value) {
$.prepend(this.el, value.el || value);
prependTo(value) {
$.prepend(value.el || value, this.el);
before(value) {
$.before(this.el, value.el || value);
after(value) {
$.after(this.el, value.el || value);
remove(value) {
$.remove(value.el || value);
empty() {
html(value) {
tmpl(...args) {
return app.templates.render(...Array.from(args || []));
delay(fn, ...args) {
const delay = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'number' ? args.pop() : 0;
return setTimeout(fn.bind(this, ...Array.from(args)), delay);
onDOM(event, callback) {
$.on(this.el, event, callback);
offDOM(event, callback) {
$.off(this.el, event, callback);
bindEvents() {
let method, name;
if (this.constructor.events) {
for (name in this.constructor.events) { method = this.constructor.events[name]; this.onDOM(name, this[method]); }
if (this.constructor.routes) {
for (name in this.constructor.routes) { method = this.constructor.routes[name]; app.router.on(name, this[method]); }
if (this.constructor.shortcuts) {
for (name in this.constructor.shortcuts) { method = this.constructor.shortcuts[name]; app.shortcuts.on(name, this[method]); }
unbindEvents() {
let method, name;
if (this.constructor.events) {
for (name in this.constructor.events) { method = this.constructor.events[name]; this.offDOM(name, this[method]); }
if (this.constructor.routes) {
for (name in this.constructor.routes) { method = this.constructor.routes[name]; app.router.off(name, this[method]); }
if (this.constructor.shortcuts) {
for (name in this.constructor.shortcuts) { method = this.constructor.shortcuts[name]; app.shortcuts.off(name, this[method]); }
addSubview(view) {
return (this.subviews || (this.subviews = [])).push(view);
activate() {
if (this.activated) { return; }
if (this.subviews) { for (var view of Array.from(this.subviews)) { view.activate(); } }
this.activated = true;
return true;
deactivate() {
if (!this.activated) { return; }
if (this.subviews) { for (var view of Array.from(this.subviews)) { view.deactivate(); } }
this.activated = false;
return true;
detach() {