Made LÖVE scraper and filters work semi-properly
Added LÖVE icons
Added syntax highlighting to LÖVE documentation
LÖVE: Style hints and tables
LÖVE: Added stylesheet
LÖVE: Exclude 'PO2 Syndrome' and remove 'Config Files' from initial paths
LÖVE: Sanitize file names
LÖVE: Refactored style filters and added version-dependent-feature boxes
LÖVE: Added style for hr elements, fixed style for h3 elements; Replaced JS with SimplePage; Sorted CSS into list correctly
LÖVE: Add types to all pages as required since 5bb96f804a
LÖVE: Remove unnescessary linebreak after notice blocks
LÖVE: Categorized/removed certain remaining pages and made sure that all modules are being scraped even if they aren't referenced
LÖVE: Minor fixes
LÖVE: Fixed two bugs