module Docs
class PointCloudLibrary < UrlScraper
self.name = 'PointCloudLibrary'
self.type = 'point_cloud_library'
self.slug = 'point_cloud_library'
self.base_url = 'https://pointclouds.org/documentation/'
self.root_path = 'modules.html'
# Add hierarchy.html to crawl all classes*.html that's not reachable from modules.html
self.initial_paths = [
self.links = {
home: 'https://pointclouds.org/',
code: 'https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl'
html_filters.push 'point_cloud_library/entries', 'point_cloud_library/clean_html'
# Remove the `clean_text` because Doxygen are actually creating empty
# anchor such as <a id="asd"></a> to do anchor link.. and that anchor
# will be removed by clean_text
self.text_filters = FilterStack.new
text_filters.push 'images', 'inner_html', 'attribution'
def get_latest_version(opts)
get_latest_github_release('PointCloudLibrary', 'pcl', opts)
options[:attribution] = <<-HTML
© 2009–2012, Willow Garage, Inc.<br>
© 2012–, Open Perception, Inc.<br>
Licensed under the BSD License.
# Skip source code since it doesn't provide any useful docs
options[:skip_patterns] = [/_source/, /namespace/, /h\.html/, /structsvm/, /struct_/, /classopenni/, /class_/]