app.templates.aboutPage = function () { let doc; const all_docs = || [])); // de-duplicate docs by const docs = []; for (doc of all_docs) { if (!docs.find((d) => === { docs.push(doc); } } return `\ <nav class="_toc" role="directory"> <h3 class="_toc-title">Table of Contents</h3> <ul class="_toc-list"> <li><a href="#copyright">Copyright</a> <li><a href="#plugins">Plugins</a> <li><a href="#faq">FAQ</a> <li><a href="#credits">Credits</a> <li><a href="#privacy">Privacy Policy</a> </ul> </nav> <h1 class="_lined-heading">DevDocs: API Documentation Browser</h1> <p>DevDocs combines multiple developer documentations in a clean and organized web UI with instant search, offline support, mobile version, dark theme, keyboard shortcuts, and more. <p>DevDocs is free and <a href="">open source</a>. It was created by <a href="">Thibaut Courouble</a> and is operated by <a href="">freeCodeCamp</a>. <p>To keep up-to-date with the latest news: <ul> <li>Follow <a href="">@DevDocs</a> on Twitter <li>Watch the repository on <a href="">GitHub</a> <iframe class="_github-btn" src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="100" height="20" tabindex="-1"></iframe> <li>Join the <a href="">Discord</a> chat room </ul> <h2 class="_block-heading" id="copyright">Copyright and License</h2> <p class="_note"> <strong>Copyright 2013–2023 Thibaut Courouble and <a href="">other contributors</a></strong><br> This software is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License v2.0.<br> You may obtain a copy of the source code at <a href=""></a>.<br> For more information, see the <a href="">COPYRIGHT</a> and <a href="">LICENSE</a> files. <h2 class="_block-heading" id="plugins">Plugins and Extensions</h2> <ul> <li><a href="">Sublime Text package</a> <li><a href="">Atom package</a> <li><a href="">Visual Studio Code extension</a> <li><a href="">Alfred workflow</a> <li><a href="">Moreā¦</a> </ul> <h2 class="_block-heading" id="faq">Questions & Answers</h2> <dl> <dt>Where can I suggest new docs and features? <dd>You can suggest and vote for new docs on the <a href="">Trello board</a>.<br> If you have a specific feature request, add it to the <a href="">issue tracker</a>.<br> Otherwise, come talk to us in the <a href="">Discord</a> chat room. <dt>Where can I report bugs? <dd>In the <a href="">issue tracker</a>. Thanks! </dl> <h2 class="_block-heading" id="credits">Credits</h2> <p><strong>Special thanks to:</strong> <ul> <li><a href="">Sentry</a> and <a href="" title="Real Time Web Analytics">Gauges</a> for offering a free account to DevDocs <li><a href="">MaxCDN</a>, <a href="">Shopify</a>, <a href="">JetBrains</a> and <a href="">Code School</a> for sponsoring DevDocs in the past <li><a href="">Heroku</a> and <a href="">New Relic</a> for providing awesome free service <li><a href="">Jeremy Kratz</a> for the C/C++ logo </ul> <div class="_table"> <table class="_credits"> <tr> <th>Documentation <th>Copyright/License <th>Source code ${docs .map( (doc) => `<tr><td><a href="${doc.links?.home}">${}</a></td><td>${doc.attribution}</td><td><a href="${doc.links?.code}">Source code</a></td></tr>`, ) .join("")} </table> </div> <h2 class="_block-heading" id="privacy">Privacy Policy</h2> <ul> <li><a href=""></a> ("App") is operated by <a href="">freeCodeCamp</a> ("We"). <li>We do not collect personal information through the app. <li>We use Google Analytics and Gauges to collect anonymous traffic information if you have given consent to this. You can change your decision in the <a href="/settings">settings</a>. <li>We use Sentry to collect crash data and improve the app. <li>The app uses cookies to store user preferences. <li>By using the app, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use the app. <li>If you have any questions regarding privacy, please email <a href=""></a>. </ul>\ `; };