class app.collections.Docs extends app.Collection @model: 'Doc' sort: -> @models.sort (a, b) -> a = b = if a < b then -1 else if a > b then 1 else 0 # Load models concurrently. # It's not pretty but I didn't want to import a promise library only for this. CONCURRENCY = 3 load: (onComplete, onError, options) -> i = 0 next = => if i < @models.length @models[i].load(next, fail, options) else if i is @models.length + CONCURRENCY - 1 onComplete() i++ return fail = (args...) -> if onError onError(args...) onError = null next() return next() for [0...CONCURRENCY] return clearCache: -> doc.clearCache() for doc in @models return uninstall: (callback) -> i = 0 next = => if i < @models.length @models[i++].uninstall(next, next) else callback() return next() return getInstallStatuses: (callback) -> app.db.versions @models, (statuses) -> if statuses for key, value of statuses statuses[key] = installed: !!value, mtime: value callback(statuses) return return checkForUpdates: (callback) -> @getInstallStatuses (statuses) => i = 0 if statuses i += 1 for slug, status of statuses when status.installed and @findBy('slug', slug).mtime isnt status.mtime callback(i) return return