/* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/main/docs/suggestions.md */ app.models.Doc = class Doc extends app.Model { // Attributes: name, slug, type, version, release, db_size, mtime, links constructor() { super(...arguments); this.reset(this); this.slug_without_version = this.slug.split('~')[0]; this.fullName = `${this.name}` + (this.version ? ` ${this.version}` : ''); this.icon = this.slug_without_version; if (this.version) { this.short_version = this.version.split(' ')[0]; } this.text = this.toEntry().text; } reset(data) { this.resetEntries(data.entries); this.resetTypes(data.types); } resetEntries(entries) { this.entries = new app.collections.Entries(entries); this.entries.each(entry => { return entry.doc = this; }); } resetTypes(types) { this.types = new app.collections.Types(types); this.types.each(type => { return type.doc = this; }); } fullPath(path) { if (path == null) { path = ''; } if (path[0] !== '/') { path = `/${path}`; } return `/${this.slug}${path}`; } fileUrl(path) { return `${app.config.docs_origin}${this.fullPath(path)}?${this.mtime}`; } dbUrl() { return `${app.config.docs_origin}/${this.slug}/${app.config.db_filename}?${this.mtime}`; } indexUrl() { return `${app.indexHost()}/${this.slug}/${app.config.index_filename}?${this.mtime}`; } toEntry() { if (this.entry) { return this.entry; } this.entry = new app.models.Entry({ doc: this, name: this.fullName, path: 'index' }); if (this.version) { this.entry.addAlias(this.name); } return this.entry; } findEntryByPathAndHash(path, hash) { let entry; if (hash && (entry = this.entries.findBy('path', `${path}#${hash}`))) { return entry; } else if (path === 'index') { return this.toEntry(); } else { return this.entries.findBy('path', path); } } load(onSuccess, onError, options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } if (options.readCache && this._loadFromCache(onSuccess)) { return; } const callback = data => { this.reset(data); onSuccess(); if (options.writeCache) { this._setCache(data); } }; return ajax({ url: this.indexUrl(), success: callback, error: onError }); } clearCache() { app.localStorage.del(this.slug); } _loadFromCache(onSuccess) { let data; if (!(data = this._getCache())) { return; } const callback = () => { this.reset(data); onSuccess(); }; setTimeout(callback, 0); return true; } _getCache() { let data; if (!(data = app.localStorage.get(this.slug))) { return; } if (data[0] === this.mtime) { return data[1]; } else { this.clearCache(); return; } } _setCache(data) { app.localStorage.set(this.slug, [this.mtime, data]); } install(onSuccess, onError, onProgress) { if (this.installing) { return; } this.installing = true; const error = () => { this.installing = null; onError(); }; const success = data => { this.installing = null; app.db.store(this, data, onSuccess, error); }; ajax({ url: this.dbUrl(), success, error, progress: onProgress, timeout: 3600 }); } uninstall(onSuccess, onError) { if (this.installing) { return; } this.installing = true; const success = () => { this.installing = null; onSuccess(); }; const error = () => { this.installing = null; onError(); }; app.db.unstore(this, success, error); } getInstallStatus(callback) { app.db.version(this, value => callback({installed: !!value, mtime: value})); } isOutdated(status) { if (!status) { return false; } const isInstalled = status.installed || app.settings.get('autoInstall'); return isInstalled && (this.mtime !== status.mtime); } };