app.templates.offlinePage = (docs) -> """ <h1 class="_lined-heading">Offline Documentation</h1> <div class="_docs-tools"> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="autoUpdate" value="1" #{if app.settings.get('manualUpdate') then '' else 'checked'}>Install updates automatically </label> <div class="_docs-links"> <button type="button" class="_btn-link" data-action-all="install">Install all</button><button type="button" class="_btn-link" data-action-all="update"><strong>Update all</strong></button><button type="button" class="_btn-link" data-action-all="uninstall">Uninstall all</button> </div> </div> <div class="_table"> <table class="_docs"> <tr> <th>Documentation</th> <th class="_docs-size">Size</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Action</th> </tr> #{docs} </table> </div> <p class="_note"><strong>Note:</strong> your browser may delete DevDocs's offline data if your computer is running low on disk space and you haven't used the app in a while. Load this page before going offline to make sure the data is still there. <h2 class="_block-heading">Questions & Answers</h2> <dl> <dt>How does this work? <dd>Each page is cached as a key-value pair in <a href="">IndexedDB</a> (downloaded from a single file).<br> The app also uses <a href="">Service Workers</a> and <a href="">localStorage</a> to cache the assets and index files. <dt>Can I close the tab/browser? <dd>#{canICloseTheTab()} <dt>What if I don't update a documentation? <dd>You'll see outdated content and some pages will be missing or broken, because the rest of the app (including data for the search and sidebar) uses a different caching mechanism that's updated automatically. <dt>I found a bug, where do I report it? <dd>In the <a href="">issue tracker</a>. Thanks! <dt>How do I uninstall/reset the app? <dd>Click <a href="#" data-behavior="reset">here</a>. <dt>Why aren't all documentations listed above? <dd>You have to <a href="/settings">enable</a> them first. </dl> """ canICloseTheTab = -> if app.ServiceWorker.isEnabled() """ Yes! Even offline, you can open a new tab, go to <a href="//"></a>, and everything will work as if you were online (provided you installed all the documentations you want to use beforehand). """ else reason = "aren't available in your browser (or are disabled)" if app.config.env != 'production' reason = "are disabled in your development instance of DevDocs (enable them by setting the <code>ENABLE_SERVICE_WORKER</code> environment variable to <code>true</code>)" """ No. Service Workers #{reason}, so loading <a href="//"></a> offline won't work.<br> The current tab will continue to function even when you go offline (provided you installed all the documentations beforehand). """ app.templates.offlineDoc = (doc, status) -> outdated = doc.isOutdated(status) html = """ <tr data-slug="#{doc.slug}"#{if outdated then ' class="_highlight"' else ''}> <td class="_docs-name _icon-#{doc.icon}">#{doc.fullName}</td> <td class="_docs-size">#{Math.ceil(doc.db_size / 100000) / 10} <small>MB</small></td> """ html += if !(status and status.installed) """ <td>-</td> <td><button type="button" class="_btn-link" data-action="install">Install</button></td> """ else if outdated """ <td><strong>Outdated</strong></td> <td><button type="button" class="_btn-link _bold" data-action="update">Update</button> - <button type="button" class="_btn-link" data-action="uninstall">Uninstall</button></td> """ else """ <td>Up‑to‑date</td> <td><button type="button" class="_btn-link" data-action="uninstall">Uninstall</button></td> """ html + '</tr>'