# File Scraper Reference This lists the docs that use `FileScraper` and instructions for building some of them. If you open a PR to update one of these docs, please add/fix the instructions. ## C Download the HTML book from https://en.cppreference.com/w/Cppreference:Archives and copy `reference/en/c` from the ZIP file into `/path/to/devdocs/docs/c`. ## C++ Download the HTML book from https://en.cppreference.com/w/Cppreference:Archives and copy `reference/en/cpp` from the ZIP file into `/path/to/devdocs/docs/cpp`. ## Dart Click the “API docs” link under the “Stable channel” header on https://www.dartlang.org/tools/sdk/archive. Rename the expanded ZIP to `dart~2` and put it in `/path/to/devdocs/docs/` ## Django Go to https://docs.djangoproject.com/, select the version from the bubble in the bottom-right corner, then download the HTML version from the sidebar. ## Erlang Go to https://www.erlang.org/downloads and download the HTML documentation file. ## Gnu ### GCC ### GNU Fortran ## Gnuplot The most recent release can be found near the bottom of https://sourceforge.net/p/gnuplot/gnuplot-main/ref/master/tags/ ```sh DEVDOCS_ROOT=/path/to/devdocs mkdir gnuplot-src $DEVDOCS_ROOT/docs/gnuplot git clone -b $RELEASE --depth 1 https://git.code.sf.net/p/gnuplot/gnuplot-main ./gnuplot-src cd gnuplot-src/ ./prepare ./configure cd docs/ make nofigures.tex latex2html -html 5.0,math -split 4 -link 8 -long_titles 5 -dir $DEVDOCS_ROOT/docs/gnuplot -ascii_mode -no_auto_link nofigures.tex ``` To install `latex2html` on macOS: `brew install basictex latex2html`, then edit `/usr/local/Cellar/latex2html/2019.2/l2hconf.pm` to include the path to LaTeX: <details> On line 21 (approximately): ``` # Give the paths to latex and dvips on your system: # $LATEX = '/Library/TeX/texbin/latex'; # LaTeX $PDFLATEX = '/Library/TeX/texbin/pdflatex'; # pdfLaTeX $LUALATEX = '/Library/TeX/texbin/lualatex'; # LuaLaTeX $DVILUALATEX = '/Library/TeX/texbin/dvilualatex'; # dviLuaLaTeX $DVIPS = '/Library/TeX/texbin/dvips'; # dvips $DVIPNG = ''; # dvipng $PDFTOCAIRO = '/usr/local/bin/pdf2svg'; # pdf to svg converter $PDFCROP = ''; # pdfcrop $GS = '/usr/local/opt/ghostscript/bin/gs'; # GhostScript ``` </details> ## NumPy ## OpenJDK ## Perl ## PHP ## Python ### Versions 3.6+ ```sh mkdir docs/python~$VERSION cd docs/python~$VERSION curl -L https://docs.python.org/$VERSION/archives/python-$RELEASE-docs-html.tar.bz2 | \ tar xj --strip-components=1 ``` ### < 3.6 ```sh mkdir docs/python~$VERSION cd docs/python~$VERSION curl -L https://docs.python.org/ftp/python/doc/$RELEASE/python-$RELEASE-docs-html.tar.bz2 | \ tar xj --strip-components=1 ``` ## RDoc ### Nokogiri ### Ruby / Minitest ### Ruby on Rails ### Ruby ## Salt Stack Replace `2019.2` with the correct tag. ```sh git clone https://github.com/saltstack/salt.git --branch 2019.2 --depth 1 cd salt/doc pip install sphinx make html ``` The generated html is in `salt/doc/_build/html`. Copy it to ## Scala See `lib/docs/scrapers/scala.rb` ## SQLite Download the docs from https://sqlite.org/download.html, unzip it, and rename it to `/path/to/devdocs/docs/sqlite`