class app.views.DocList extends app.View @className: '_list' @attributes: role: 'navigation' @events: open: 'onOpen' close: 'onClose' click: 'onClick' @routes: after: 'afterRoute' @elements: disabledTitle: '._list-title' disabledList: '._disabled-list' init: -> @lists = {} @addSubview @listFocus = new app.views.ListFocus @el @addSubview @listFold = new app.views.ListFold @el @addSubview @listSelect = new app.views.ListSelect @el app.on 'ready', @render return activate: -> if super list.activate() for slug, list of @lists @listSelect.selectCurrent() return deactivate: -> if super list.deactivate() for slug, list of @lists return render: => html = '' for doc in html += @tmpl('sidebarDoc', doc, fullName:'name', > 1) @html html @renderDisabled() unless app.isSingleDoc() or app.disabledDocs.size() is 0 return renderDisabled: -> @append @tmpl('sidebarDisabled', count: app.disabledDocs.size()) @refreshElements() @renderDisabledList() return renderDisabledList: -> if app.settings.get('hideDisabled') @removeDisabledList() else @appendDisabledList() return appendDisabledList: -> html = '' docs = [].concat(app.disabledDocs.all()...) while doc = docs.shift() if doc.version? versions = '' loop versions += @tmpl('sidebarDoc', doc, disabled: true) break if docs[0]?.name isnt doc = docs.shift() html += @tmpl('sidebarDisabledVersionedDoc', doc, versions) else html += @tmpl('sidebarDoc', doc, disabled: true) @append @tmpl('sidebarDisabledList', html) @disabledTitle.classList.add('open-title') @refreshElements() return removeDisabledList: -> $.remove @disabledList if @disabledList @disabledTitle.classList.remove('open-title') @refreshElements() return reset: (options = {}) -> @listSelect.deselect() @listFocus?.blur() @listFold.reset() @revealCurrent() if options.revealCurrent || app.isSingleDoc() return onOpen: (event) => $.stopEvent(event) doc = 'slug','data-slug') @setFaviconForDoc(doc) if doc and not @lists[doc.slug] @lists[doc.slug] = if doc.types.isEmpty() new app.views.EntryList doc.entries.all() else new app.views.TypeList doc $.after, @lists[doc.slug].el return onClose: (event) => $.stopEvent(event) doc = 'slug','data-slug') if doc and @lists[doc.slug] @lists[doc.slug].detach() delete @lists[doc.slug] return setFaviconForDoc: (doc) -> link = $("a._list-item[data-slug='#{doc.slug}']") styles = window.getComputedStyle(link, ':before') bgUrl = styles['background-image'].slice(5, -2) bgSize = if bgUrl.includes('@2x') then 32 else 16 bgPositions = styles['background-position'].split(' ') bgX = parseInt(bgPositions[0].slice(0, -2)) bgY = parseInt(bgPositions[1].slice(0, -2)) img = new Image() img.src = bgUrl img.onload = () => canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = bgSize canvas.height = bgSize canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, bgX, bgY) $('link[rel="icon"]').href = canvas.toDataURL() return return select: (model) -> @listSelect.selectByHref model?.fullPath() return reveal: (model) -> @openDoc model.doc @openType model.getType() if model.type @focus model @paginateTo model @scrollTo model return focus: (model) -> @listFocus?.focus @find("a[href='#{model.fullPath()}']") return revealCurrent: -> if model = app.router.context.type or app.router.context.entry @reveal model @select model return openDoc: (doc) -> @find("[data-slug='#{doc.slug_without_version}']") if app.disabledDocs.contains(doc) and doc.version @find("[data-slug='#{doc.slug}']") return closeDoc: (doc) -> @listFold.close @find("[data-slug='#{doc.slug}']") return openType: (type) -> @lists[type.doc.slug].find("[data-slug='#{type.slug}']") return paginateTo: (model) -> @lists[model.doc.slug]?.paginateTo(model) return scrollTo: (model) -> $.scrollTo @find("a[href='#{model.fullPath()}']"), null, 'top', margin: if app.isMobile() then 48 else 0 return toggleDisabled: -> if @disabledTitle.classList.contains('open-title') @removeDisabledList() app.settings.set 'hideDisabled', true else @appendDisabledList() app.settings.set 'hideDisabled', false return onClick: (event) => target = $.eventTarget(event) if @disabledTitle and $.hasChild(@disabledTitle, target) and target.tagName isnt 'A' $.stopEvent(event) @toggleDisabled() else if slug = target.getAttribute('data-enable') $.stopEvent(event) doc = app.disabledDocs.findBy('slug', slug) app.enableDoc(doc, @onEnabled, @onEnabled) if doc return onEnabled: => @reset() @render() return afterRoute: (route, context) => if context.init @reset revealCurrent: true if @activated else @select context.type or context.entry return