const { templates } = app; const arrow = '<svg class="_list-arrow"><use xlink:href="#icon-dir"/></svg>'; templates.sidebarDoc = function (doc, options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } let link = `<a href="${doc.fullPath()}" class="_list-item _icon-${doc.icon} `; link += options.disabled ? "_list-disabled" : "_list-dir"; link += `" data-slug="${doc.slug}" title="${doc.fullName}" tabindex="-1">`; if (options.disabled) { link += `<span class="_list-enable" data-enable="${doc.slug}">Enable</span>`; } else { link += arrow; } if (doc.release) { link += `<span class="_list-count">${doc.release}</span>`; } link += `<span class="_list-text">${}`; if (options.fullName || (options.disabled && doc.version)) { link += ` ${doc.version}`; } return link + "</span></a>"; }; templates.sidebarType = (type) => `<a href="${type.fullPath()}" class="_list-item _list-dir" data-slug="${ type.slug }" tabindex="-1">${arrow}<span class="_list-count">${ type.count }</span><span class="_list-text">${$.escape(}</span></a>`; templates.sidebarEntry = (entry) => `<a href="${entry.fullPath()}" class="_list-item _list-hover" tabindex="-1">${$.escape(, )}</a>`; templates.sidebarResult = function (entry) { let addons = entry.isIndex() && app.disabledDocs.contains(entry.doc) ? `<span class="_list-enable" data-enable="${entry.doc.slug}">Enable</span>` : '<span class="_list-reveal" data-reset-list title="Reveal in list"></span>'; if (entry.doc.version && !entry.isIndex()) { addons += `<span class="_list-count">${entry.doc.short_version}</span>`; } return `<a href="${entry.fullPath()}" class="_list-item _list-hover _list-result _icon-${ entry.doc.icon }" tabindex="-1">${addons}<span class="_list-text">${$.escape(, )}</span></a>`; }; templates.sidebarNoResults = function () { let html = ' <div class="_list-note">No results.</div> '; if (!app.isSingleDoc() && !app.disabledDocs.isEmpty()) { html += `\ <div class="_list-note">Note: documentations must be <a href="/settings" class="_list-note-link">enabled</a> to appear in the search.</div>\ `; } return html; }; templates.sidebarPageLink = (count) => `<span role="link" class="_list-item _list-pagelink">Show more\u2026 (${count})</span>`; templates.sidebarLabel = function (doc, options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } let label = '<label class="_list-item'; if (!doc.version) { label += ` _icon-${doc.icon}`; } label += `"><input type="checkbox" name="${doc.slug}" class="_list-checkbox" `; if (options.checked) { label += "checked"; } return label + `><span class="_list-text">${doc.fullName}</span></label>`; }; templates.sidebarVersionedDoc = function (doc, versions, options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } let html = `<div class="_list-item _list-dir _list-rdir _icon-${doc.icon}`; if ( { html += " open"; } return ( html + `" tabindex="0">${arrow}${}</div><div class="_list _list-sub">${versions}</div>` ); }; templates.sidebarDisabled = (options) => `<h6 class="_list-title">${arrow}Disabled (${options.count}) <a href="/settings" class="_list-title-link" tabindex="-1">Customize</a></h6>`; templates.sidebarDisabledList = (html) => `<div class="_disabled-list">${html}</div>`; templates.sidebarDisabledVersionedDoc = (doc, versions) => `<a class="_list-item _list-dir _icon-${doc.icon} _list-disabled" data-slug="${doc.slug_without_version}" tabindex="-1">${arrow}${}</a><div class="_list _list-sub">${versions}</div>`; templates.docPickerHeader = '<div class="_list-picker-head"><span>Documentation</span> <span>Enable</span></div>'; templates.docPickerNote = `\ <div class="_list-note">Tip: for faster and better search results, select only the docs you need.</div> <a href="" class="_list-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Vote for new documentation</a>\ `;