module Docs class Openjdk < FileScraper # Downloaded from # Extracting subdirectory /usr/share/doc/openjdk-8-jre-headless/api = 'OpenJDK' self.type = 'openjdk' self.root_path = 'overview-summary.html' html_filters.insert_after 'internal_urls', 'openjdk/clean_urls' html_filters.push 'openjdk/entries', 'openjdk/clean_html' options[:skip_patterns] = [ /compact[123]-/, /package-frame\.html/, /package-tree\.html/, /package-use\.html/, /class-use\//, /doc-files\//] options[:attribution] = <<-HTML © 1993–2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
Various third party code in OpenJDK is licensed under different licenses (see Debian package).
Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. HTML version '8' do self.release = '8' options[:only_patterns] = [ /\Ajava\/beans\//, /\Ajava\/io\//, /\Ajava\/lang\//, /\Ajava\/math\//, /\Ajava\/net\//, /\Ajava\/nio\//, /\Ajava\/security\//, /\Ajava\/text\//, /\Ajava\/time\//, /\Ajava\/util\//, /\Ajavax\/annotation\//, /\Ajavax\/crypto\//, /\Ajavax\/imageio\//, /\Ajavax\/lang\//, /\Ajavax\/management\//, /\Ajavax\/naming\//, /\Ajavax\/net\//, /\Ajavax\/print\//, /\Ajavax\/script\//, /\Ajavax\/security\//, /\Ajavax\/sound\//, /\Ajavax\/tools\//] end version '8 GUI' do self.release = '8' options[:only_patterns] = [ /\Ajava\/awt\//, /\Ajavax\/swing\//] end version '8 Web' do self.release = '8' options[:only_patterns] = [ /\Ajava\/applet\//, /\Ajava\/rmi\//, /\Ajava\/sql\//, /\Ajavax\/accessibility\//, /\Ajavax\/activation\//, /\Ajavax\/activity\//, /\Ajavax\/jws\//, /\Ajavax\/rmi\//, /\Ajavax\/sql\//, /\Ajavax\/transaction\//, /\Ajavax\/xml\//, /\Aorg\/ietf\//, /\Aorg\/omg\//, /\Aorg\/w3c\//, /\Aorg\/xml\//] end # Monkey patch to properly read HTML files encoded in ISO-8859-1 def read_file(path)'iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8') rescue nil end def get_latest_version(options, &block) latest_version = 8 current_attempt = latest_version attempts = 0 while attempts < 3 current_attempt += 1 fetch_doc("{current_attempt}-doc", options) do |doc| if doc.at_css('.perror').nil? latest_version = current_attempt attempts = 0 else attempts += 1 end end end latest_version end end end