app.views.EntryPage = class EntryPage extends app.View { static className = "_page"; static errorClass = "_page-error"; static events = { click: "onClick" }; static shortcuts = { altC: "onAltC", altO: "onAltO", }; static routes = { before: "beforeRoute" }; static LINKS = { home: "Homepage", code: "Source code", }; init() { this.cacheMap = {}; this.cacheStack = []; } deactivate() { if (super.deactivate(...arguments)) { this.empty(); this.entry = null; } } loading() { this.empty(); this.trigger("loading"); } render(content, fromCache) { if (content == null) { content = ""; } if (fromCache == null) { fromCache = false; } if (!this.activated) { return; } this.empty(); this.subview = new (this.subViewClass())(this.el, this.entry); $.batchUpdate(this.el, () => { this.subview.render(content, fromCache); if (!fromCache) { this.addCopyButtons(); } }); if (app.disabledDocs.findBy("slug", this.entry.doc.slug)) { this.hiddenView = new app.views.HiddenPage(this.el, this.entry); } setFaviconForDoc(this.entry.doc); this.delay(this.polyfillMathML); this.trigger("loaded"); } addCopyButtons() { if (!this.copyButton) { this.copyButton = document.createElement("button"); this.copyButton.innerHTML = '<svg><use xlink:href="#icon-copy"/></svg>'; this.copyButton.type = "button"; this.copyButton.className = "_pre-clip"; this.copyButton.title = "Copy to clipboard"; this.copyButton.setAttribute("aria-label", "Copy to clipboard"); } for (var el of this.findAllByTag("pre")) { el.appendChild(this.copyButton.cloneNode(true)); } } polyfillMathML() { if ( window.supportsMathML !== false || !!this.polyfilledMathML || !this.findByTag("math") ) { return; } this.polyfilledMathML = true; $.append( document.head, `<link rel="stylesheet" href="${app.config.mathml_stylesheet}">`, ); } prepareContent(content) { if (!this.entry.isIndex() || !this.entry.doc.links) { return content; } const links = (() => { const result = []; for (var link in this.entry.doc.links) { var url = this.entry.doc.links[link]; result.push( `<a href="${url}" class="_links-link">${EntryPage.LINKS[link]}</a>`, ); } return result; })(); return `<p class="_links">${links.join("")}</p>${content}`; } empty() { if (this.subview != null) { this.subview.deactivate(); } this.subview = null; if (this.hiddenView != null) { this.hiddenView.deactivate(); } this.hiddenView = null; this.resetClass(); super.empty(...arguments); } subViewClass() { return ( app.views[`${$.classify(this.entry.doc.type)}Page`] || app.views.BasePage ); } getTitle() { return ( this.entry.doc.fullName + (this.entry.isIndex() ? " documentation" : ` / ${}`) ); } beforeRoute() { this.cache(); this.abort(); } onRoute(context) { const isSameFile = context.entry.filePath() === (this.entry != null ? this.entry.filePath() : undefined); this.entry = context.entry; if (!isSameFile) { this.restore() || this.load(); } } load() { this.loading(); this.xhr = this.entry.loadFile( (response) => this.onSuccess(response), () => this.onError(), ); } abort() { if (this.xhr) { this.xhr.abort(); this.xhr = this.entry = null; } } onSuccess(response) { if (!this.activated) { return; } this.xhr = null; this.render(this.prepareContent(response)); } onError() { this.xhr = null; this.render(this.tmpl("pageLoadError")); this.resetClass(); this.addClass(this.constructor.errorClass); if (app.serviceWorker != null) { app.serviceWorker.update(); } } cache() { let path; if ( this.xhr || !this.entry || this.cacheMap[(path = this.entry.filePath())] ) { return; } this.cacheMap[path] = this.el.innerHTML; this.cacheStack.push(path); while (this.cacheStack.length > app.config.history_cache_size) { delete this.cacheMap[this.cacheStack.shift()]; } } restore() { let path; if (this.cacheMap[(path = this.entry.filePath())]) { this.render(this.cacheMap[path], true); return true; } } onClick(event) { const target = $.eventTarget(event); if (target.hasAttribute("data-retry")) { $.stopEvent(event); this.load(); } else if (target.classList.contains("_pre-clip")) { $.stopEvent(event); target.classList.add( $.copyToClipboard(target.parentNode.textContent) ? "_pre-clip-success" : "_pre-clip-error", ); setTimeout(() => (target.className = "_pre-clip"), 2000); } } onAltC() { let link; if (!(link = this.find("._attribution:last-child ._attribution-link"))) { return; } console.log(link.href + location.hash); navigator.clipboard.writeText(link.href + location.hash); } onAltO() { let link; if (!(link = this.find("._attribution:last-child ._attribution-link"))) { return; } this.delay(() => $.popup(link.href + location.hash)); } };