module Docs class Crystal < UrlScraper self.type = 'crystal' self.release = '0.27.0' self.base_url = '' self.root_path = "api/#{release}/index.html" self.initial_paths = %w(docs/index.html) self.links = { home: '', code: '' } html_filters.push 'crystal/entries', 'crystal/clean_html' options[:only_patterns] = [/\Adocs\//, /\Aapi\/#{release}\//] options[:skip_patterns] = [/debug/i] options[:replace_paths] = { "api/#{release}/" => "api/#{release}/index.html", 'docs/' => 'docs/index.html' } options[:attribution] = ->(filter) { if filter.slug.start_with?('docs') <<-HTML To the extent possible under law, the persons who contributed to this work have waived
all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work by associating CC0 with it. HTML else <<-HTML © 2012–2018 Manas Technology Solutions.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. HTML end } def get_latest_version(options, &block) fetch('', options) do |body| body.scan(/Crystal Docs ([0-9.]+)/)[0][0] end end end end