class app.models.Doc extends app.Model # Attributes: name, slug, type, version, release, db_size, mtime, links constructor: -> super @reset @ @slug_without_version = @slug.split('~v')[0] @fullName = "#{@name}" + if @version then " #{@version}" else '' @icon = @slug_without_version @text = @toEntry().text reset: (data) -> @resetEntries data.entries @resetTypes data.types return resetEntries: (entries) -> @entries = new app.collections.Entries(entries) @entries.each (entry) => entry.doc = @ return resetTypes: (types) -> @types = new app.collections.Types(types) @types.each (type) => type.doc = @ return fullPath: (path = '') -> path = "/#{path}" unless path[0] is '/' "/#{@slug}#{path}" fileUrl: (path) -> "#{app.config.docs_host}#{@fullPath(path)}?#{@mtime}" dbUrl: -> "#{app.config.docs_host}/#{@slug}/#{app.config.db_filename}?#{@mtime}" indexUrl: -> "#{app.indexHost()}/#{@slug}/#{app.config.index_filename}?#{@mtime}" toEntry: -> @entry ||= new app.models.Entry doc: @ name: @fullName path: 'index' findEntryByPathAndHash: (path, hash) -> if hash and entry = @entries.findBy 'path', "#{path}##{hash}" entry else if path is 'index' @toEntry() else @entries.findBy 'path', path load: (onSuccess, onError, options = {}) -> return if options.readCache and @_loadFromCache(onSuccess) callback = (data) => @reset data onSuccess() @_setCache data if options.writeCache return ajax url: @indexUrl() success: callback error: onError clearCache: -> @slug return _loadFromCache: (onSuccess) -> return unless data = @_getCache() callback = => @reset data onSuccess() return setTimeout callback, 0 true _getCache: -> return unless data = @slug if data[0] is @mtime return data[1] else @clearCache() return _setCache: (data) -> @slug, [@mtime, data] return install: (onSuccess, onError) -> return if @installing @installing = true error = => @installing = null onError() return success = (data) => @installing = null @, data, onSuccess, error return ajax url: @dbUrl() success: success error: error timeout: 3600 return uninstall: (onSuccess, onError) -> return if @installing @installing = true success = => @installing = null onSuccess() return error = => @installing = null onError() return app.db.unstore @, success, error return getInstallStatus: (callback) -> app.db.version @, (value) -> callback installed: !!value, mtime: value return isOutdated: (status) -> status and status.installed and @mtime isnt status.mtime