module Docs class Twig < UrlScraper self.type = 'sphinx' self.root_path = 'index.html' self.initial_paths = %w(extensions/index.html) self.links = { home: '', code: '' } options[:attribution] = <<-HTML © 2009–2018 by the Twig Team<br> Licensed under the three clause BSD license.<br> The Twig logo is © 2010–2018 Symfony HTML html_filters.push 'twig/clean_html', 'twig/entries' options[:container] = ' > div.content' options[:skip] = %w(deprecated.html advanced_legacy.html) version '2' do self.release = '2.5.0' self.base_url = '' end version '1' do self.release = '1.34.3' self.base_url = '' end def get_latest_version(opts) tags = get_github_tags('twigphp', 'Twig', opts) tags[0]['name'][1..-1] end end end