class UpdatesCLI < Thor # The GitHub user that is allowed to upload reports UPLOAD_USER = 'devdocs-bot' # The repository to create an issue in when uploading the results UPLOAD_REPO = 'freeCodeCamp/devdocs' def self.to_s 'Updates' end def initialize(*args) require 'docs' require 'progress_bar' require 'terminal-table' require 'date' super end desc 'check [--markdown] [--github-token] [--upload] [--verbose] [doc]...', 'Check for outdated documentations' option :markdown, :type => :boolean option :github_token, :type => :string option :upload, :type => :boolean option :verbose, :type => :boolean def check(*names) # Convert names to a list of Scraper instances # Versions are omitted, if v10 is outdated than v8 is aswell docs = {|name| Docs.find(name.split(/@|~/)[0], false)}.uniq # Check all documentations for updates when no arguments are given docs = Docs.all if docs.empty? opts = { logger: logger } if options.key?(:github_token) opts[:github_token] = options[:github_token] end with_progress_bar do |bar| bar.max = docs.length bar.write end results = do |doc| result = check_doc(doc, opts) with_progress_bar(&:increment!) result end process_results(results) rescue Docs::DocNotFound => error logger.error(error)'Run "thor docs:list" to see the list of docs.') end private def check_doc(doc, opts) logger.debug("Checking #{}") instance = scraper_version = instance.get_scraper_version(opts) latest_version = instance.get_latest_version(opts) { name:, scraper_version: format_version(scraper_version), latest_version: format_version(latest_version), outdated_state: instance.outdated_state(scraper_version, latest_version) } rescue NotImplementedError logger.warn("Couldn't check #{}, get_latest_version is not implemented") error_result(doc, '`get_latest_version` is not implemented') rescue => error logger.error("Error while checking #{}\n#{error.full_message.strip}") error_result(doc, error.message.gsub(/'/, '`')) end def format_version(version) str = version.to_s # If the version is numeric and greater than or equal to 1e9 it's probably a timestamp return str if str.match(/^(\d)+$/).nil? or str.to_i < 1e9 DateTime.strptime(str, '%s').strftime('%F') end def error_result(doc, reason) { name:, error: reason } end def process_results(results) successful_results = {|result| result.key?(:outdated_state)} grouped_results = successful_results.group_by {|result| result[:outdated_state]} failed_results = {|result| result.key?(:error)} log_results(grouped_results, failed_results) upload_results(grouped_results, failed_results) if options[:upload] end # # Result logging methods # def log_results(grouped_results, failed_results) if options[:markdown] puts all_results_to_markdown(grouped_results, failed_results) return end log_failed_results(failed_results) unless failed_results.empty? grouped_results.each do |label, results| log_successful_results(label, results) end end def log_successful_results(label, results) title = "#{label} documentations (#{results.length})" headings = ['Documentation', 'Scraper version', 'Latest version'] rows = {|result| [result[:name], result[:scraper_version], result[:latest_version]]} table = :title => title, :headings => headings, :rows => rows puts table end def log_failed_results(results) title = "Documentations that could not be checked (#{results.length})" headings = %w(Documentation Reason) rows = {|result| [result[:name], result[:error]]} table = :title => title, :headings => headings, :rows => rows puts table end # # Upload methods # def upload_results(grouped_results, failed_results) # We can't create issues without a GitHub token unless options.key?(:github_token) logger.error("Please specify a GitHub token with the public_repo permission for #{UPLOAD_USER} with the --github-token parameter") return end'Uploading the results to a new GitHub issue')'Checking if the GitHub token belongs to the correct user') user = github_get('/user') # Only allow the DevDocs bot to upload reports unless user['login'] == UPLOAD_USER logger.error("Only #{UPLOAD_USER} is supposed to upload the results to a new issue. The specified github token is not for #{UPLOAD_USER}.") return end'Creating a new GitHub issue') issue = { title: "Documentation versions report for #{'%B %Y')}", body: all_results_to_markdown(grouped_results, failed_results) } created_issue = github_post("/repos/#{UPLOAD_REPO}/issues", issue)'Checking if the previous issue is still open') search_params = { q: "Documentation versions report in:title author:#{UPLOAD_USER} is:issue repo:#{UPLOAD_REPO}", sort: 'created', order: 'desc' } matching_issues = github_get('/search/issues', **search_params) previous_issue = matching_issues['items'].find {|item| item['number'] != created_issue['number']} if previous_issue.nil?'No previous issue found') log_upload_success(created_issue) else'Commenting on the previous issue') comment = "This report was superseded by ##{created_issue['number']}." github_post("/repos/#{UPLOAD_REPO}/issues/#{previous_issue['number']}/comments", {body: comment}) if previous_issue['closed_at'].nil?'Closing the previous issue') github_patch("/repos/#{UPLOAD_REPO}/issues/#{previous_issue['number']}", {state: 'closed'}) log_upload_success(created_issue) else'The previous issue has already been closed') log_upload_success(created_issue) end end end def all_results_to_markdown(grouped_results, failed_results) all_results = [] grouped_results.each do |label, results| all_results.push(successful_results_to_markdown(label, results)) end all_results.push(failed_results_to_markdown(failed_results)) results_str = {|result| !result.nil?}.join("\n\n") travis_str = ENV['TRAVIS'].nil? ? '' : "\n\nThis issue was created by Travis CI build [##{ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER']}](#{ENV['TRAVIS_BUILD_WEB_URL']})." body = <<-MARKDOWN ## What is this? This is an automatically created issue which contains information about the version status of the documentations available on DevDocs. The results of this report can be used by maintainers when updating outdated documentations. Maintainers can close this issue when all documentations are up-to-date. The issue is also automatically closed when the next report is created.#{travis_str} ## Results MARKDOWN body.strip + "\n\n" + results_str end def successful_results_to_markdown(label, results) return nil if results.empty? title = "#{label} documentations (#{results.length})" headings = ['Documentation', 'Scraper version', 'Latest version'] rows = {|result| [result[:name], result[:scraper_version], result[:latest_version]]} results_to_markdown(title, headings, rows) end def failed_results_to_markdown(results) return nil if results.empty? title = "Documentations that could not be checked (#{results.length})" headings = %w(Documentation Reason) rows = {|result| [result[:name], result[:error]]} results_to_markdown(title, headings, rows) end def results_to_markdown(title, headings, rows) "<details>\n<summary>#{title}</summary>\n\n#{create_markdown_table(headings, rows)}\n</details>" end def create_markdown_table(headings, rows) header = headings.join(' | ') separator = '-|' * headings.length body = {|row| row.join(' | ')} header + "\n" + separator[0...-1] + "\n" + body.join("\n") end def log_upload_success(created_issue)"Successfully uploaded the results to #{created_issue['html_url']}") end # # HTTP utilities # def github_get(endpoint, **params) github_request(endpoint, {method: :get, params: params}) end def github_post(endpoint, params) github_request(endpoint, {method: :post, body: params.to_json}) end def github_patch(endpoint, params) github_request(endpoint, {method: :patch, body: params.to_json}) end def github_request(endpoint, opts) url = "{endpoint}" # GitHub token authentication opts[:headers] = { Authorization: "token #{options[:github_token]}" } # GitHub requires the Content-Type to be application/json when a body is passed if opts.key?(:body) opts[:headers]['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end logger.debug("Making a #{opts[:method]} request to #{url}") response =, opts) # response.success? is false if the response code is 201 # GitHub returns 201 Created after an issue is created if response.success? || response.code == 201 JSON.parse(response.body) else logger.error("Couldn't make a #{opts[:method]} request to #{url} (response code #{response.code})") nil end end # A utility method which ensures no progress bar is shown when stdout is not a tty def with_progress_bar(&block) return unless $stdout.tty? @progress_bar ||= @progress_bar end def logger @logger ||=$stdout).tap do |logger| logger.level = options[:verbose] ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::INFO logger.formatter = proc {|severity, datetime, progname, msg| "[#{severity}] #{msg}\n"} end end end