module Docs class Tensorflow < UrlScraper = 'TensorFlow' self.type = 'tensorflow' self.root_path = 'index.html' self.force_gzip = true self.links = { home: '', code: '' } html_filters.push 'tensorflow/entries', 'tensorflow/clean_html' options[:container] = '#content' options[:fix_urls] = ->(url) do url.sub! %r{\A[^\.\#]+)(#.*)?\z}, '\1/\2.html\3' url end options[:attribution] = <<-HTML © 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. HTML version 'Python' do self.base_url = '' self.release = '0.11' end version 'C++' do self.base_url = '' self.release = '0.11' end version 'Guide' do self.base_url = '' self.release = '0.11' self.root_path = 'tutorials/index.html' self.initial_paths = %w(how_tos/index.html) options[:only_patterns] = [/\Atutorials/, /\Ahow_tos/] end end end