ctrlKey = if navigator.userAgent?.indexOf('Mac') >= 0 then 'cmd' else 'ctrl' navKey = if navigator.platform?.indexOf('Win') >= 0 then 'alt' else ctrlKey app.templates.helpPage = """

Table of Contents

The search is case-insensitive, ignores spaces, and supports fuzzy matching (for queries longer than two characters). For example, searching bgcp brings up background-clip.

You can scope the search to a single documentation by typing its name (or an abbreviation), and pressing Tab (Space on mobile devices). For example, to search the JavaScript documentation, enter javascript or js, then Tab.
To clear the current scope, empty the search field and hit Backspace.
The search field can be prefilled from the URL by visiting devdocs.io/#q=keyword. Characters after #q= will be used as search string.
To search a single documentation, add its name and a space before the keyword: devdocs.io/#q=js date.
DevDocs supports OpenSearch, meaning that it can easily be installed as a search engine on most web browsers.

Keyboard Shortcuts


Move selection
Show/hide sub-list
Open selection
#{ctrlKey} + enter
Open selection in a new tab


#{navKey} + ← #{navKey} + →
Go back/forward
alt + ↓ alt + ↑
Scroll step by step
space shift + space
Scroll screen by screen
#{ctrlKey} + ↑ #{ctrlKey} + ↓
Scroll to the top/bottom


alt + f
Focus first link in the content area
(press tab to focus the other links)
alt + r
Reveal current page in sidebar
alt + g
Search on Google
(press twice in single doc mode)
Show this page

Tip: If the cursor is no longer in the search field, press backspace or continue to type and it will refocus the search field and start showing new results. """