// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Sanity-check the conversion and remove this comment. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__, or convert again using --optional-chaining * DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/main/docs/suggestions.md */ const Cls = (app.Router = class Router { static initClass() { $.extend(this.prototype, Events); this.routes = [ ["*", "before"], ["/", "root"], ["/settings", "settings"], ["/offline", "offline"], ["/about", "about"], ["/news", "news"], ["/help", "help"], ["/:doc-:type/", "type"], ["/:doc/", "doc"], ["/:doc/:path(*)", "entry"], ["*", "notFound"], ]; } constructor() { for (var [path, method] of Array.from(this.constructor.routes)) { page(path, this[method].bind(this)); } this.setInitialPath(); } start() { page.start(); } show(path) { page.show(path); } triggerRoute(name) { this.trigger(name, this.context); this.trigger("after", name, this.context); } before(context, next) { let res; const previousContext = this.context; this.context = context; this.trigger("before", context); if ((res = next())) { this.context = previousContext; return res; } else { return; } } doc(context, next) { let doc; if ( (doc = app.docs.findBySlug(context.params.doc) || app.disabledDocs.findBySlug(context.params.doc)) ) { context.doc = doc; context.entry = doc.toEntry(); this.triggerRoute("entry"); return; } else { return next(); } } type(context, next) { let type; const doc = app.docs.findBySlug(context.params.doc); if ( (type = doc != null ? doc.types.findBy("slug", context.params.type) : undefined) ) { context.doc = doc; context.type = type; this.triggerRoute("type"); return; } else { return next(); } } entry(context, next) { let entry; const doc = app.docs.findBySlug(context.params.doc); if (!doc) { return next(); } let { path } = context.params; const { hash } = context; if ((entry = doc.findEntryByPathAndHash(path, hash))) { context.doc = doc; context.entry = entry; this.triggerRoute("entry"); return; } else if (path.slice(-6) === "/index") { path = path.substr(0, path.length - 6); if ((entry = doc.findEntryByPathAndHash(path, hash))) { return entry.fullPath(); } } else { path = `${path}/index`; if ((entry = doc.findEntryByPathAndHash(path, hash))) { return entry.fullPath(); } } return next(); } root() { if (app.isSingleDoc()) { return "/"; } this.triggerRoute("root"); } settings(context) { if (app.isSingleDoc()) { return `/#/${context.path}`; } this.triggerRoute("settings"); } offline(context) { if (app.isSingleDoc()) { return `/#/${context.path}`; } this.triggerRoute("offline"); } about(context) { if (app.isSingleDoc()) { return `/#/${context.path}`; } context.page = "about"; this.triggerRoute("page"); } news(context) { if (app.isSingleDoc()) { return `/#/${context.path}`; } context.page = "news"; this.triggerRoute("page"); } help(context) { if (app.isSingleDoc()) { return `/#/${context.path}`; } context.page = "help"; this.triggerRoute("page"); } notFound(context) { this.triggerRoute("notFound"); } isIndex() { return ( (this.context != null ? this.context.path : undefined) === "/" || (app.isSingleDoc() && __guard__(this.context != null ? this.context.entry : undefined, (x) => x.isIndex(), )) ); } isSettings() { return ( (this.context != null ? this.context.path : undefined) === "/settings" ); } setInitialPath() { // Remove superfluous forward slashes at the beginning of the path let path; if ( (path = location.pathname.replace(/^\/{2,}/g, "/")) !== location.pathname ) { page.replace(path + location.search + location.hash, null, true); } if (location.pathname === "/") { if ((path = this.getInitialPathFromHash())) { page.replace(path + location.search, null, true); } else if ((path = this.getInitialPathFromCookie())) { page.replace(path + location.search + location.hash, null, true); } } } getInitialPathFromHash() { try { return __guard__( new RegExp("#/(.+)").exec(decodeURIComponent(location.hash)), (x) => x[1], ); } catch (error) {} } getInitialPathFromCookie() { let path; if ((path = Cookies.get("initial_path"))) { Cookies.expire("initial_path"); return path; } } replaceHash(hash) { page.replace( location.pathname + location.search + (hash || ""), null, true, ); } }); Cls.initClass(); function __guard__(value, transform) { return typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== null ? transform(value) : undefined; }