class app.View $.extend @prototype, Events constructor: -> @setupElement() @originalClassName = @el.className if @el.className @resetClass() if @constructor.className @refreshElements() @init?() @refreshElements() setupElement: -> @el ?= if typeof @constructor.el is 'string' $ @constructor.el else if @constructor.el @constructor.el else document.createElement @constructor.tagName or 'div' if @constructor.attributes for key, value of @constructor.attributes @el.setAttribute(key, value) return refreshElements: -> if @constructor.elements @[name] = @find selector for name, selector of @constructor.elements return addClass: (name) -> @el.classList.add(name) return removeClass: (name) -> @el.classList.remove(name) return resetClass: -> @el.className = @originalClassName or '' if @constructor.className @addClass name for name in @constructor.className.split ' ' return find: (selector) -> $ selector, @el findAll: (selector) -> $$ selector, @el findByClass: (name) -> @findAllByClass(name)[0] findLastByClass: (name) -> all = @findAllByClass(name)[0] all[all.length - 1] findAllByClass: (name) -> @el.getElementsByClassName(name) findByTag: (tag) -> @findAllByTag(tag)[0] findLastByTag: (tag) -> all = @findAllByTag(tag) all[all.length - 1] findAllByTag: (tag) -> @el.getElementsByTagName(tag) append: (value) -> $.append @el, value.el or value return appendTo: (value) -> $.append value.el or value, @el return prepend: (value) -> $.prepend @el, value.el or value return prependTo: (value) -> $.prepend value.el or value, @el return before: (value) -> $.before @el, value.el or value return after: (value) -> $.after @el, value.el or value return remove: (value) -> $.remove value.el or value return empty: -> $.empty @el @refreshElements() return html: (value) -> @empty() @append value return tmpl: (args...) -> app.templates.render(args...) delay: (fn, args...) -> delay = if typeof args[args.length - 1] is 'number' then args.pop() else 0 setTimeout fn.bind(@, args...), delay onDOM: (event, callback) -> $.on @el, event, callback return offDOM: (event, callback) -> $.off @el, event, callback return bindEvents: -> if @onDOM name, @[method] for name, method of if @constructor.routes app.router.on name, @[method] for name, method of @constructor.routes if @constructor.shortcuts app.shortcuts.on name, @[method] for name, method of @constructor.shortcuts return unbindEvents: -> if @offDOM name, @[method] for name, method of if @constructor.routes name, @[method] for name, method of @constructor.routes if @constructor.shortcuts name, @[method] for name, method of @constructor.shortcuts return addSubview: (view) -> (@subviews or= []).push(view) activate: -> return if @activated @bindEvents() view.activate() for view in @subviews if @subviews @activated = true true deactivate: -> return unless @activated @unbindEvents() view.deactivate() for view in @subviews if @subviews @activated = false true detach: -> @deactivate() $.remove @el return