class DocsCLI < Thor include Thor::Actions def self.to_s 'Docs' end def initialize(*args) require 'docs' trap('INT') { puts; exit! } # hide backtrace on ^C super end desc 'list', 'List available documentations' def list max_length = 0 Docs.all. map { |doc| [doc.to_s.demodulize.underscore, doc] }. each { |pair| max_length = pair.first.length if pair.first.length > max_length }. each { |pair| puts "#{pair.first.rjust max_length + 1}: #{pair.second.base_url.sub %r{\Ahttps?://}, ''}" } end desc 'page [path] [--verbose] [--debug]', 'Generate a page (no indexing)' option :verbose, type: :boolean option :debug, type: :boolean def page(name, path = '') unless path.empty? || path.start_with?('/') return puts 'ERROR: [path] must be an absolute path.' end Docs.install_report :store if options[:verbose] if options[:debug] GC.disable Docs.install_report :filter, :request end if Docs.generate_page(name, path) puts 'Done' else puts "Failed!#{' (try running with --debug for more information)' unless options[:debug]}" end rescue Docs::DocNotFound invalid_doc(name) end desc 'generate [--verbose] [--debug] [--force]', 'Generate a documentation' option :verbose, type: :boolean option :debug, type: :boolean option :force, type: :boolean def generate(name) Docs.install_report :store if options[:verbose] Docs.install_report :scraper if options[:debug] Docs.install_report :progress_bar if $stdout.tty? unless options[:force] puts <<-TEXT.strip_heredoc Note: this command will scrape the documentation from the source. Some scrapers require a local setup. Others will send thousands of HTTP requests, potentially slowing down the source site. Please don't use it unless you are modifying the code. To download the latest tested version of a documentation, use: thor docs:download #{name}\n TEXT return unless yes? 'Proceed? (y/n)' end if Docs.generate(name) generate_manifest puts 'Done' else puts "Failed!#{' (try running with --debug for more information)' unless options[:debug]}" end rescue Docs::DocNotFound invalid_doc(name) end desc 'manifest', 'Create the manifest' def manifest generate_manifest puts 'Done' end desc 'download ( ... | --all)', 'Download documentations' option :all, type: :boolean def download(*names) require 'unix_utils' docs = options[:all] ? Docs.all : find_docs(names) assert_docs(docs) download_docs(docs) generate_manifest puts 'Done' rescue Docs::DocNotFound => error invalid_doc( end desc 'package ( ... | --all)', 'Package documentations' option :all, type: :boolean def package(*names) require 'unix_utils' docs = options[:all] ? Docs.all : find_docs(names) assert_docs(docs) docs.each(&method(:package_doc)) puts 'Done' rescue Docs::DocNotFound => error invalid_doc( end desc 'verify ( ... | --all)', 'Verify documentations' option :all, type: :boolean def verify(*names) require 'find' require 'cgi' docs = options[:all] ? Docs.all : find_docs(names) assert_docs(docs) docs.each(&method(:verify_doc)) puts 'Done' rescue Docs::DocNotFound => error invalid_doc( end desc 'devhelp-book ( ... | --all)', 'Generate DevHelp book' option :all, type: :boolean option :force, type: :boolean def devhelp_book(*names) require 'app' require 'devhelp' unless File.exists?(App.assets_path) end docs = options[:all] ? Docs.all : find_docs(names) assert_docs(docs) js = File.expand_path('../assets/javascripts/vendor', Docs.root_path){ force: options[:force], base_path: Docs.store_path, devhelp_path: Docs.devhelp_store_path, asset_path: App.assets_path, index: Docs::Doc::INDEX_FILENAME, js: [File.join(js, 'prism.js'), File.join(js, 'prism-invoke.js')] }).for_docs(docs) puts 'Done' rescue Docs::DocNotFound => error invalid_doc( end desc 'clean', 'Delete documentation packages' def clean File.delete(*Dir[File.join Docs.store_path, '*.tar.gz']) puts 'Done' end private def find_docs(names) do |name| Docs.find(name) end end def assert_docs(docs) if docs.empty? puts 'ERROR: called with no arguments.' puts 'Run "thor docs:list" for usage patterns.' exit end end def invalid_doc(name) puts %(ERROR: invalid doc "#{name}".) puts 'Run "thor docs:list" to see the list of docs.' end def download_docs(docs) require 'thread' length = docs.length i = 0 (1..4).map do do while doc = docs.shift status = begin download_doc(doc) 'OK' rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => error "FAILED (#{error.message})" end puts "(#{i += 1}/#{length}) #{} #{status}" end end end def download_doc(doc) target = File.join(Docs.store_path, "#{doc.path}.tar.gz") open "{doc.path}.tar.gz" do |file| FileUtils.mkpath(Docs.store_path), target) unpackage_doc(doc) end end def unpackage_doc(doc) path = File.join(Docs.store_path, doc.path) FileUtils.mkpath(path) tar = UnixUtils.gunzip("#{path}.tar.gz") dir = UnixUtils.untar(tar) FileUtils.rm_rf(path), path) FileUtils.rm(tar) FileUtils.rm("#{path}.tar.gz") end def package_doc(doc) path = File.join Docs.store_path, doc.path if File.exist?(path) tar = UnixUtils.tar(path) gzip = UnixUtils.gzip(tar), "#{path}.tar.gz") FileUtils.rm(tar) else puts %(ERROR: can't find "#{}" documentation files.) end end DOC_EXT = '.html' def is_document?(path) File.file?(path) && !File.basename(path).start_with?('.') && File.extname(path).downcase == DOC_EXT end def verify_doc(doc) doc_path = File.join Docs.store_path, doc.path unless File.exists?(doc_path) puts %(ERROR: can't find "#{}" documentation files. Please download/scrape it first.) return end skip_path = (doc_path.length + 1)..-1 Find.find(doc_path) do |path| next unless is_document?(path) Nokogiri::HTML.parse(open(path), 'UTF-8').css('a[href]').each do |a| href = a['href'] next unless href !~ %r{\A(?:[^:]+:|#|\?|$)} target = File.join(File.dirname(path), CGI.unescape(href).gsub(/[#?].*/, '')) unless File.exists?(target) || File.exists?(target + DOC_EXT) puts "#{path[skip_path]} references missing document #{target[skip_path]} (A: #{a.text.strip})" end end end end def generate_manifest Docs.generate_manifest end end