ctrlKey = if $.isMac() then 'cmd' else 'ctrl' navKey = if $.isMac() then 'cmd' else 'alt' app.templates.helpPage = """
The search is case-insensitive. It supports fuzzy matching
(e.g. bgcp
matches background-clip
and aliases (full list below).
on mobile devices).
For example, to search the JavaScript documentation, enter javascript
or js
, then Tab
will be used as search query.Tab
when devdocs.io is autocompleted
in the omnibox (to set a custom keyword, click Manage search engines\u2026 in Chrome's settings).
#{ctrlKey} + enter
alt + r
#{navKey} + ←
#{navKey} + →
alt + ↓
alt + ↑
shift + ↓
shift + ↑
shift + space
#{ctrlKey} + ↑
#{ctrlKey} + ↓
alt + f
ctrl + ,
alt + o
alt + g
alt + s
Tip: If the cursor is no longer in the search field, press /
continue to type and it will refocus the search field and start showing new results.
Word | Alias #{(" |
#{key} | #{value}" for key, value of app.models.Entry.ALIASES).join('')} |
Feel free to suggest new aliases on GitHub. """