module Docs class Php < FileScraper # Downloaded from include FixInternalUrlsBehavior = 'PHP' self.type = 'php' self.release = '7.2.9' self.base_url = '' self.root_path = 'index.html' self.initial_paths = %w( funcref.html langref.html refs.database.html set.mysqlinfo.html language.control-structures.html reference.pcre.pattern.syntax.html reserved.exceptions.html reserved.interfaces.html reserved.variables.html) self.links = { home: '', code: ';a=summary' } html_filters.push 'php/internal_urls', 'php/entries', 'php/clean_html', 'title' text_filters.push 'php/fix_urls' options[:title] = false options[:root_title] = 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor' options[:skip_links] = ->(filter) { !filter.initial_page? } options[:only_patterns] = [ /\Alanguage\./, /\Aclass\./, /\Afunctions?\./, /\Acontrol-structures/, /\Aregexp\./, /\Areserved\.exceptions/, /\Areserved\.interfaces/, /\Areserved\.variables/] BOOKS = %w(apache apc apcu array bc bzip2 calendar csprng classobj ctype curl datetime dba dir dom ds eio errorfunc ev event exec exif fileinfo filesystem filter ftp funchand gearman geoip gettext gmagick gmp hash ibase iconv iisfunc image imagick imap info inotify intl json judy ldap libevent libxml lua mail mailparse math mbstring mcrypt memcached misc mysqli network oauth openssl outcontrol password pcntl pcre pdo pgsql phar posix proctitle pthreads quickhash regex runkit reflection sca session sem session-pgsql shmop simplexml soap sockets solr sphinx spl spl-types sqlite3 sqlsrv ssh2 stats stream strings sync taint tidy tokenizer uodbc url v8js var varnish weakref xml xmlreader xmlrpc xmlwriter xsl yaf yar yaml zip zlib) options[:only] = { |s| "book.#{s}.html" } options[:skip] = %w( control-structures.intro.html control-structures.alternative-syntax.html function.mssql-select-db.html pthreads.modifiers.html) options[:skip_patterns] = [/mysqlnd/, /xdevapi/i] options[:attribution] = <<-HTML © 1997–2018 The PHP Documentation Group<br> Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License v3.0 or later. HTML def get_latest_version(opts) doc = fetch_doc('', opts) label = doc.at_css('tbody.gen-changelog > tr > td').content label.split(',').last.strip end end end