module Docs class Rust < UrlScraper self.type = 'rust' self.release = '1.14.0' self.base_url = '' self.root_path = 'book/index.html' self.initial_paths = %w( reference.html collections/index.html std/index.html error-index.html) self.links = { home: '', code: '' } html_filters.push 'rust/entries', 'rust/clean_html' options[:only_patterns] = [ /\Abook\//, /\Acollections\//, /\Astd\// ] options[:skip] = %w(book/README.html) options[:skip_patterns] = [/(?<!\.html)\z/] options[:fix_urls] = ->(url) do url.sub! %r{(#{Rust.base_url}.+/)\z}, '\1index.html' url.sub! '/unicode/u_str', '/unicode/str/' url end options[:attribution] = <<-HTML © 2016 The Rust Project Developers<br> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option. HTML private REDIRECT_RGX = /http-equiv="refresh"/i NOT_FOUND_RGX = /<title>Not Found<\/title>/ def process_response?(response) !(response.body =~ REDIRECT_RGX || response.body =~ NOT_FOUND_RGX || response.body.blank?) end end end