// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Sanity-check the conversion and remove this comment. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__, or convert again using --optional-chaining * DS104: Avoid inline assignments * DS204: Change includes calls to have a more natural evaluation order * DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs * DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass * DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/main/docs/suggestions.md */ app.views.Content = class Content extends app.View { static initClass() { this.el = "._content"; this.loadingClass = "_content-loading"; this.events = { click: "onClick" }; this.shortcuts = { altUp: "scrollStepUp", altDown: "scrollStepDown", pageUp: "scrollPageUp", pageDown: "scrollPageDown", pageTop: "scrollToTop", pageBottom: "scrollToBottom", altF: "onAltF", }; this.routes = { before: "beforeRoute", after: "afterRoute", }; } init() { this.scrollEl = app.isMobile() ? document.scrollingElement || document.body : this.el; this.scrollMap = {}; this.scrollStack = []; this.rootPage = new app.views.RootPage(); this.staticPage = new app.views.StaticPage(); this.settingsPage = new app.views.SettingsPage(); this.offlinePage = new app.views.OfflinePage(); this.typePage = new app.views.TypePage(); this.entryPage = new app.views.EntryPage(); this.entryPage .on("loading", () => this.onEntryLoading()) .on("loaded", () => this.onEntryLoaded()); app .on("ready", () => this.onReady()) .on("bootError", () => this.onBootError()); } show(view) { this.hideLoading(); if (view !== this.view) { if (this.view != null) { this.view.deactivate(); } this.html((this.view = view)); this.view.activate(); } } showLoading() { this.addClass(this.constructor.loadingClass); } isLoading() { return this.el.classList.contains(this.constructor.loadingClass); } hideLoading() { this.removeClass(this.constructor.loadingClass); } scrollTo(value) { this.scrollEl.scrollTop = value || 0; } smoothScrollTo(value) { if (app.settings.get("fastScroll")) { this.scrollTo(value); } else { $.smoothScroll(this.scrollEl, value || 0); } } scrollBy(n) { this.smoothScrollTo(this.scrollEl.scrollTop + n); } scrollToTop() { this.smoothScrollTo(0); } scrollToBottom() { this.smoothScrollTo(this.scrollEl.scrollHeight); } scrollStepUp() { this.scrollBy(-80); } scrollStepDown() { this.scrollBy(80); } scrollPageUp() { this.scrollBy(40 - this.scrollEl.clientHeight); } scrollPageDown() { this.scrollBy(this.scrollEl.clientHeight - 40); } scrollToTarget() { let el; if ( this.routeCtx.hash && (el = this.findTargetByHash(this.routeCtx.hash)) ) { $.scrollToWithImageLock(el, this.scrollEl, "top", { margin: this.scrollEl === this.el ? 0 : $.offset(this.el).top, }); $.highlight(el, { className: "_highlight" }); } else { this.scrollTo(this.scrollMap[this.routeCtx.state.id]); } } onReady() { this.hideLoading(); } onBootError() { this.hideLoading(); this.html(this.tmpl("bootError")); } onEntryLoading() { this.showLoading(); if (this.scrollToTargetTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.scrollToTargetTimeout); this.scrollToTargetTimeout = null; } } onEntryLoaded() { this.hideLoading(); if (this.scrollToTargetTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.scrollToTargetTimeout); this.scrollToTargetTimeout = null; } this.scrollToTarget(); } beforeRoute(context) { this.cacheScrollPosition(); this.routeCtx = context; this.scrollToTargetTimeout = this.delay(this.scrollToTarget); } cacheScrollPosition() { if (!this.routeCtx || this.routeCtx.hash) { return; } if (this.routeCtx.path === "/") { return; } if (this.scrollMap[this.routeCtx.state.id] == null) { this.scrollStack.push(this.routeCtx.state.id); while (this.scrollStack.length > app.config.history_cache_size) { delete this.scrollMap[this.scrollStack.shift()]; } } this.scrollMap[this.routeCtx.state.id] = this.scrollEl.scrollTop; } afterRoute(route, context) { if (route !== "entry" && route !== "type") { resetFavicon(); } switch (route) { case "root": this.show(this.rootPage); break; case "entry": this.show(this.entryPage); break; case "type": this.show(this.typePage); break; case "settings": this.show(this.settingsPage); break; case "offline": this.show(this.offlinePage); break; default: this.show(this.staticPage); } this.view.onRoute(context); app.document.setTitle( typeof this.view.getTitle === "function" ? this.view.getTitle() : undefined, ); } onClick(event) { const link = $.closestLink($.eventTarget(event), this.el); if (link && this.isExternalUrl(link.getAttribute("href"))) { $.stopEvent(event); $.popup(link); } } onAltF(event) { if ( !document.activeElement || !$.hasChild(this.el, document.activeElement) ) { __guard__(this.find("a:not(:empty)"), (x) => x.focus()); return $.stopEvent(event); } } findTargetByHash(hash) { let el = (() => { try { return $.id(decodeURIComponent(hash)); } catch (error) {} })(); if (!el) { el = (() => { try { return $.id(hash); } catch (error1) {} })(); } return el; } isExternalUrl(url) { let needle; return ( (needle = __guard__(url, (x) => x.slice(0, 6))), ["http:/", "https:"].includes(needle) ); } }; app.views.Content.initClass(); function __guard__(value, transform) { return typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== null ? transform(value) : undefined; }