app.templates.splash = """<div class="_splash-title">DevDocs</div>"""

<% if App.development? %>
app.templates.intro = """
  <div class="_intro"><div class="_intro-message">
    <a href="#" class="_intro-hide" data-hide-intro>Stop showing this message</a>
    <h2 class="_intro-title">Hi there!</h2>
    <p>Thanks for downloading DevDocs. Here are a few things you should know:
    <ol class="_intro-list">
      <li>Your local version of DevDocs won't self-update. Unless you're modifying the code,
          we&nbsp;recommend using the hosted version at <a href=""></a>.
      <li>Run <code>thor docs:list</code> to see all available documentations.
      <li>Run <code>thor docs:download &lt;name&gt;</code> to download documentations.
      <li>Run <code>thor docs:download --installed</code> to update all downloaded documentations.
      <li>To be notified about new versions, don't forget to <a href="">watch the repository</a> on GitHub.
      <li>The <a href="">issue tracker</a> is the preferred channel for bug reports and
          feature requests. For everything else, use <a href="">Discord</a>.
      <li>Contributions are welcome. See the <a href="">guidelines</a>.
      <li>DevDocs is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License v2.0. For more information,
          see the <a href="">COPYRIGHT</a> and
          <a href="">LICENSE</a> files.
    <p>Happy coding!
<% else %>
app.templates.intro = """
  <div class="_intro"><div class="_intro-message">
    <a href="#" class="_intro-hide" data-hide-intro>Stop showing this message</a>
    <h2 class="_intro-title">Welcome!</h2>
    <p>DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface.
       Here's what you should know before you start:
    <ol class="_intro-list">
      <li>Open the <a href="/settings">Preferences</a> to enable more docs and customize the UI.
      <li>You don't have to use your mouse &mdash; see the list of <a href="/help#shortcuts">keyboard shortcuts</a>.
      <li>The search supports fuzzy matching (e.g. "bgcp" brings up "background-clip").
      <li>To search a specific documentation, type its name (or an abbr.), then Tab.
      <li>You can search using your browser's address bar &mdash; <a href="/help#browser_search">learn how</a>.
      <li>DevDocs works <a href="/offline">offline</a>, on mobile, and can be installed as web app.
      <li>For the latest news, follow <a href="">@DevDocs</a>.
      <li>DevDocs is free and <a href="">open source</a>.
          <object data="" type="image/svg+xml" aria-hidden="true" height="20"></object>
      <li>And if you're new to coding, check out <a href="">freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum</a>.
    <p>Happy coding!
<% end %>

app.templates.mobileIntro = """
  <div class="_mobile-intro">
    <h2 class="_intro-title">Welcome!</h2>
    <p>DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface.
       Here's what you should know before you start:
    <ol class="_intro-list">
      <li>Pick your docs in the <a href="/settings">Preferences</a>.
      <li>The search supports fuzzy matching.
      <li>To search a specific documentation, type its name (or an abbr.), then Space.
      <li>For the latest news, follow <a href="">@DevDocs</a>.
      <li>DevDocs is <a href="">open source</a>.
    <p>Happy coding!
    <a class="_intro-hide" data-hide-intro>Stop showing this message</a>

app.templates.androidWarning = """
  <div class="_mobile-intro">
    <h2 class="_intro-title">Hi there</h2>
    <p>DevDocs is running inside an Android WebView. Some features may not work properly.
    <p>If you downloaded an app called DevDocs on the Play Store, please uninstall it — it's made by someone who is using (and profiting from) the name DevDocs without permission.
    <p>To install DevDocs on your phone, visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> in Chrome and select "Add to home screen" in the menu.