class app.views.EntryPage extends app.View @className: '_page' @errorClass: '_page-error' @events: click: 'onClick' @routes: before: 'beforeRoute' init: -> @cacheMap = {} @cacheStack = [] return deactivate: -> if super @empty() @entry = null return loading: -> @empty() @trigger 'loading' return render: (content = '', fromCache = false) -> return unless @activated @empty() @subview = new (@subViewClass()) @el, @entry $.batchUpdate @el, => @subview.render(content, fromCache) @addClipboardLinks() unless fromCache return if app.disabledDocs.findBy 'slug', @entry.doc.slug @hiddenView = new app.views.HiddenPage @el, @entry @trigger 'loaded' return CLIPBOARD_LINK = '<a class="_pre-clip" title="Copy to clipboard" tabindex="-1"></a>' PRE_TAGS = /<pre[^>]*>/g addClipboardLinks: -> @el.innerHTML = @el.innerHTML.replace(PRE_TAGS, "$&#{CLIPBOARD_LINK}") return LINKS = home: 'Homepage' code: 'Source code' prepareContent: (content) -> return content unless @entry.isIndex() and @entry.doc.links links = for link, url of @entry.doc.links """<a href="#{url}" class="_links-link">#{LINKS[link]}</a>""" """<p class="_links">#{links.join('')}</p>#{content}""" empty: -> @subview?.deactivate() @subview = null @hiddenView?.deactivate() @hiddenView = null @resetClass() super return subViewClass: -> app.views["#{$.classify(@entry.doc.type)}Page"] or app.views.BasePage getTitle: -> @entry.doc.fullName + if @entry.isIndex() then ' documentation' else " / #{}" beforeRoute: => @abort() @cache() return onRoute: (context) -> isSameFile = context.entry.filePath() is @entry?.filePath() @entry = context.entry @restore() or @load() unless isSameFile return load: -> @loading() @xhr = @entry.loadFile @onSuccess, @onError return abort: -> if @xhr @xhr.abort() @xhr = null return onSuccess: (response) => return unless @activated @xhr = null @render @prepareContent(response) return onError: => @xhr = null @render @tmpl('pageLoadError') @resetClass() @addClass @constructor.errorClass app.appCache?.update() return cache: -> return if not @entry or @cacheMap[path = @entry.filePath()] @cacheMap[path] = @el.innerHTML @cacheStack.push(path) while @cacheStack.length > app.config.history_cache_size delete @cacheMap[@cacheStack.shift()] return restore: -> if @cacheMap[path = @entry.filePath()] @render @cacheMap[path], true true onClick: (event) => target = if target.hasAttribute 'data-retry' $.stopEvent(event) @load() else if target.classList.contains '_pre-clip' $.stopEvent(event) target.classList.add if $.copyToClipboard(target.parentNode.textContent) then '_pre-clip-success' else '_pre-clip-error' setTimeout (-> target.className = '_pre-clip'), 2000 return