// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Sanity-check the conversion and remove this comment. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/main/docs/suggestions.md */ //= require app/searcher (function() { let applyAliases = undefined; const Cls = (app.models.Entry = class Entry extends app.Model { static initClass() { let ALIASES; applyAliases = function(string) { if (ALIASES.hasOwnProperty(string)) { return [string, ALIASES[string]]; } else { const words = string.split('.'); for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { var word = words[i]; if (ALIASES.hasOwnProperty(word)) { words[i] = ALIASES[word]; return [string, words.join('.')]; } } } return string; }; this.ALIASES = (ALIASES = { 'angular': 'ng', 'angular.js': 'ng', 'backbone.js': 'bb', 'c++': 'cpp', 'coffeescript': 'cs', 'crystal': 'cr', 'elixir': 'ex', 'javascript': 'js', 'julia': 'jl', 'jquery': '$', 'knockout.js': 'ko', 'kubernetes': 'k8s', 'less': 'ls', 'lodash': '_', 'löve': 'love', 'marionette': 'mn', 'markdown': 'md', 'matplotlib': 'mpl', 'modernizr': 'mdr', 'moment.js': 'mt', 'openjdk': 'java', 'nginx': 'ngx', 'numpy': 'np', 'pandas': 'pd', 'postgresql': 'pg', 'python': 'py', 'ruby.on.rails': 'ror', 'ruby': 'rb', 'rust': 'rs', 'sass': 'scss', 'tensorflow': 'tf', 'typescript': 'ts', 'underscore.js': '_' }); } // Attributes: name, type, path constructor() { super(...arguments); this.text = applyAliases(app.Searcher.normalizeString(this.name)); } addAlias(name) { const text = applyAliases(app.Searcher.normalizeString(name)); if (!Array.isArray(this.text)) { this.text = [this.text]; } this.text.push(Array.isArray(text) ? text[1] : text); } fullPath() { return this.doc.fullPath(this.isIndex() ? '' : this.path); } dbPath() { return this.path.replace(/#.*/, ''); } filePath() { return this.doc.fullPath(this._filePath()); } fileUrl() { return this.doc.fileUrl(this._filePath()); } _filePath() { let result = this.path.replace(/#.*/, ''); if (result.slice(-5) !== '.html') { result += '.html'; } return result; } isIndex() { return this.path === 'index'; } getType() { return this.doc.types.findBy('name', this.type); } loadFile(onSuccess, onError) { return app.db.load(this, onSuccess, onError); } }); Cls.initClass(); return Cls; })();