// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Sanity-check the conversion and remove this comment. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS206: Consider reworking classes to avoid initClass * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/main/docs/suggestions.md */ const Cls = (app.ServiceWorker = class ServiceWorker { static initClass() { $.extend(this.prototype, Events); } static isEnabled() { return !!navigator.serviceWorker && app.config.service_worker_enabled; } constructor() { this.onUpdateFound = this.onUpdateFound.bind(this); this.onStateChange = this.onStateChange.bind(this); this.registration = null; this.notifyUpdate = true; navigator.serviceWorker.register(app.config.service_worker_path, {scope: '/'}) .then( registration => this.updateRegistration(registration), error => console.error('Could not register service worker:', error)); } update() { if (!this.registration) { return; } this.notifyUpdate = true; return this.registration.update().catch(function() {}); } updateInBackground() { if (!this.registration) { return; } this.notifyUpdate = false; return this.registration.update().catch(function() {}); } reload() { return this.updateInBackground().then(() => app.reboot()); } updateRegistration(registration) { this.registration = registration; $.on(this.registration, 'updatefound', this.onUpdateFound); } onUpdateFound() { if (this.installingRegistration) { $.off(this.installingRegistration, 'statechange', this.onStateChange()); } this.installingRegistration = this.registration.installing; $.on(this.installingRegistration, 'statechange', this.onStateChange); } onStateChange() { if (this.installingRegistration && (this.installingRegistration.state === 'installed') && navigator.serviceWorker.controller) { this.installingRegistration = null; this.onUpdateReady(); } } onUpdateReady() { if (this.notifyUpdate) { this.trigger('updateready'); } } }); Cls.initClass();