require 'yajl/json_gem' module Docs class SupportTables < Doc include Instrumentable = 'Support Tables' self.slug = 'browser_support_tables' self.type = 'support_tables' def build_pages url = '' instrument 'running.scraper', urls: [url] response = instrument 'process_response.scraper', response: response data = JSON.parse(response.body) instrument 'queued.scraper', urls: data['data'].keys data['agents']['and_chr']['browser'] = 'Android Chrome' data['agents']['and_ff']['browser'] = 'Android Firefox' data['agents']['and_uc']['browser'] = 'Android UC Browser' data['desktop_agents'] = data['agents'].select { |_, agent| agent['type'] == 'desktop' } data['mobile_agents'] = data['agents'].select { |–, agent| agent['type'] == 'mobile' } data['total_versions'] = data['agents']['firefox']['versions'].length index_page = { path: 'index', store_path: 'index.html', output:, entries: [, 'index', nil)] } yield index_page data['data'].each do |feature_id, feature| url = "{feature_id}.json" response = instrument 'process_response.scraper', response: response feature = JSON.parse(response.body) name = feature['title'] type = feature['categories'].find { |category| name.include?(category) } || feature['categories'].first page = { path: feature_id, store_path: "#{feature_id}.html", output:, entries: [, feature_id, type)] } yield page end end def md_to_html(str) str = CGI::escape_html(str.strip) str.gsub! %r{`(.*?)`}, '<code>\1</code>' str.gsub! %r{\n\s*\n}, '</p><p>' str.gsub! "\n", '<br>' str.gsub! %r{\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\)}, '<a href="\2">\1</a>' str end def support_to_css_class(support) { |s| s.length == 1 }.join(' ') end def support_to_note_indicators(support) notes = { |s| s.start_with?('#') }.map { |s| s[1..-1] } notes << '*' if support.include?('x') "<sup>(#{notes.join(',')})</sup>" if notes.present? end INDEX_PAGE_ERB = <<-HTML.strip_heredoc <h1>Browser support tables</h1> HTML PAGE_ERB = <<-HTML.strip_heredoc <h1><%= feature['title'] %></h1> <p><%= md_to_html feature['description'] %></p> <table> <% if feature['spec'].present? %> <tr> <th>Spec</th> <td><a href="<%= feature['spec'] %>"><%= feature['spec'] %></a></td> </tr> <% end %> <% if feature['status'].present? %> <tr> <th>Status</th> <td><%= data['statuses'][feature['status']] %></td> </tr> <% end %> </table> <% ['desktop', 'mobile'].each do |type| %> <table class="stats"> <tr> <% data["\#{type}_agents"].each do |agent_id, agent| %> <th><%= agent['browser'] %></th> <% end %> </tr> <% (0...(data['total_versions'])).reverse_each do |i| %> <% next if data["\#{type}_agents"].none? { |_, agent| agent['versions'][i] } %> <% if i == (data['total_versions'] - 8) %> <tr class="show-all"> <th class="show-all" colspan="<%= data["\#{type}_agents"].length %>"> <a href="#" class="show-all">Show all</a> </th> </tr> <% end %> <tr<%= ' class="current"' if i == (data['total_versions'] - 4) %>> <% data["\#{type}_agents"].each do |agent_id, agent| %> <% version = agent['versions'][i] %> <% if version %> <% support = feature['stats'][agent_id][version].split(' ') %> <% feature['prefix'] = true if support.include?('x') %> <td class="<%= support_to_css_class(support) %>"><%= version %> <%= support_to_note_indicators(support) %></td> <% else %> <td> </td> <% end %> <% end %> </tr> <% end %> </table> <% end %> <h2>Notes</h2> <% if feature['notes'].present? %> <p><%= md_to_html feature['notes'] %></p> <% end %> <% if feature['notes_by_num'].present? %> <ol> <% feature['notes_by_num'].each do |num, note| %> <li><p><%= md_to_html note %></p></li> <% end %> </ol> <% end %> <% if feature['prefix'] %> <dl> <dd><sup>*</sup> Partial support with prefix.</dd> </dl> <% end %> <% if feature['bugs'].present? %> <h2>Bugs</h2> <ul> <% feature['bugs'].each do |bug| %> <li><p><%= md_to_html bug['description'] %></p></li> <% end %> </ul> <% end %> <% if feature['links'].present? %> <h2>Resources</h2> <ul> <% feature['links'].each do |link| %> <li><a href="<%= link['url'] %>"><%= link['title'] %></a></li> <% end %> </ul> <% end %> <div class="_attribution"> <p class="_attribution-p"> Data by<br> Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License v4.0.<br> <a href="<%= feature_id %>" class="_attribution-link"><%= feature_id %></a> </p> </div> HTML end end