module Docs class Nokogiri2 < Rdoc # Instructions: # 1. Download the latest release at # 2. Run "bundle install && bundle exec rake docs" (in the Nokogiri directory) # 4. Copy the "doc" directory to "docs/nokogiri" = 'Nokogiri' self.slug = 'nokogiri' self.release = '1.14.2' self.base_url = "" html_filters.replace 'rdoc/entries', 'nokogiri2/entries' options[:root_title] = 'Nokogiri' options[:only_patterns] = [/\ANokogiri/, /\AXSD/] options[:attribution] = <<-HTML © 2008–2023 by Mike Dalessio, Aaron Patterson, Yoko Harada, Akinori MUSHA, John Shahid,<br> Karol Bucek, Sam Ruby, Craig Barnes, Stephen Checkoway, Lars Kanis, Sergio Arbeo,<br> Timothy Elliott, Nobuyoshi Nakada, Charles Nutter, Patrick Mahoney Licensed under the MIT License. HTML def get_latest_version(opts) get_latest_github_release('sparklemotion', 'nokogiri', opts) end end end