module Docs class Qt < UrlScraper = 'Qt' self.type = 'qt' self.initial_paths = %w(classes.html qmltypes.html) self.root_path = 'index.html' self.links = { home: '', code: '' } html_filters.push 'qt/entries', 'qt/clean_html' options[:container] = '.main' options[:max_image_size] = 156_000 options[:skip_patterns] = [ # License, copyright attributions /3rdparty/, /attribution/, /license/, /licensing/, # Examples, guides, tutorials /example/, /guide$/, /tutorial/, /porting/, /usecase/, /topic/, /^modelview/, /deploy(ing|ment)/, /building/, # Old versions, changelog /obsolete/, /compatibility/, /^whatsnew/, /^newclasses/, # Deprecated modules /(qtopengl|qgl)/, /qt?script/, # Indexes /members/, /module/, /overview/, /^qopenglfunctions/, # Tooling /^(qt)?(linguist|assistant|qdbusviewer)/, ] options[:skip] = [ "qt5-intro.html", "compatmap.html", # Indexes "classes.html", "qtmodules.html", "modules-qml.html", "modules-cpp.html", "functions.html", "namespaces.html", "qmltypes.html", "qt3d-qml.html", "qmlbasictypes.html", "guibooks.html", "annotated.html", "overviews-main.html", "reference-overview.html", # Tutorials "qtvirtualkeyboard-build.html", # Copyright "trademarks.html", "lgpl.html", "bughowto.html", # Changelogs "changes.html", "qtlocation-changes.html", "sourcebreaks.html", # Best practice guides "accessible.html", "accessible-qtquick.html", "sharedlibrary.html", "exceptionsafety.html", "scalability.html", "session.html", "appicon.html", "accelerators.html", # Other "ecmascript.html", "qtremoteobjects-interaction.html", ] options[:attribution] = <<-HTML © The Qt Company Ltd<br> Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3. HTML version '5.11' do self.release = '5.11' self.base_url = '' end version '5.9' do self.release = '5.9' self.base_url = '' end version '5.6' do self.release = '5.6' self.base_url = '' end def get_latest_version(opts) doc = fetch_doc('', opts) doc.at_css('.mainContent h1.title').content.sub(/Qt /, '') end end end