@app = _$: $ _$$: $$ _page: page collections: {} models: {} templates: {} views: {} init: -> try @initErrorTracking() catch return unless @browserCheck() @showLoading() @el = $('._app') @store = new Store @appCache = new app.AppCache if app.AppCache.isEnabled() @settings = new app.Settings @store @db = new app.DB() @docs = new app.collections.Docs @disabledDocs = new app.collections.Docs @entries = new app.collections.Entries @router = new app.Router @shortcuts = new app.Shortcuts @document = new app.views.Document @mobile = new app.views.Mobile if @isMobile() if @DOC @bootOne() else if @DOCS @bootAll() else @onBootError() return browserCheck: -> return true if @isSupportedBrowser() document.body.className = '' document.body.innerHTML = app.templates.unsupportedBrowser false initErrorTracking: -> # Show a warning message and don't track errors when the app is loaded # from a domain other than our own, because things are likely to break. # (e.g. cross-domain requests) if @isInvalidLocation() new app.views.Notif 'InvalidLocation' else if @config.sentry_dsn Raven.config @config.sentry_dsn, whitelistUrls: [/devdocs/] includePaths: [/devdocs/] ignoreErrors: [/dpQuery/, /NPObject/, /NS_ERROR/, /^null$/] tags: mode: if @DOC then 'single' else 'full' iframe: (window.top isnt window).toString() dataCallback: (data) -> try $.extend(data.user, app.settings.settings) .install() @previousErrorHandler = onerror window.onerror = @onWindowError.bind(@) return bootOne: -> @doc = new app.models.Doc @DOC @docs.reset [@doc] @doc.load @start.bind(@), @onBootError.bind(@), readCache: true new app.views.Notice 'singleDoc', @doc delete @DOC return bootAll: -> docs = @settings.getDocs() for doc in @DOCS (if docs.indexOf(doc.slug) >= 0 then @docs else @disabledDocs).add(doc) @migrateDocs() @docs.sort() @disabledDocs.sort() @docs.load @start.bind(@), @onBootError.bind(@), readCache: true, writeCache: true delete @DOCS return start: -> @entries.add doc.toEntry() for doc in @docs.all() @entries.add doc.toEntry() for doc in @disabledDocs.all() @initDoc(doc) for doc in @docs.all() @trigger 'ready' @router.start() @hideLoading() @welcomeBack() unless @doc @removeEvent 'ready bootError' try navigator.mozApps?.getSelf().onsuccess = -> app.mozApp = true catch return initDoc: (doc) -> @entries.add type.toEntry() for type in doc.types.all() @entries.add doc.entries.all() return migrateDocs: -> for slug in @settings.getDocs() when not @docs.findBy('slug', slug) needsSaving = true doc = @disabledDocs.findBy('slug', 'node~4_lts') if slug == 'node~4.2_lts' doc = @disabledDocs.findBy('slug', 'xslt_xpath') if slug == 'xpath' doc ||= @disabledDocs.findBy('slug_without_version', slug) if doc @disabledDocs.remove(doc) @docs.add(doc) @saveDocs() if needsSaving return enableDoc: (doc, _onSuccess, onError) -> return if @docs.contains(doc) onSuccess = => return if @docs.contains(doc) @disabledDocs.remove(doc) @docs.add(doc) @docs.sort() @initDoc(doc) @saveDocs() _onSuccess() return doc.load onSuccess, onError, writeCache: true return saveDocs: -> @settings.setDocs(doc.slug for doc in @docs.all()) @db.migrate() @appCache?.updateInBackground() welcomeBack: -> visitCount = @settings.get('count') @settings.set 'count', ++visitCount new app.views.Notif 'Share', autoHide: null if visitCount is 5 new app.views.News() new app.views.Updates() @updateChecker = new app.UpdateChecker() reload: -> @docs.clearCache() @disabledDocs.clearCache() if @appCache then @appCache.reload() else window.location = '/' return reset: -> @store.clear() @settings.reset() @db?.reset() @appCache?.update() window.location = '/' return showTip: (tip) -> return if @isSingleDoc() tips = @settings.get('tips') || [] if tips.indexOf(tip) is -1 tips.push(tip) @settings.set('tips', tips) new app.views.Tip(tip) return showLoading: -> document.body.classList.remove '_noscript' document.body.classList.add '_loading' return hideLoading: -> document.body.classList.remove '_booting' document.body.classList.remove '_loading' return indexHost: -> # Can't load the index files from the host/CDN when applicationCache is # enabled because it doesn't support caching URLs that use CORS. @config[if @appCache and @settings.hasDocs() then 'index_path' else 'docs_host'] toggleSidebar: -> state = @el.getAttribute('data-sidebar') newState = if state == 'visible' then 'hidden' else 'visible' @el.setAttribute('data-sidebar', newState) @settings.setSidebar(newState) @appCache?.updateInBackground() return onBootError: (args...) -> @trigger 'bootError' @hideLoading() return onQuotaExceeded: -> return if @quotaExceeded @quotaExceeded = true new app.views.Notif 'QuotaExceeded', autoHide: null Raven.captureMessage 'QuotaExceededError' onWindowError: (args...) -> if @isInjectionError args... @onInjectionError() else if @isAppError args... @previousErrorHandler? args... @hideLoading() @errorNotif or= new app.views.Notif 'Error' @errorNotif.show() return onInjectionError: -> unless @injectionError @injectionError = true alert """ JavaScript code has been injected in the page which prevents DevDocs from running correctly. Please check your browser extensions/addons. """ Raven.captureMessage 'injection error' return isInjectionError: -> # Some browser extensions expect the entire web to use jQuery. # I gave up trying to fight back. window.$ isnt app._$ or window.$$ isnt app._$$ or window.page isnt app._page isAppError: (error, file) -> # Ignore errors from external scripts. file and file.indexOf('devdocs') isnt -1 and file.indexOf('.js') is file.length - 3 isSupportedBrowser: -> try features = bind: !!Function::bind pushState: !!history.pushState matchMedia: !!window.matchMedia classList: !!document.body.classList insertAdjacentHTML: !!document.body.insertAdjacentHTML defaultPrevented: document.createEvent('CustomEvent').defaultPrevented is false cssGradients: supportsCssGradients() for key, value of features when not value Raven.captureMessage "unsupported/#{key}" return false true catch error Raven.captureMessage 'unsupported/exception', extra: { error: error } false isSingleDoc: -> !!(@DOC or @doc) isMobile: -> @_isMobile ?= app.views.Mobile.detect() isInvalidLocation: -> @config.env is 'production' and location.host.indexOf(app.config.production_host) isnt 0 supportsCssGradients = -> el = document.createElement('div') el.style.cssText = "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #000, #fff); background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #000, #fff);" el.style.backgroundImage.indexOf('gradient') >= 0 $.extend app, Events