### * Based on github.com/visionmedia/page.js * Licensed under the MIT license * Copyright 2012 TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca> ### running = false currentState = null callbacks = [] @page = (value, fn) -> if typeof value is 'function' page '*', value else if typeof fn is 'function' route = new Route(value) callbacks.push route.middleware(fn) else if typeof value is 'string' page.show(value, fn) else page.start(value) return page.start = (options = {}) -> unless running running = true addEventListener 'popstate', onpopstate addEventListener 'click', onclick page.replace currentPath(), null, null, true return page.stop = -> if running running = false removeEventListener 'click', onclick removeEventListener 'popstate', onpopstate return page.show = (path, state) -> return if path is currentState?.path context = new Context(path, state) previousState = currentState currentState = context.state if res = page.dispatch(context) currentState = previousState location.assign(res) else context.pushState() updateCanonicalLink() track() context page.replace = (path, state, skipDispatch, init) -> context = new Context(path, state or currentState) context.init = init currentState = context.state result = page.dispatch(context) unless skipDispatch if result context = new Context(result) context.init = init currentState = context.state page.dispatch(context) context.replaceState() updateCanonicalLink() track() unless skipDispatch context page.dispatch = (context) -> i = 0 next = -> res = fn(context, next) if fn = callbacks[i++] return res return next() page.canGoBack = -> not Context.isIntialState(currentState) page.canGoForward = -> not Context.isLastState(currentState) currentPath = -> location.pathname + location.search + location.hash class Context @initialPath: currentPath() @sessionId: Date.now() @stateId: 0 @isIntialState: (state) -> state.id == 0 @isLastState: (state) -> state.id == @stateId - 1 @isInitialPopState: (state) -> state.path is @initialPath and @stateId is 1 @isSameSession: (state) -> state.sessionId is @sessionId constructor: (@path = '/', @state = {}) -> @pathname = @path.replace /(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$/, (_, query, hash) => @query = query @hash = hash '' @state.id ?= @constructor.stateId++ @state.sessionId ?= @constructor.sessionId @state.path = @path pushState: -> history.pushState @state, '', @path return replaceState: -> try history.replaceState @state, '', @path # NS_ERROR_FAILURE in Firefox return class Route constructor: (@path, options = {}) -> @keys = [] @regexp = pathtoRegexp @path, @keys middleware: (fn) -> (context, next) => if @match context.pathname, params = [] context.params = params return fn(context, next) else return next() match: (path, params) -> return unless matchData = @regexp.exec(path) for value, i in matchData[1..] value = decodeURIComponent value if typeof value is 'string' if key = @keys[i] params[key.name] = value else params.push value true pathtoRegexp = (path, keys) -> return path if path instanceof RegExp path = "(#{path.join '|'})" if path instanceof Array path = path .replace /\/\(/g, '(?:/' .replace /(\/)?(\.)?:(\w+)(?:(\(.*?\)))?(\?)?/g, (_, slash = '', format = '', key, capture, optional) -> keys.push name: key, optional: !!optional str = if optional then '' else slash str += '(?:' str += slash if optional str += format str += capture or if format then '([^/.]+?)' else '([^/]+?)' str += ')' str += optional if optional str .replace /([\/.])/g, '\\$1' .replace /\*/g, '(.*)' new RegExp "^#{path}$" onpopstate = (event) -> return if not event.state or Context.isInitialPopState(event.state) if Context.isSameSession(event.state) page.replace(event.state.path, event.state) else location.reload() return onclick = (event) -> try return if event.which isnt 1 or event.metaKey or event.ctrlKey or event.shiftKey or event.defaultPrevented catch return link = $.eventTarget(event) link = link.parentNode while link and link.tagName isnt 'A' if link and not link.target and isSameOrigin(link.href) event.preventDefault() path = link.pathname + link.search + link.hash path = path.replace /^\/\/+/, '/' # IE11 bug page.show(path) return isSameOrigin = (url) -> url.indexOf("#{location.protocol}//#{location.hostname}") is 0 updateCanonicalLink = -> @canonicalLink ||= document.head.querySelector('link[rel="canonical"]') @canonicalLink.setAttribute('href', "https://#{location.host}#{location.pathname}") trackers = [] page.track = (fn) -> trackers.push(fn) return track = -> return unless app.config.env == 'production' return if navigator.doNotTrack == '1' return if navigator.globalPrivacyControl consentGiven = Cookies.get('analyticsConsent') consentAsked = Cookies.get('analyticsConsentAsked') if consentGiven == '1' tracker.call() for tracker in trackers else if consentGiven == undefined and consentAsked == undefined # Only ask for consent once per browser session Cookies.set('analyticsConsentAsked', '1') new app.views.Notif 'AnalyticsConsent', autoHide: null return @resetAnalytics = -> for cookie in document.cookie.split(/;\s?/) name = cookie.split('=')[0] if name[0] == '_' && name[1] != '_' Cookies.expire(name) return