require 'pry' class ConsoleCLI < Thor def self.to_s 'Console' end def initialize(*args) trap('INT') { puts; exit } # exit on ^C super end default_command :default desc '', 'Start a REPL' def default Pry.start end desc 'docs', 'Start a REPL in the "Docs" module' def docs require 'docs' Docs.pry end end Pry::Commands.create_command 'test' do description 'Run tests in the "test" directory' group 'Testing' banner <<-BANNER Usage: test [<path>] If <path> is a file, run it ("_test.rb" suffix is optional). If <path> is a directory, run all test files inside it. Default to all test files. BANNER def process if pattern = args.first pattern.prepend 'test/' if pattern << '/**/*_test.rb' elsif File.extname(pattern).empty? pattern << '*_test.rb' end else pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' end paths = Dir.glob(pattern).map(&File.method(:expand_path)) if paths.empty? output.puts 'No test files found.' return end pid = fork do begin $LOAD_PATH.unshift 'test' paths.each(&method(:require)) rescue Exception => e _pry_.last_exception = e run 'wtf?' exit! end end Process.wait(pid) end end