module Docs class Threejs < FileScraper = 'Three.js' self.type = 'simple' self.slug = 'threejs' self.links = { home: '', code: '' } html_filters.push 'threejs/entries', 'threejs/clean_html' # The content is directly in the body options[:container] = 'body' options[:skip] = %w( prettify.js lesson.js lang.css lesson.css editor.html list.js page.js ) options[:only_patterns] = [ /\Aapi\/en\/.+\.html/, # API documentation /\Amanual\/en\/.+\.html/ # Manual pages ] options[:skip_patterns] = [ /examples/, /\A_/, /\Aresources\//, /\Ascenes\// ] options[:attribution] = <<-HTML © 2010–#{Time.current.year} Three.js Authors
Licensed under the MIT License. HTML version '171' do self.release = '171' self.base_url = "" end def get_latest_version(opts) get_latest_github_release('mrdoob', 'three.js', opts) end def initial_paths paths = [] json_path = File.expand_path("/tmp/list.json") json_content = json_data = JSON.parse(json_content) # Process both API and manual sections process_documentation(json_data['en'], paths) paths end private def process_documentation(data, paths, prefix = '') data.each do |category, items| if items.is_a?(Hash) if items.values.first.is_a?(String) # This is a leaf node with actual pages items.each do |name, path| paths << "#{path}.html" end else # This is a category with subcategories items.each do |subcategory, subitems| process_documentation(items, paths, "#{prefix}#{category}/") end end end end end end end